Campus Training EOC Training DEC 2016 ENG I, ENG II, ALG I, BIO & US HIST EOC Training DEC 2016
Please Note… This training does NOT take the place of reading ALL of the appropriate manuals Please recycle your 2016 Test Administrator Manuals once December testing is completed ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Testing Schedule
TIMELINES English I and II Primary Testing Dates -TEA Determined; Algebra I, Biology, U.S. History – Testing Dates Determined by Each Campus Monday, December 5th Tuesday, December 6th Wednesday, December 7th Thursday, December 8th Friday, December 9th English I May also administer Algebra I, Biology, and U.S. History English I Make-Ups English II Make-Ups for any test previously administered Last day for Make-Ups
Campus Testing Schedule ADD your campus-specific information about your testing schedule When will testing begin? How will late arrivals be tested? What is the schedule for lunch? What is your procedure for attendance? What is the procedure for the consolidation of students testing beyond the 4 hours? ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Duties ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Test Administrator (TA) Duties 11 Test Administrator (TA) Duties Maintain test security Distribute test materials to students prior to testing Implement testing policies and procedures as directed in training Attendance must be taken and roster signed Read aloud test directions and telecommunication device policies verbatim Actively monitor at all times ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Test Administrator (TA) Duties 11 Test Administrator (TA) Duties Monitor and speak or post time remaining; do so more frequently during last hour. IF ANY STUDENTS ARE NOT BUBBLING IN THEIR ANSWERS BY THE LAST 30 – 45 MINUTES OF TESTING, contact a Campus Testing Coordinator (CTC)! Make sure desks are cleared of materials not used for testing Report any suspected incidents or irregularities to a CTC or Campus Administrator Prepare test materials for return to CTC ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Monitor Duties ADD your campus specific information about: Hall Monitors Restroom Monitors Cafeteria Monitors Relief Staff What are the expectations and responsibilities for these role? Explain that Active Monitoring also applies to these roles, too ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Test Security
It’s the Law! Texas Education Code (TEC) Sec. 39.0301. SECURITY IN ADMINISTRATION OF ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS. (a) The commissioner: (1) shall establish procedures for the administration of assessment instruments adopted or developed under Section 39.023, including procedures designed to ensure the security of the assessment instruments; ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
It’s the Law! Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Title 19. Education Chapter 101. Assessment Subchapter CC. Commissioner’s Rules Division 3. Security of Assessments, Required Test Administration Procedures and Training Activities §101.3031. Required Test Administration Procedures and Training Activities to Ensure Validity, Reliability, and Security of Assessments. §101.3031(b)(2). Test Security Supplement ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Test Security Test Security and Confidential Integrity is the responsibility of ALL PISD employees Each staff member who has access to testing materials must have completed security training through their campus and signed their Oath prior to handling any test materials Each staff member who has access to testing materials must have completed all three of TEA’s Security Training Modules Required by PISD only once Location: Don’t forget to include new personnel ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Test Security Test materials must be secured at all times in locked storage; ensure everyone, including custodial staff, understands this requirement Scratch paper, graph paper, supplemental aids, or reference materials on which students have written MUST be shredded after test; PLEASE DO NOT THROW THESE MATERIALS INTO THE TRASH! Do NOT leave any loose, used OR unused materials in test booklets; require TAs to collect and return them with your test materials at check-in No individuals, other than students, may perform calculations, solve, or respond to test items during test administrations If circumstances require a test booklet to be examined for any reason, you MUST call a District Testing Coordinator FIRST; districts are always required to obtain permission from TEA BEFORE viewing test booklet contents If you suspect or have confirmation that cheating has occurred, call your Campus CTC.
