Global Education: inspiring the next generation of Wales-Africa partnerships Martin Pollard Chief Executive, WCIA Chair, Wales Alliance for Global Education
What is Global Education? Global education motivates and empowers people to become active, responsible citizens of Wales and the world, through: Engaging with contemporary issues and becoming knowledgeable about their community, society and the world Understanding and exercising their human and democratic responsibilities and rights Respecting the needs and rights of others, as members of a diverse society Showing their commitment to the sustainability of the planet Wales Alliance for Global Education (WAGE)
How has Global Education developed in Wales? 2002 Guidance on Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) as response to Welsh Government’s duty to promote SD 2006 ESDGC Strategy for Action and Estyn baseline report Welsh Government ESDGC ‘Champion’ (role ended 2010) 2008 ESDGC Common Understanding for Schools
7 themes of ESDGC A ‘whole school’ approach (from Common Understanding) Choices & Decisions Climate Change Consumption & Waste Health Identity & Culture Natural Environment Wealth & Poverty A ‘whole school’ approach “If it is to succeed, ESDGC needs to be addressed by the whole school community, not just teachers and learners, but parents, carers, governors, visitors and non-teaching staff. To be effective ESDGC needs to be embedded across the curriculum and infused throughout the life of the school.”
DfID’s role Early-mid 2000s Small grants scheme for global education work (run in Wales by Cyfanfyd) Late 2000s-early 2010s Enabling Effective Support funding for different UK jurisdictions ESDGC Schools Network in Wales 2014-present Funding for Global Learning Partnership (delivered in Wales by Education Development Trust) 2017 onwards ???
Welsh Baccalaureate 2007 Launched across Wales following piloting ‘Wales, Europe and the World’ = key component 2015 Revised Bac requires students to undertake Global Citizenship Challenge (worth 15% of total marks)
Issues to explore in the Welsh Bac Global Citizenship Challenge Advanced (6 headings with example themes)
Challenge process Teaching and Learning programme Opportunities to think critically, discuss, debate Can include ‘mini challenges’ (e.g. Model United Nations conferences) Personal Standpoint Demonstrate critical understanding of and/or empathy with alternative perspectives PESTLE analysis Formulate possible approaches to tackle a global issue Global Choices Conference School/college based, collaborative or involving external organisation Key note speech (10 mins), ‘shot gun oral presentation’ (5 mins with additional contribution) or conference paper (500 words)
Where are we now? 2014 Estyn report showed improved delivery of ESDGC, but delivery varies and some themes covered better than others 2015 Donaldson review of national curriculum: highlights need for learners to become “ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world” Well-being of Future Generations Act: goal for a “globally responsible Wales” 2016 New national curriculum developments under way – the “international dimension” will be a key component
Wales Alliance for Global Education (WAGE) WAGE is an alliance of organisations that care passionately about our young people, now and for future generations. We want to see Wales’ young people thrive responsibly in a globalised world as informed, skilled and empowered citizens. Priorities for 2016-17 Ensure that the new national curriculum incorporates clear and substantial opportunities for Global Education Support schools to work towards a globally responsible Wales, in line with the Well-being of Future Generations Act Embed Global Education in the plans of the 4 regional education consortia WAGE members include: Caerphilly County Borough Council CAFOD Centre for Alternative Technology Dolen Cymru Fair Trade Wales Field Studies Council Global Learning Programme Wales Hub Cymru Africa Keep Wales Tidy Natural Resources Wales NUS Wales Oxfam Cymru Pembrokeshire Sustainable Schools PONT Race Council Cymru RSPB Sazani Associates Show Racism the Red Card Size of Wales Sub-Saharan Advisory Panel SUSSED Wales Sustainable Wales Urdd Gobaith Cymru Wales for Peace project Welsh Centre for International Affairs
Tough questions… critical thinking required! What should we do about climate change? Why should we care about poverty in other countries when there are poor people here? What’s the best way to achieve peace? Can war be justified? What are our responsibilities towards refugees? What makes me similar to/different from people in other countries? What happens when human rights clash with cultural/religious values? How can we make sure future generations will be happy and safe? Should you ‘sponsor a child’? Why are some people hungry? … etc. etc.
Issue Tree See ‘Global Citizenship in the Classroom: A Guide for Teachers’ (Oxfam 2016)
Stay in touch Wales Alliance for Global Education Martin Pollard, Chair Vicky Leech, Vice-Chair