The Vietnam War We so @#$%d. Nixon.
Vocab List 39 P 410 CH 17 -Linkage -Vietnamization -Pentagon Papers (P 411) -Christmas Bombings (P 411) -My Lai Massacre (P 410) -Domino Effect (P 411)
I. Background A) It is not looking good: People assassinated (Bobby Kennedy / MLK) Draft is breaking people’s balls. Body Count war Tet Offensive Agent Orange Lied to about Gulf of Tonkin B) 1968 Nixon Wins on a campaign promise of a secret plan to end the war...
II. Nixon’s Secret Plan Part 1: Vietnamization: a gradual withdrawal of American Troops to leave the fighting to the S Vietnamese Part 2: More Bombing + Troops into Cambodia to cut off supply line for North Wikipedia: Pol Pot or the Khmer Rouge The worst version of Communism in history resulted. All Cambodians put into communes. ⅓ of population massacred. We helped spark worst regime in history Result of Secret Plan? MORE Anti-War protest Now Vietnam Veterans openly criticizing war What could make it worse?
Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge
III. The Pentagon Papers 1971 - The New York Times publishes the Pentagon Papers (thanks to whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg), a set of classified documents showing that: 1) Government had been officially misleading the public about Vietnam for years 2) There were decisions ahead to expand the war further. It was the smoking gun - the proof Americans had long believed-- that their government was not honest with them. :(
Pentagon Papers Vid
IV. An End to the War 1) After 5 years of negotiation President Nixon is able to finally get America to Withdraw the troops in 1973 Called the Paris Peace Agreement - America finally withdraws troops. War between N & S Vietnam will continue 2) The War Powers Act Will prevent any future “Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions” allowing a president to go to war on their own Now president must tell Congress about invasions no longer than 48 hours after + only has 60 days to carry out “mission” without declaration of war
Search & Destroy Body Count War...
V. Consequences of Vietnam 1) Vietnam will become Communist Domino Theory true - Cambodia & Laos also become Communist. North defeats the South Pol Pot kills ⅓ of population of Cambodia… :( 2) Our Superior Technology & Wealth will not be enough for future wars See Vietnam; Gulf War; Iraq War; Afghanistan etc 3) 60,000 dead, $100 Billion lost, and vietnam vets never respected (many will go crazy + become homeless) Wikipedia: PTSD 4) Americans completely lose trust in government from now on. Just wait for Watergate… (next chapter)
Dont forget your country.