Extended response based on our article of the week
The author would not agree. Prompt: Kalie’s mom wants to buy her daughter a turtle for her birthday. Would the author agree with this type of present? Extended response Day 1 Reason 1 Reason 2 The author would not agree. Evidence Reason 3 Evidence Evidence
Day 1 Introduction paragraph Example: Going out into the wilderness can be wild and exhilarating. In the wild, you may see all kind of animals, even turtles. The author would definitely not agree with the mother buying her daughter a pet turtle. She will not agree because she would rather see turtles in the wild, families may lose interest in the turtle, and turtles can get you sick. Like I said before, I love seeing animals in the wild. Example format. General Statement of hook. Relate your hook to the prompt. Answer the question. Thesis. Transition sentence. Hook Relate Answer Thesis Transition
Paragraph 2 : reason one Day 2 Thesis: She will not agree because she would rather see turtles in the wild, families may lose interest in the turtle, and turtles can get you sick. Animals should be seen in the wild. In paragraph ______, the author states, _____________________. Imagine going out into the forest and all of the animals are gone because they were taken hostage and held prisoners in apartments, homes, or yards. If we want to see animals, we should go where they are and take pictures. It’s easy to get rid of a picture of a turtle rather than a real life one. Example format. Topic sentence Cite evidence Explain Give example Transition . 1. Topic sentence 2. Cite your evidence 3.Explain 4. Example 5. Transition
Paragraph 3 : reason two Day 2 Thesis: She will not agree because she would rather see turtles in the wild, families may lose interest in the turtle, and turtles can get you sick. Example format. Topic sentence Cite evidence Explain Give example Transition . 1. Topic sentence Families may lose interest in their pet turtle. According to the author, ______________. Turtles have been known to live for eighty years. Are you willing to care for a turtle f or that long? If you get tired of your pet, you can’t expect to just take it into the woods and leave it; especially if you had it since it was a baby. Turtles can get used to people but not all get tamed. 2. Cite your evidence 3.Explain 4. Example 5. Transition
Paragraph 4 : reason 3 Day 2 Thesis: She will not agree because she would rather see turtles in the wild, families may lose interest in the turtle, and turtles can get you sick. Not all animals are a match for the human body. Based on the article, I learned ____________________________. If I caught this from my turtle, I could end up in the hospital. There was a girl in my class who had salmonella. It gave her night sweats, an upset stomach, and five days out of school. If you must get a pet, think about one with fur instead of a reptile like creature. Example format. Topic sentence Cite evidence Explain Give example Transition . 1. Topic sentence 2. Cite your evidence 3.Explain 4. Example 5. Transition
Paragraph 5 conclusion Sum up your ideas.
Going out into the wilderness can be wild and exhilarating Going out into the wilderness can be wild and exhilarating. In the wild, you may see all kind of animals, even turtles. The author would definitely not agree with the mother buying her daughter a pet turtle. She will not agree because she would rather see turtles in the wild, families may lose interest in the turtle, and turtles can get you sick. Like I said before, I love seeing animals in the wild. Animals should be seen in the wild. In paragraph ______, the author states, _____________________. Imagine going out into the forest and all of the animals are gone because they were taken hostage and held prisoners in apartments, homes, or yards. If we want to see animals, we should go where they are and take pictures. It’s easy to get rid of a picture of a turtle rather than a real life one. Families may lose interest in their pet turtle. According to the author, ______________. Turtles have been known to live for eighty years. Are you willing to care for a turtle for that long? If you get tired of your pet, you can’t expect to just take it into the woods and leave it; especially if you had it since it was a baby. Turtles can get used to people but not all get tamed. Not all animals are a match for the human body. Based on the article, I learned ____________________________. If I caught this from my turtle, I could end up in the hospital. There was a girl in my class who had salmonella. It gave her night sweats, an upset stomach, and five days out of school. If you must get a pet, think about one with fur instead of a reptile like creature. As sweet as turtles may look, I would not keep on as a pet. In “No Teenage Mutant Needed Here,” I learned that turtles should be kept in the wild because owners may get sick of them, they love their natural habitat, and they have the potential to get us sick. We only get one environment, let us take care of it!