Ms. Hill’s Class South Cobb High Spring 2017 Biology “Biology is the study of complicated things that have the appearance of having been designed with a purpose.” -Richard Dawkins Class Rules Arrive ON TIME!! 2. Be prepared for class EVERYDAY! 3. Pay attention, participate and ask questions 4. No food or drink, except water 5. Keep your dear teacher HAPPY. Class Expectations Be in seat when tardy bell rings. Put proper heading on all papers. Do not use electronic devices in class without teacher permission. Use restroom during passing breaks. Maintain a clean and orderly work area. Bring all of your supplies to class daily. Complete all of your work and turn it in on time. All SCHS rules and policies shall be observed within the classroom. Course Description Biology is the study of life. The specific areas covered are: Biochemistry, cells, genetics, classification, evolution, and ecology. This course is required for graduation and will introduce the students to the various biological functions and processes in addition to the Nature of Science. What about bathroom and breaks and hall passes? Bathrooms should be used during the change of classes and the classroom break. When you want to leave the room, you must ask for permission. You must sign-out and sign back in every time. You are allowed three free passes per unit. After the third pass, you will lose 2 success points per pass. NOTE: The first and last 15 minutes of every class is dead time meaning that NO hall passes will be issued! Where do I go to find agendas and assignments? All assignments can be found on my school website. Anytime you are absent or lose an assignment, you can go to website and print out the assignments. The website is What happens if I turn in an assignment late? Work not completed and turned in by the assigned date is considered late. In order for late work to be accepted, a completed, missing work log sheet MUST BE attached to the late assignment. COMPLETED LATE WORK will only receive partial credit (70% of the assignment total). INCOMPLETE LATE WORK will not be graded and will result in a zero for the assignment. If a student is absent on the date work is due, the assignment is due the first day the student returns to school. phone & ext. 1
COBB COUNTY grade scale: Ms. Hill’s Class South Cobb High Fall 2016 Grade Scale *** We are required by the Georgia Dept. of Education to give an End-of-course test which is in lieu of a final exam. It is created and graded at the state level. It is mandatory by the state to count the test as 20% of the student’s grade. The course material covered will prepare students for the test but attendance is CRUCIAL on the days the test is given, the date of which will be determined. What do I do if I am absent? COBB COUNTY grade scale: 90-100 = A 80-89 = B 74-79 = C 70-73 = D Below 70 = F Always check the class site for agendas, handouts, and assignment due dates. Also, there will be an absent crate in class with all missing work. A student has two extra days to turn in any work assigned on a day a student was absent. If a quiz was administered on a day a student was absent, the quiz must be made up by the end of the week that the student returns. If previously assigned work was due on the day of the absence, the work is due on the first day the student returns otherwise it is considered late. No assignments will be accepted after the day of the unit test for that given standard. What do I do if I am absent on test day or for a lab? If you are absent the day of a lab, the student must make arrangements for an alternative assignment with the teacher. You will be responsible, though, for material that was covered by the lab that was missed since the purpose of a lab is to reinforce information covered in class. If you are absent the day of a test, you are expected to take the test within two days of returning before or after school. If not, you will receive a zero for that exam. All tests will be announced at least a week in advance. If you are absent the day before a test, you are expected to take the test on the regular test date. Grade Breakdown EOC = 20% Test = 30% Projects = 15% Notebooks/ Labs = 15% Quizzes/Classwork= 20% Ms. Hill’s Attendance and Honesty Policy It is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignments have been missed during an absence and arrange for them to be made up. For each day of an excused absence, a student has two days to makeup an assignment. If a student loses class materials, then they can print a copy of any handout by accessing the web site which is: Plagiarizing and copying assignments (including labs and homework), or cheating on tests and quizzes will not be tolerated. All work is to be done individually. Failure to do so will result in a parent call or conference and a "zero" on the assignment. All persons involved in academic dishonest will receive a “0” for the assignment. Supplies 2” 3 ring binder Loose-leaf paper Pencils or pens (blue or black only) USB Drive (highly recommended but not required) Colored pencils phone & ext. 2