Company Profile CV. DEELHA Head Office : Jl. Menanggal Utara No. 36 Surabaya 60234 Jawa Timur Phone : +62 31 8290032 Branch Office : Perumahan Taman Royal 3 Cluster Akasia 3 Blok AS 21 / 3 Tanah Tinggi - Tangerang 15124 Jawa Barat Phone : +6281703107600 / +6281330467600 / +628885717600 / +6285731827800 Company Profile
Introduction CV . DEELHA is a profit company that offering service of material’s supply , installation also maintenance. It has been regeneration from the former company, SEA JAY antenna system since 1982. Recently CV. DEELHA dare to widen range and provide service with offering “ ONE STOP SERVICE ” that are related with Radio Telekomunication, Integrator System, WI-FI ( Wireless Fidelity ), Ligtening Protector and Grounding System, Control Power System, Genzet, Camera CCTV / Surveilence System, Tower Antenna, and Air Conditioning (AC). Our technicians are credible and having experience in their specified field, even in planning also create design technically and estetically. They have background in Electro , Civil and Informatika that will be a smart guarantee to perform and achieve good result optimally. At the end we are expecting that CV. DEELHA could gain trustworthy to participate even in government purpose and private purpose.
Mission & Vision Data of Company Mission : Vision : Motto : “ We Give More Than You Need “ Vision : “ We are Your Solution of Your Job “ Motto : “ Your Solution “ Data of Company Company Name : CV. DEELHA Address : Jl. Menanggal Utara No. 36 Surabaya - 60234 Phone : (031) 8290032 Company Status : CV Based on Akta Notaris SOERATMAN, S.H Licensy : NPWP : TDP : 130135116692 SIUP : 510/3644/402.4.12/2003
Field & Service CV. DEELHA is having 4 fields and services as follows : DIVISION of DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Build your net computer to be safe and smart. Field of service : SOFTWARE, HARDWARE, Wi-Fi support, cabling system, camera CCTV DIVISION of RADIO COMMUNICATION Realize Voice Communication become better easily . Field of service : HF TRANCEIVER, VHF - UHF REPEATER, ANTENNA SYSTEM DIVISION of TOWER COMMUNICATION Build infrastructure to realize smart service. Field of service : THREE ANGLE TOWER, STANDING TOWER , GROUNDING SYSTEM, INTERNAL PROTECTION, DC POWER SUPPLY, UPS, GENSET. DIVISION of Air Condition & MAINTENANCE Build infrastructure AC (Air Condition) and maintain properly with high quality. Field of service : Supply of material, Installing and maintain AC Split, AC Window,
Conventional Radio And Trunking Radio Communication Repeater Motorola VHF / UHF SSB / HF / ICOM – M710 Pro SSB / HF / ICOM – M710 HT (Handy Talky) VHF Marine VHF Motorola GM-338 VHF Boster / Amplifier Mirrage Automatic Tuner ICOM Antenna Radio Communication System REPEATER TRUNKING SYSTEM 800 MHz UPS & Power Supply System Product REPEATER TRUNKING SYSTEM 800 MHz
Radio Wi-Fi 2.4 & 5.7 GHz & VoIP Product Radio CANOPY - MOTOROLA Radio Proxim Radio Mikrotik Radio Alvarion Network System Radio Senao Antenna Grid Parabolic 24 dB VOIP Antenna Solid Dish Parabolic Cable indoor UTP Cat 5 E Cable Outdoor UTP Cat 5 E Product
Surge Protector & Grounding System Protection of Radio Voice TRANSTECTOR Protector of Actif Ligtening Protection of High Voltage OBO - BETTERMAN Protection of Radio Data Product Grounding System
Tower Telecommunication Standing Tower Square Tower Three Angle Spander Mobile Tower Standing Tower Three Angle Pipe Monopole & Telescopic Shelter / Repeater CKD Room Product
Camera CCTV Product
