The Power of Critical Thinking Chapter 1 The Power of Critical Thinking
Learning Outcomes Explain why critical thinking is important in a world filled with risk and uncertainty by supplying reasons and examples that relate to you own life, to the well-being of your community, and to the preservation of a free and open society Learning Outcomes This chapter explains why critical thinking is important in our daily life, for the well being of the community and the preservation of a free and open society.
Learning Outcomes Explain why a strong critical thinker's healthy sense of skepticism is not the same as negativity and cynicism. From your own experience supply examples showing the unfortunate results of a failure of critical thinking as here defined Learning Outcomes Further this chapter explains how a strong critical thinker’s healthy sense of skepticism is different from negativity and cynicism.
Learning Outcomes Using the "Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric" as your tool for evaluation, evaluate the quality of the critical thinking evident in samples of written material and explain which elements in the written material led you evaluate it as you did Learning Outcomes Finally this chapter evaluates the quality of the critical thinking using a tool for evaluation known as Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric.
Chapter Opening Video Chapter Opening Video The video portrays the importance of critical thinking. It helps understand not just the definition of critical thinking but how it can be used in our daily lives and help us make positive decisions and in problem solving.
Risk and Uncertainty Abound Critical thinking and a free society The one and the many Risk and Uncertainty Abound Life has its risks and uncertainties. Uncertainties apply to potentially good things. Need to think ahead, plan and problem solve. Critical thinking: Process of purposeful, reflective judgment. Manifests itself in giving reasoned and fair-minded consideration to evidence, conceptualizations, methods, contexts, and standards to decide what to believe or what to do. Critical thinking and a free society It’s important to think ahead, to plan, and to problem solve. Involves the usage of critical thinking skills. The one and the many People encounter opportunities in their daily lives. Engage problems and decisions using strong critical thinking.
Critical Thinking and a Free Society If information is power, then controlling the flow of information is wielding power High value on freedom Higher education in America is internationally admired and yet feared Strong critical thinking demands a healthy skepticism of government power Critical Thinking and a Free Society If information is power, then controlling the flow of information is wielding power. Government or agency that can withhold information or distort it to fit orthodoxy is in a better position to suppress dissenters and maintain its position of control. High value on freedom Freedom to think. Education is about learning to think. Powers of state are used to protect the right to free and open inquiry. Higher education in America is internationally admired and yet feared. Colleges have the potential to teach critical thinking. Problem solvers using critical thinking have achieved massive breakthroughs in science, technology, engineering, commerce, and the arts. Strong critical thinking demands a healthy skepticism of government power. Strong critical thinkers know that defending the freedom to think demands vigilance.
Discussion Question Employers prioritize skills in critical thinking and communication when evaluating job applicants Describe to a prospective employer your critical thinking skills and communication skills? Use examples Discussion Question Employers prioritize skills in critical thinking and communication when evaluating job applicants. Employers want to hire people who can solve customers’ problems and make good business decisions. They want people who represent the company well and communicate clearly, understand directions, and carry out assignments. Describe to a prospective employer your critical thinking skills and communication skills? Use examples.
The One and the Many Individual decisions can seem isolated and when they accumulate, they can have a far-reaching impact Historical evidence The One and the Many Individual decisions can seem isolated and when they accumulate, they can have a far-reaching impact. Individual decision can be a strongest preference, these decisions can influence others as well. Historical evidence suggests that Civilizations rise and fall, economies flourish and flounder, arts are encouraged and suppressed, advances in learning are made and then forgotten. Would be unwise if we didn’t use our brain for the amount of critical thinking it is capable of.
What Do We Mean by Critical Thinking? Expert consensus conceptualization Critical thinking does not mean negative thinking What Do We Mean by Critical Thinking? Expert consensus conceptualization Expert consensus - Critical thinking is the process of purposeful, self-regulatory judgment. Critical thinking does not mean negative thinking. Strong critical thinking can be independent, it can lead us to diverge from the norm, and it can impel us to challenge cherished beliefs.
Expert Consensus Conceptualization Delphi method Strong critical thinking is essential to consistently successful decision making Failure of critical thinking often contributes to some of the saddest & unfortunate accidents Critical thinking is a pervasive human phenomenon Expert Consensus Conceptualization Delphi method Challenge put to the experts was to come up with a working consensus about the meaning of critical thinking. Serve instructional and assessment purposes from K-12 through graduate school, and across the full range of academic disciplines and professional fields. Strong critical thinking is essential to consistently make successful decisions. Essential wherever the quality of one’s decisions and the accuracy of one’s beliefs make a difference. Failure of critical thinking often contributes to some of the saddest & unfortunate accidents. Wrong analysis of the situation can cause grave danger and accidents. Critical thinking is a pervasive human phenomenon Essential as a tool of inquiry. Liberating force in education and a powerful resource in one’s personal and civic life.
Critical Thinking Does Not Mean Negative Thinking Isn’t about bashing what people believe just to show how clever we are Intended to be used to seek truth with intellectual energy and with integrity Being skeptical without being cynical Critical Thinking Does Not Mean Negative Thinking Decisive without being stubborn, evaluative without being judgmental, and forceful without being opinionated. Critical thinking is intended to be used to seek truth with intellectual energy and with integrity. Respect for one another and civil discourse goes hand in hand with strong critical thinking. Being skeptical without being cynical. Can be insightful, collaborative, and constructive.
Critical Thinking is both Skills and Mindset Experience success at the skills part, enjoyment increases, and the disposition to keep applying to every situation an individual comes across. To be successful the player must: Be able and willing to succeed. Be skillful and disposed to use those skills.
Evaluating Critical Thinking Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric Evaluating Critical Thinking Holistic critical thinking scoring rubric. Simple tool/approach is sufficient to get us started evaluating critical thinking.
Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric Tool designed to help us with this process of evaluation Evaluative judgments will improve, and the ability to explain the judgments will improve The Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric Tool designed to help us with this process of evaluation. Relies on the ordinary meanings of common terms used to talk about thinking. Aid us in evaluating real-life examples of critical thinking because it requires us only to consider the four evaluative descriptions: strong acceptable, unacceptable, and weak and see which of the four fits best. Evaluative judgments will improve, and the ability to explain the judgments will be enhanced. Rubric helps us to improve our critical thinking.
Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric Strong Acceptable Unacceptable Weak Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric To apply the HCTSR Take each student’s statement. See which level of the Rubric offers the best description of the reasoning evident in that statement.
Sketchnote Video Sketchnote Video The video summarizes the various aspects of critical thinking and how it helps us making positive decisions.