TOKYO. TOKYO Undergraduate Schools Graduate Schools.


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13 21 Undergraduate Schools Graduate Schools

12 7 Undergraduate English based Graduate Degree Programs

Undergraduate:44,295 Total Students 53,574 Graduate:9,279

4 students from Switzerland 5,066 /108 International Students 4 students from Switzerland 328 students from Europe #1 in Japan

725 Partners among Leading Global Institutions


610,000+ Alumni around the world

7 610,000+ Prime Ministers

610,000+ 112 #1 CEOs Masaru Ibuka, Founder SONY Tadashi Yanai, CEO Companies Listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (University Ranking 2015, Asahi Shimbun Publications) Tadashi Yanai, CEO UNIQLO Kun Hee-Lee, Chairman SAMSUNG

Career Paths Columbia University University of Pennsylvania The London School of Economics and Political Science University of California, Berkeley University of Oxford University of Cambridge Peking University University of Hong Kong Seoul National University National University of Singapore The University of Tokyo etc

Career Paths

#1 in Japan #33 in the World Career Path Graduate Employability Rankings #1 in Japan #33 in the World (QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2016)

23 Dorms 23

WISH 872 beds

50% of International Students receive scholarships

Learning Japanese Language Studying at Waseda University Obtaining a Degree Exchange Program Learning Japanese Language Summer Session

Undergraduate Programs International Liberal Studies Law Culture, Media, and Society Education Political Science & Economics Undergraduate Programs Commerce Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Fundamental Sci. & Eng. Japanese Human Sciences Creative Sci. & Eng. Japanese & English Advanced Sci. & Eng. Sports Sciences English

Graduate Programs International Culture and Communication Law Information, Production and Systems Education Sports Sciences (*) Letters, Arts, and Sciences Asia-Pacific Studies Human Sciences Graduate Programs Business School Japanese Linguistics Advanced Sci. & Eng. Environment and Energy Eng. Creative Sci. & Eng. Japanese Public Management Japanese & English Fundamental Sci. & Eng. Law School Commerce (*) English Accountancy (*) English-based program is available only for PhD Course Social Sciences Political Science Economics

7 Partner universities in Switzerland Exchange Program 7 Partner universities in Switzerland International Institute for Management Development International Telecommunications Union University of Basel University of Geneva University of Lausanne University of Zurich University of St. Gallen (Partnership with Waseda Business School)

Short-term Japanese Language Course わせだ日本語サポート おはようございます 日本語 Short-term Japanese Language Course はじめまして アイウエオ ありがとう Duration: 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 6 months, or 1 year Tuition: 90,000 – 978,400 JPY (850 – 9,200 CHF) Courses: Zero starter to super advance  Students can design their own courses based on their level and goals こんにちは プレイスメントテスト あいうえお もしもし いただきます 日本語教育センター おやすみなさい すみません

Duration: 4 weeks ( June to July) Tuition: 470,000 JPY (4,427 CHF) Courses: Choose 2 courses from business, culture, economics, history, literature & art, politics, sociology. Optional Japanese class (additional ¥33,800 (318CHF))

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