NO NAME of COMPANY JOB YEAR VALUE of PROJECT 1 PT. NAJATIM Maintenance Radio Communication 2000 Rp 150.000.000,00 Jl. Nilam Barat VHF, SSB, and Antenna System Surabaya 2 PT. Bintang Era Sinar Tama Rp 200.725.000,00 Jl. Tanjung Tembaga No. 8 3 PT. PERTAMINA 2001 Rp 400.000.000,00 Jl. Jagir Wonokromo No. 1 VHF, SSB, and Antenna System 4 PT. Peti Kemas Surabaya Maintenance Radio Communication 2003 Rp 270.000.000,00 Jl. Tanjung Mutiara No. 1 5 PT. Bangun Era Sinar Tama 2004 Rp 195.000.000,00 Medan 6 PT. PLN (PERSERO) APJ MALANG Install Radio Communication Rp 215.000.000,00 Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 100 Trunking System Malang
PT. PLN (PERSERO) DIST. JAYA & TANGGERANG Install Radio Communication NO NAME of COMPANY JOB YEAR VALUE of PROJECT 7 PT. PLN (PERSERO) DIST. JAYA & TANGGERANG Install Radio Communication 2004 Rp 125.000.000,00 APG. GAMBIR Trunking System and Jl. M.I.R. Rais No. 1 Grounding System Jakarta 8 PT. ARTI DUTA ANEKA USAHA Supply and Install Rp 350.000.000,00 Jl. Ciliwung No. 1 Antenna Trunking System Surabaya And Grounding system Jatim 9 PT. WANTORO UTAMA 2005 Rp 275.000.000,00 Jl. Margorejo Indah III Blok C - 104 Wi-Fi for Payment Point PLN and Grounding System 10 PT. Tri Sakti Nusantara Rp 255.500.000,00 Antenna Trunking System, Power Supply, Grounding System 11 PT. Bentang Maintenance Radio Communication 2000 Rp 210.625.000,00 SURABAYA VHF, SSB, and Antenna System
NO NAMA PEKERJAAN TAHUN NILAI PROJECT 12 PT. Dutakom Wibawa Putra Supply and Install 2002 Rp 100.967.000,00 Jl. Basuki Rahmat 106 - 108 Tower Three Angle 40 Mtrs Surabaya In 5 site 13 PT. Tulus Tri Tunggal Rp 15.725.000,00 Jl. Margomulyo Tower Three Angle 30 Mtrs 14 PT. Prima Aloy Rp 17.625.000,00 Jl. Raya Gedangan 15 PT. PLN (PERSERO) DISTRIBUSI JATIM 2004 Rp 758.000.000,00 Jl. Embong Trengguli and Standing Tower 16 PT. Arti Duta Aneka Usaha Rp 1.958.000.000,00 Jl. Ciliwung No. 1 17 PT. Peti Kemas Surabaya Rp 325.000.000,00 Jl. Tanjung Mutiara No. 1
NO NAME of COMPANY JOB YEAR VALUE of PROJECT 18 PT. Riau Baraharum Supply and Install 2005 Rp 200.967.000,00 Desa Mumpa – Kelisa Tower Three Angle 60 Mtrs and RIAU Radio Communication in 2 site 19 PT. Sukajadi Sawit Mekar 2006 Rp 415.725.000,00 Spring Tower 04 - 42 Tower Three Angle 60 Mtrs, Jl. K.L. Yos Sudarso Tanjung Mulia - Medan UPS, Radio Link 20 PT. Maju Aneka Sawit Rp 173.625.000,00 Spring Tower 04 - 43 Tower Three Angle 60 Mtrs, UPS, Radio Link 21 PT. Globalindo Alam Sahara Spring Tower 04 - 41 22 PT. Sutindo Raya Mulia 2007 Rp 78.500.000,00 Jl. Tanjungsari 44 I Surabaya Tower Three Angle and Radio Link 23 E~Online ( ISP ) Rp 88.750.000,00 Jl. H.R. Mohammad Square Surabaya
NO NAME of COMPANY JOB YEAR VALUE of PROJECT 24 PT. Indosat Mega Media ( IM2 ) Supply and Install 2008 Rp 20.325.000,00 Jl. Kayoon - Surabaya Tower Three Angle 25 PT. Varia Usaha Rp 126.000.000,00 Gresik – Jawa Timur 26 Pemerintah Kabupaten Bangkalan Rp 175.000.000,00 Bangkalan – Madura – Jawa Timur Tower Three Angle 60 Mtrs VHF Radio Communication 27 PT. Multiplus Indonesia Rp 150.000.000,00 Tanjung Duren - Jakarta Tower Three Angle and Pipe Telescopic and Radio link Mikrotik 28 PT. Angkasa Mulya Trading 2009 Rp 60.000.000,00 Kedungdoro - Surabaya Radio Link Mikrotik 29 PT. Perdana Elektronik Rp 80.000.000,00 Panglima Sudirman - Surabaya Pipe Telescopic and Radio Link Mikrotik
NO NAME of COMPANY JOB YEAR VALUE of PROJECT 30 PT. PLATINUM Supply and Install 2009 Rp 90.000.000,00 Panglima Sudirman - Surabaya Pipe Monopole and Radio Motorola 31 CV. Surya Megah Expertindo Rp 140.000.000,00 Ngagel – Surabaya – Jawa Timur Pipe Monopole, Radio Link, VoIP, Camera CCTV 32 PT. Benteng Anugerah Sejahtera Rp 86.000.000,00 Tanjungsari – Surabaya – Jawa Timur LAN Network 33 PT. ESATEK Rp 250.000.000,00 Gaharu - Cilandak - Jakarta Tower Three Angle and Radio link Motorola in Sul. Ut. 34 PT. Indra Jaya Swastika Rp 220.000.000,00 Surabaya Radio link, LAN Network, FO 35 PT. PENDOPO MULTI KARYA Rp 130.000.000,00 Cikini – Jakarta Pusat Tower Three Angle, Pipe Monopole Radio link Motorola and Camera CCTV di Istana Kepresidenan