GCSE Psychology Re-cap test
1 The amygdala creates an e________ response
2 When the amygdala is removed from animals do they become aggressive or calm?
3 What was the case study in which a women's amygdala was electrically stimulated and she became aggressive?
4 What was Charles Whitman famous for?
5 Are case studies reliable or unreliable?
6 How do hormones (such as testosterone) get into their designated organs?
7 What do correlations look for?
8 Who wrote ‘Social Learning Theory’?
9 What is vicarious reinforcement?
10 What does A.R.M.M stand for?
11 Out of ‘Nature’ and ‘Nurture’ what are we said to be born with?
12 What two countries were used in the Ramirez et al (2001) study?
13 How many psychology students were involved in the Ramirez et al (2001) study?
14 In the Ramirez et al (2001) study how many points were for the point scale?
15 In the Ramirez et al (2001) study what data was collected?
16 What is a content analysis?
17 What year was the Anderson and Dill study?
18 What type of experiment was the Anderson and Dill study?
19 Name one of the games used in the study
20 What school shooting that we have spoken can be linked to this study?
21 Where was the Charlton et al (2000) study conducted?
22 What type of experiment was the Charlton et al (2000) study?
23 In which country did the Williams et al (1981) study take place?
24 Out of the Charlton and Williams study which one supported the concept that TV promotes aggressive behaviour in children?
25 What does ‘BPS’ stand for?