New Teacher Induction
Walton County School District Teacher Evaluation System
Summative Evaluation Measurements 3 Components: Administrative Evaluation (Instructional Practice) Deliberate Practice Student Proficiency Measure Each component counts as 1/3 of the summative Evaluation Measurement
Administrative Evaluation Instructional Practice
Teacher Evaluation System WCSD Evaluation System developed from Copeland model Based on research from: John Hattie Charlotte Danielson Robert Marzano FEAPs
Administrative Evaluation Based on 4 domains: Domain 1: Planning/Preparation Domain 2: Classroom Management Domain 3: Direct Instruction Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Domain 2 and 3 must be observed FEAPs Aligned (see crosswalk)
Teacher Observations First year teachers and teachers new to Walton County must receive two formal evaluations per year Teachers who have been with Walton County for more than one year must receive only one formal evaluation Each evaluation must include at least one formal observation. Must be at least 30 minutes in length Must be scheduled 48 hours in advance
Lesson Walkthroughs Administrators may conduct informal walkthroughs at anytime during the year. Walkthroughs: Are for the purpose of providing instructional feedback Will only review domains 2 and 3 Do not require prior notice May last for any length of time
Final Evaluation Ratings The WCSD Teacher Evaluation System is holistic Administrators will consider all evidence collected throughout the year before determining the final rating of each indicator. Teachers should collect artifacts throughout the year to show proof of proficiency in domains 1 and 4. Administrators will review previous walkthrough data to determine ratings in domains 2 and 3. The ratings in each domain will determine the final evaluation rating and score. Visit for specific details on evaluation domain calculations.
Final Evaluation Rating Unsatisfactory: 0 – 55 Needs Improvement: 56 – 113 Effective: 114 – 140 Highly Effective: 141 - 160
Deliberate Practice
DP Purpose The DP was designed to allow teachers to have input into their evaluation. DP goals are teacher created and Principal approved. DP goals must be based on teaching responsibilities. Administrators may require additional goals based on previous evaluation data
Setting Goals Teachers may choose up to 4 goals. Goals should be: Specific Measureable Attainable Realistic Timely
SMART Goals Goals will include the current level of performance, a SMART data driven target, and the practices that will change as a result of the new learning. 49% of my students scored on grade level on their 2016 8th grade FSA math assessment. By May of 2017, 54% of my students will score on grade level on the Algebra I EOC. In order to assist students with performing on grade level, small group instruction will be implemented in order to provide differentiated instruction at least once weekly.
Professional Learning Teachers will choose professional learning activities to assist them in meeting their goal(s). The DP refers to these activities as progress points. Completing progress points is essential to receiving a highly effective rating on the DP portion of the teacher evaluation.
DP Ratings Ratings are determined based on: Unsatisfactory: 0 – 55 Percentage of goals achieved Percentage of professional learning activities completed (progress points) 100% of progress points must be completed to be highly effective Unsatisfactory: 0 – 55 Needs Improvement: 56 – 113 Effective: 114 – 140 Highly Effective: 141 - 160
Student Performance Measure
What are student performance measures? Florida Statute requires school districts to count student data as at least 1/3 of each teacher’s evaluation. Performance measures can be broken down into: State Measure – Calculated and produced by FLDOE Local Measures – Calculated local by Walton County School District
State Measures FLDOE has adopted the Value Added Model (VAM) VAM scores are produced for roughly 1/3 of our teaching population: ELA/Reading courses in grades 4-10 Math courses in grades 4-8 Algebra I in grades 8 and 9 VAM Video
Local Measures Local Measures are based on: STAR Enterprise Reading, Math and Early Literacy Assessments Florida Alternative Assessment FCAT 2.0 5th Grade Science FCAT 2.0 8th Grade Science Civics EOC Biology EOC US History EOC Geometry EOC Algebra II EOC Algebra I EOC for grades other than 8 and 9
Local Measures Each assessment used for a local measure is based on teaching assignment. See Chart
STAR Taking the Test
STAR Progress Monitoring in Reading and Math STAR is administered up to 4 times a year Mandatory August/September January/February April May School-Based Decision October/November
Progress Monitoring and Statute Florida Statute 1008.25 requires one of three things for students showing deficiencies in reading and/or math: A federally required student plan, such as an IEP An individual progress monitoring plan The student is monitored through a schoolwide system of progress monitoring STAR allows us to satisfy the 3rd option