Monday Bell Ringer (ODD) In your reading journal, Write about what you did over Thanksgiving break. 1. Have a pencil ready for 2. Begin the bell ringer in your READING composition journal if your work is complete. Draw a line under the last prompt and add this to the same page. If you have to start a new page, add it to the table of contents.
A Voice pg. 241/Words Like Freedom pg. 244 Figurative Language –Online Tutorial A simile is a comparison of two things that uses the words like or as. A metaphor is a comparison of two things that does not use like or as A writer’s tone is his or her attitude toward a subject. Tone is often described with a single adjective, such as angry, playful, or mocking.
A Voice pg. 241/Words Like Freedom pg. 244 Answer the questions on pg. 246 in your journal. Remember to restate the questions and use details to support your answer. Restate, Answer, Prove = RAP it! Title the page and add it to your table of contents. Write your own poem using the Performance Task directions on page 246. It must have at least 5 stanzas and a minimum of 3 lines in each stanza. You must use at least 5 adjectives in your writing. Title the page and add it to your table of contents. Read a book if all your work is complete.
Tuesday Bell Ringer (EVEN) Imagine that you have been asked to help raise money for a local charity. Choose a charity and write to convince readers to contribute to the fundraising campaign. Be sure to explain why they should help or donate to the charity. 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Begin the bell ringer in your READING composition journal if your work is complete. Draw a line under the last prompt and add this to the same page. If you have to start a new page, add it to the table of contents.
Views on Zoos - Close Reader pg. 63 1. As you read, mark the text following the close read directions. 2. Mark the text for pros (should be in existence) and cons (should not be in existence). 3. Answer each question as you read. 4. When finished you will plan a 5 paragraph essay on whether or not you think zoos should be in existence. Create a chicken foot that clearly states your claim, 3 reasons, and 2 pieces of evidence to support each reason. You may also use the performance assessment book pages 4-7 as sources.
Wednesday Bell Ringer (ODD-FULL DAY) “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” –Mark Twain What does the quote of the week mean? Why do you think the author said it? How can you relate the quote to your life? 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Begin the bell ringer in your READING composition journal if your work is complete. Draw a line under the last prompt and add this to the same page. If you have to start a new page, add it to the table of contents.
Should zoos be in existence? Write your 5 paragraph essay. Remember to state your claim, 3 reasons, and have 2 pieces of evidence for each reason. You must have a clear introduction, 3 body paragraphs, counter argument, and conclusion. Each body paragraph should follow I.C.E = Introduce, Cite, Elaboration Should be 4-6 sentences for each body paragraph. Remember to restate your claim and reasons in your conclusion. Read a book when you are done with your draft.
Thursday Bell Ringer (EVEN) 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Begin the bell ringer in your READING composition journal if your work is complete. Draw a line under the last prompt and add this to the same page. If you have to start a new page, add it to the table of contents. Write a claim about the following topic: school uniforms *Remember a claim does not use I believe, I think, or my. You must have 3 reasons to support your claim.
Should zoos be in existence? Write your 5 paragraph essay. Remember to state your claim, 3 reasons, and have 2 pieces of evidence for each reason. You must have a clear introduction, 3 body paragraphs, counter argument, and conclusion. Each body paragraph should follow I.C.E = Introduce, Cite, Elaboration Should be 4-6 sentences for each body paragraph. Remember to restate your claim and reasons in your conclusion. Read a book when you are done with your draft.
ThinkCERCA ThinkCERCA assignments: -Summarizing lesson and quiz -Extended Learning cerca set (7/8th) -Yes to Uniforms cerca set (5/6th/1st & 2nd)
Zoo Brochure 1. You will create a brochure advertising visitors to come visit your zoo 2. You will use the close reader passage: Views on Zoos 3. Your brochure must include: -Title page with a title of the zoo and hours -Information about the exhibits and animals at the zoo -Ways the zoo is helping the animals Or create a brochure convincing people to stop visiting zoos: -Title page with name of organization fighting to close zoos -Information about why people should not visit zoos -The harm zoos cause to animals -What other people can do to learn about animals besides going to a zoo
Friday Bell Ringer (regular) 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Get a book for the bell ringer. Read for the bell ringer.
ThinkCERCA ThinkCERCA assignments: -Summarizing lesson and quiz -Extended Learning cerca set (7/8th) -Yes to Uniforms cerca set (5/6th/1st & 2nd)
Zoo Brochure 1. You will create a brochure advertising visitors to come visit your zoo 2. You will use the close reader passage: Views on Zoos 3. Your brochure must include: -Title page with a title of the zoo and hours -Information about the exhibits and animals at the zoo -Ways the zoo is helping the animals Or create a brochure convincing people to stop visiting zoos: -Title page with name of organization fighting to close zoos -Information about why people should not visit zoos -The harm zoos cause to animals -What other people can do to learn about animals besides going to a zoo