Excel Action List So far the action list was a simple word file, updated whenever needed The list got long (54 active actions) Difficult to organize Difficult to manage Difficult to extract specific action no history Better to organize like a database - Keep a complete history Use tags to select actions according to status (active/done) category (workpackage) names This can easily be achieved using an Excel spreadsheet In addition google docs allows www viewing and editing of such an document
Basic Spreadsheet
WWW access -easy WWW base access for viewing (and editing) -Excel functions should be available Google docs does the job You need to open an google docs account Ýou need to be include in the ‚share‘ list Access: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0ApDEG8lkoHcwdFI5LTlUZmg1WDlIT3VodDZjUjBBU2c&hl=en&pli=1#gid=0
Google Docs View In order to use filtering: open ‚view‘ and select ‚list view‘
List View
Result Multiple filters are possible: e.g. onle ‚active‘ actions of a certain WP