Key Policies
START and STOP Time E1/E2 – 5 Hours! Alg, Bio, US – 4 hours The time period will start after the Test Administrator has read directions and tells students to begin working on their tests. Start time for the test session must be recorded on the seating chart. Students must record all responses before the end of the time period. They will not be given additional time to record their responses on their answer documents. Once the time period has ended, TAs will instruct any students still testing to put their pencils down and close their test booklets or exit their online tests. Stop time for the test session must be recorded on the seating chart. Contact your Testing Coordinator if you have a student who is not recording answers on the answer document and you are concerned the answers will not be recorded at the end of 4 hours ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Late Arriving Students These students will have a later start and stop time You may test late arriving students if they will have the full four/five hours to test If they have been given Extended Time, you must decide if they will have enough time to test that day or should test on a make-up day Testing may start or end before the regularly scheduled school day but should take no longer than approximately 7 HOURS for those with extra time (same day) ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
STAAR Time Limits continued START and STOP Time STOP the clock AND document for: Medical breaks required by a student Emergencies which affect students’ ability to continue testing Lunch Traveling from one testing location to another Do NOT stop the clock for: Restroom breaks Snack breaks Stretch or mental breaks or sleeping Materials collected during a break: When testing resumes, TA must require students to confirm that the correct materials are returned to them ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Breaks & Lunch {Insert your campus plan, if any, for breaks} {Describe your campus plan for lunch} ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Announcement of Time Left to Test Communicate (orally or in writing) the amount of time left to test in one-hour intervals and, if desired, in shorter intervals during the last hour. Students who do not complete their tests within the time limit should submit what they have completed. ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Emergencies During Testing If an emergency situation arises during testing, notify a CTC as quickly as possible Should the bells ring to evacuate the building, have students place their answer document in the test booklet and close it. Leave the materials on their desks and exit quietly and calmly. If possible, doors should be locked when exiting If CTC cannot be contacted, they should ask Hall Monitor to get CTC or other campus Administrator immediately Must consider the safety of students and personnel first and foremost {discuss any campus specific plans, exit routes, etc.} ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Dictionary Policy Must be provided to students taking STAAR: - English I & II (minimum 1:5 ratio) - Standard Dictionary - Dictionary/Thesaurus Combination - Bilingual or ESL Dictionary (Only allowed for ELL students taking Algebra I, Biology an and/or U.S. History) - Sign Language Dictionary ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
31 Dictionary Policy Electronic – no internet or photographic capabilities AND cleared of note taking or file-uploading before and after testing Bilingual dictionaries are the only allowable dictionary for ELL students taking Alg I, Bio, US Hist. This is considered a linguistic accommodation and an LPAC decision ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Calculators Must be provided to students taking STAAR, STAAR A, STAAR L: Algebra I (1:1 ratio) Biology (1:5 ratio) Calculators must be cleared to factory default settings Preferable to use calculators students use regularly in class ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Reference Materials for Algebra I 33 Reference Materials for Algebra I Embedded in test booklets and perforated so students can tear them out (formula charts, graph paper, etc.) Provided online for STAAR A and STAAR L, but you may print additional copies from the ETS (TOMS) webpage, TOMS > Help> Help Resources- https://tx- Paper tests have blank space around test questions for students to make notes and perform calculations ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials Allowable Test Administration Procedures & Materials Are allowed for any student who uses them Regularly, Independently, and Effectively (RIE) Included are: Signing test administration directions and writing prompts for students Translating test administration directions into native language of student Allowing student to read test aloud to themselves Reminders to stay on task ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Allowable Test Administration Procedures & Materials Providing the following assistive tools: Scratch paper Color overlays Blank place markers Magnifying devices Highlighters or colored pencils Permission for student to use tools to minimize distractions (i.e., stress balls or noise-reducing headphones) Small group or individual administrations ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Allowable Test Administration Procedures & Materials How will the testing coordinator be notified about APTM? How will teachers be notified if they have students using APTM? What will be in the testing buckets? These accommodations should be on the room accommodations roster. However, many of you include additional items such as highlighter, etc. in the test bucket/bin. Talk about what material you are going to include. ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Training & Proper Testing Procedures
Test Administration Directions As you read the TA Manual, make note of the pages TAs will need; provide at training, have them mark their manual English I- pp. 45 - 52 English II – pp. 45 - 52 Algebra I – pp. 53 - 58 Biology – pp. 53 - 58 U.S. History – pp. 53 - 58 STAAR A & STAAR L Algebra I, Biology, and U.S. History – pp. 59 – 65 Attend separate training for TAs administering STAAR-A, STAAR-L and Oral Administration ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Test Administrator Manual Scripts cover multiple subjects and programs- Mark the pages you need To accommodate some differences in programs, the scripts use call-out boxes – Mark any that pertain to the administration you are giving Wider boxes with bold print have specific instructions to be read to students Narrow boxes with italicized print have procedural instructions for TAs Guide to the Test Administration Directions section, which is located on pgs.41-44 is a required reading ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Test Administration Directions All test administration directions must be read aloud verbatim to examinees Test administration directions must be followed exactly Test Administrators who do NOT read the directions to examinees verbatim risk the chance that students’ tests will not be scored. TEA must be informed, evaluate the circumstances, and make the decision regarding whether or not tests can be scored Before the day of testing make sure you mark (flag) your Test Administrator manual with the correct call-out boxes Make sure you have your Test Administrator Manual with you on the day of testing ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
English I and English II Writing Prompt The Test Administrator may read aloud or sign the writing prompt to any student who requests this assistance. Reading/discussing student compositions is not allowed. No assisting students before, during, or after the administration The Test Administrator must not do the following: Elaborate on the prompts Give students an opening/closing sentence Give students an outline for organizing their compositions Give students ideas about how to develop their composition Translate the prompts into another language ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Required Test Material Paper Administration 2 No. 2 pencils with erasers per student One test booklet per student One answer document per student Room Accommodations Roster (when applicable) Seating chart Testing- Do Not Disturb Sign Cell phone policy Any additional TEA-authorized materials needed for administering the test (supplemental aids, allowable testing material, etc.) Online Administration Room Accommodations Roster (when applicable) Seating chart Testing-Do Not Disturb Sign Cell phone policy Student Testing Ticket Pencils or pens Scratch paper Headphones (if applicable) Any additional TEA-authorized materials needed for administering the test (supplemental aids, allowable testing material, etc.) Test Administrator must have the Test Administrator Manual in hand when checking out secure test materials the morning of testing.
Telecommunication Devices Test Administrators must read aloud “2015-2016 Telecommunication Devices” document before beginning each test administration The use or possession of cell phones, PDAs, IPODs, pagers, CD players, etc. by students during testing is PROHIBITED Examine any device prescribed for use by a student that MIGHT have internet or photographic capability The USE of any Telecommunications Device by a Test Administrator or Monitor during testing is also PROHIBITED except in case of emergencies ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Active Monitoring Active monitoring means the TA is: Actively engaged in monitoring test administration Moving around room, pausing in various places Confirming students have no unauthorized materials including cell phones Making sure students are awake and alert Ensuring student has placed their responses on answer document and if student has not done so, TA must say, “You have not recorded all of your responses on the answer document. Please do so now.” ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures If asked by your CTC, remove or cover bulletin boards and instructional displays that might aid students during testing A “Testing – Do Not Disturb” sign must be posted outside of testing rooms Complete seating charts for each test administration each day of testing, including consolidation areas Seating Charts must contain: Names of students testing and locations in room Names of all TAs/Monitors involved Starting and stopping times for test session, including lunch and allowable breaks ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures TAs are not allowed to answer any question related to content of test itself Examinees may change testing areas as long as test security is not breached Students can NOT transport testing materials when changing testing locations Only students are allowed to erase stray marks or darken answer-choices and only during scheduled test session Reinforcing, reviewing, checking for, and/or distributing testing strategies during assessment is strictly prohibited Students can use test-taking strategies but cannot be required to do so during testing, including first marking answers in test booklet and transferring them later to answer document ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Answering Student’s Questions Test Administrators may answer questions about test directions or procedures. Test Administrators are never allowed to answer any questions related to the content of the test itself. They can say “I can’t answer that for you; just do the best you can”. ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures Test Administrators should: confirm students are recording each composition on correct lined page must alert students periodically and more frequently during the last hour of the time remaining in the test session either verbally or in writing NOT leave room unless a trained TA/Monitor is present Students must remain silent during test administration, even if only one student is testing ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Collecting Test Materials Test Administrators should quickly scan answer documents only to verify that responses are marked. You MUST verify that students have recorded responses in the multiple choice, short answer and the written composition sections. If a student has not done so, the TA must say “You have not recorded your responses on the answer document. Please go back and mark your answers on it now” Make sure the name of each student is written on his or her test booklet before you collect it. Verify that no answer documents have been left in the test booklets ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Returning Material to CTC {Insert instructions for returning material (how you want the bucket packed, where they will turn in, etc.} ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Make-Up Testing Plan {Insert your campus plan for make-up testing. When, Where, Who????} ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Accommodations {Describe your campus plan for collecting accommodation information, notifying TA’s about accommodations, training TA’s with accommodations, etc. Have all relevant parties verify the accommodations are correct. You are required to notify students of their testing accommodations prior to the day of testing. Who will notify students? What is the process? You should have a room accommodation roster for each room with any type of accommodations. The Test Administrator will need to sign off on the roster to ensure they are aware and understand what accommodations the students will receive. What else will be in the testing bucket? What will be on the roster?} ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Oral Administrations TAs must: Be familiar with all content-specific terms and symbols contained in the test Read the Oral Administration Guidelines Know level of support each student receives, and IF student can request a change in level of support during testing NOT rephrase, clarify, or interpret any test content Keep voice inflection neutral, although words that are boldfaced, italicized, or PRINTED IN CAPITAL LETTERS must be emphasized Remember: Sign your Oath with your final signature following test completion ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Oral Administrations English I and English II Section: Oral Administration (Reference Oral/Signed Administration Guidelines) READING PASSAGES are NEVER READ ALOUD. TA may re-read questions/answer choices and reference materials at student’s request Test items cannot be read aloud to students before they read the passage on their own; TA cannot vary from test administration directions ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Oral Administrations Algebra I, Biology & U.S. History Section: Oral Administration (Reference Oral/Signed Administration Guidelines) May Read: Questions and Answer Choices Required Reference materials (as applicable) Allowable Supplemental Aids ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
STAAR and STAAR A - English I, English II, and English III Spelling Assistance STAAR and STAAR A - English I, English II, and English III short answer reading questions reading selections or multiple-choice questions written composition multiple-choice revising and editing section Can be used on: Can NOT be used on: This accommodation may include only: frequently misspelled word list (e.g., student-made, teacher-made, commercially produced) spell check function on a word processor pocket spellchecker word-prediction software text-to-speech software or devices (i.e., software or devices that read aloud student-generated text) speech-to-text software (i.e., software that converts the student’s spoken language into print) Note: Dictionaries are a required part of standard test administration procedures (and not considered a testing accommodation) ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Basic Transcribing This accommodation allows a Test Administrator to transfer student responses onto an answer document when a student with a disability is unable to accomplish this task independently Allowed in these situations: Student writes, circles, or points to responses for multiple-choice and/or griddable questions for Test Administrator to transfer onto the answer document Student dictates or signs responses for multiple-choice questions and/or griddable questions, for Test Administrator to transfer onto the answer document Student writes responses on scratch paper or another workspace or types responses on a word processor for multiple-choice questions and griddable questions for Test Administrator to transfer onto answer document Student uses speech-to-text software to indicate responses for multiple-choice questions and griddable questions (after printing text, Test Administrator transfers onto answer document) ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
66 Transcribing Contact your Campus Coordinator if an answer document or test booklet becomes unusable during a test Transcriptions must be provided for unusable scorable materials, Braille tests, or Large Print tests All transcriptions must be done in #2 pencil. You must transcribe the student responses EXACTLY as they are The “Documentation of Transcriptions” form must be completed for each transcription. Write “Transcribed by “ because __________” at the top of the new, replacement scorable document, and write “VOID” on the unusable scorable document ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Transcribing Griddable Items TAs must provide “Transcribing Griddable Questions” Student Document to students eligible for basic transcriptions and, therefore, do NOT use answer document themselves Allows student to know maximum number of spaces available for answer to griddable question Also applies to Large Print tests ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Math Scribe Your Coordinator must request permission from TEA to provide a Math Scribe for Algebra I or Biology Allows TA to record onto answer document a student’s dictated scratch work (problem solving) TA may write the student’s dictated scratch work and computations on: Scratch paper Chalkboard White board Student’s test booklet Students answer document Students might need Extra Time (same day) to work through the test administration and will require an individual administration to avoid disturbing other students ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training
Extra Time (Same Day) Students eligible for XT are NOT required to use the entire day TAs MUST know which students receive extra time IF they are scattered throughout testing room ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Linguistic Accommodations for ELLs
Helping ELLs For all tests, ELLs may be helped to understand “SAY” directions introducing test sections or item formats TA allowed to paraphrase, translate, repeat, and read directions aloud “SAY” directions assume students have been told in advance that they can receive this help and what linguistic accommodations they can receive TA is not allowed to point, gesture, or add directions that are different from those in manual or provide test strategies ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Linguistic Accommodations for English I & English II Dictionaries of various types must be provided to ALL students taking English I and II but additional types (i.e., ESL, picture, or bilingual) can also be provided to ANY student Extra time (same day) Clarification in English as to the meaning of: words in writing prompts, and words in short-answer reading questions NOTE: TA can use dictionary to assist them with implementing this accommodation ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Linguistic Accommodations for Algebra I, Biology, and US History Bilingual Dictionaries may be provided for Algebra I, Biology, and US History as a linguistic accommodation. Note that students whose parents have denied ESL services are NOT eligible for linguistic accommodations. Extra time (same day) may be provided as a linguistic accommodation Clarification in English (available for STAAR L (through online interface) and STAAR A (pop-ups, rollovers, and Test Administrator assistance) ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Linguistic Accommodations- ELLs What are the differences???
Answer Documents
Student MUST record the Test Book # (located on the back of the test book). Ignore the letter “S” before the number. English I Test Administrator MUST bubble “S” for all students who took the assessment. The CTC will bubble “A” or “O” if needed. Bubble test date that the student took this assessment July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Student MUST record the Test Book # (located on the back of the test book). Ignore the letter “S” before the number. English II Test Administrator MUST bubble “S” for all students who took the assessment. The CTC will bubble “A” or “O” if needed. Bubble test date that the student took this assessment July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Student MUST record the Test Book # (located on the back of the test book). Ignore the letter “S” before the number. Algebra I Test Administrator MUST bubble “S” for all students who took the assessment. The CTC will bubble “A” or “O” if needed. Bubble test date that the student took this assessment July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Student MUST record the Test Book # (located on the back of the test book). Ignore the letter “S” before the number. Biology Test Administrator MUST bubble “S” for all students who took the assessment. The CTC will bubble “A” or “O” if needed. Bubble test date that the student took this assessment July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Student MUST record the Test Book # (located on the back of the test book). Ignore the letter “S” before the number. U.S. History Test Administrator MUST bubble “S” for all students who took the assessment. The CTC will bubble “A” or “O” if needed. Bubble test date that the student took this assessment July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
Happy Testing! If you have a situation that you don’t know how to handle, contact your Campus Coordinator and/or Campus Administrators. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions before, during, or after testing. Thank you for making sure our students have the best testing opportunity possible! ENG I, ENG II, AGL I, BIO, US History- DEC 2016 EOC Campus Training July 2012 EOC Coordinator Training
If you have any questions during testing… LOCK! STOP! CALL!