Write this definition on top of page 10. The purpose of ARGUMENTATIVE Writing/Text is to establish a claim and prove it with evidence from research.
Animal testing is when scientists use animals to test drugs and medical procedures that are developed into medicines and surgeries that help and cure humans of illnesses and diseases. Medical research involving animals has dramatically improved the health of the human race. Without animal testing, the cure for polio would not exist and people with diabetes would suffer or die from this disease. Animal testing allows scientists to test and create new drugs and medical procedures. According the article by Brown and Smith, animals such as monkeys and rabbits have similar physical processes to humans. By using these animals and others like them, this allows scientist to test the effects of certain drugs such as chemotherapy drugs for cancer and nerve blocking drugs for painkillers. Then, the scientists can make medicines to help humans using the research conducted on the animals. If a drug produces harmful effect in an animal, it will be probably unfit for humans. Animal testing is cheap. In the article entitled, “Using Animals: Good or Bad”, there is a large supply of animals for medical research. Animal breeding is faster and easier and animals can be controlled in labs. This makes it less expensive to use them to test the effects of drugs on certain diseases and illnesses. Animals can produce multiple offspring when they breed. The cost to use humans for this would be way too expensive because we don’t breed as fast as the animals. On the other hand, some people argue that animal testing is cruel. This may be true but it would be more brutal to test drugs on people and children. Testing unknown drugs on humans could cause pain, deformity and even death. Furthermore, as stated in an article by Brown and Williams, humans could die from using drugs that have not been tested thoroughly. In conclusion, animal testing is an inexpensive way to test and create drugs that could treat and cure illnesses and diseases. I would much rather an animal die than a human. How about you?
ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY PARTS: INTRO PARAGRAPH– HOOKS the audience, Animal testing is when scientists use animals to test drugs and medical procedures that are developed into medicines and surgeries that help and cure humans of illnesses and diseases. Medical research involving animals has dramatically improved the health of the human race. Without animal testing, the cure for polio would not exist and people with diabetes would suffer or die from this disease. Animal testing allows scientists to test and create new drugs and medical procedures. According the article by Brown and Smith, animals such as monkeys and rabbits have similar physical processes to humans. By using these animals and others like them, this allows scientist to test the effects of certain drugs such as chemotherapy drugs for cancer and nerve blocking drugs for painkillers. Then, the scientists can make medicines to help humans using the research conducted on the animals. If a drug produces harmful effect in an animal, it will be probably unfit for humans. Animal testing is cheap. In the article entitled, “Using Animals: Good or Bad”, there is a large supply of animals for medical research. Animal breeding is faster and easier and animals can be controlled in labs. This makes it less expensive to use them to test the effects of drugs on certain diseases and illnesses. Animals can produce multiple offspring when they breed. The cost to use humans for this would be way too expensive because we don’t breed as fast as the animals. On the other hand, some people argue that animal testing is cruel. This may be true but it would be more brutal to test drugs on people and children. Testing unknown drugs on humans could cause pain, deformity and even death. Furthermore, as stated in an article by Brown and Williams, humans could die from using drugs that have not been tested thoroughly. In conclusion, animal testing is an inexpensive way to test and create drugs that could treat and cure illnesses and diseases. I would much rather an animal die than a human. How about you? ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY PARTS: INTRO PARAGRAPH– HOOKS the audience, introduces the topic, states the writer’s claim (thesis statement). THESIS STATEMENT – states writer’s claim (his/her Argument) BODY PARAGRAPH – states the writer’s reasons to support his/her claim, supports the reasons with evidence (facts) from research. LAST BODY PARAGRAPH – states the Counterclaim; states and supports the writer’s final reason COUNTER CLAIM – argument against the writer’s claim (argument) CONCLUSION – restate the writer’s argument and claim; Bang!Bang!!
ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY PARTS OPEN BOOK PRACTICE TEST: Do this assignment on page 11 in the WRITING SECTION – write THE QUESTION AND THE ANSWER ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY PARTS OPEN BOOK PRACTICE TEST: 1. What sentence/statement states writer’s claim (writer’s Argument)? 2. What paragraph restates the writer’s argument and claim and has the Bang!Bang!!? 3. What paragraph states the writer’s reasons to support his/her claim, and supports the reasons with evidence (facts) from research? 4. What paragraph states the Counterclaim and states and supports the writer’s final reason? 5. What is the name of the argument against the writer’s claim (argument)? 6. What is the purpose the BANG! BANG!!?? 7. What is the writers’ argument also known as? 8. What paragraph HOOKS the audience, introduces the topic, states the writer’s claim (thesis statement) ? 9. What parts supports the reader’s claim and must come from other sources of information and facts? 10. What is the purpose of ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING?