GOAL ONE: GRADUATE Standard Diploma Advanced Diploma Honors Diploma
WCSD REQUIRED COURSES English credits 4 Mathematics 3 credits Total Required Credits …… 16 required courses Total Electives Credits …… 6.5 elective courses GRAND TOTAL Credits …. 22.5 credits = graduation! English credits 4 Mathematics 3 credits Science credits 2 W. History/W. Geo. 1 credit U.S. History credits 1 Amer. Govt. 1 Arts/Humanities/ Occupational Ed. 1 credit PE/HSROTC * 2 credits Health* .5 credit Computer Lit .5 credit
What are the Gateway Graduation requirements? English 4 credits Mathematics 4 credits Science 3 credits World Hist./World Geography 1 credit US History 1 credit Amer. Gov’t. 1 credit Arts/Hum./Occ. 1 credit PE/ROTC 2 credits Health .5 credit Computer Lit. .5 credit Electives 4.5 credits Total 22.5 credits
What is an Advanced Diploma? 24 credits Need 4 years of math Need 3 years of science No World Lang. 3.25 GPA weighted or un-weighted MILLENIUM SCHOLARSHIP
What do I need for an Honors Diploma? 24 credits 3.4 Weighted GPA 4 years math (Alg.2) 3 years science 2 from Bio/Chem/Physics 2 years foreign language 8 Honors Credits (full year) No failures during Junior and Senior years. Pass all portions of End Of Course requirements.
Freshmen Core Courses Biology English Math Writing Inquiry Collaboration Organization Reading
FRESHMEN YEAR Three Academic Classes Biology (regular or honors) English (regular or honors) Math - Algebra, Geometry (honors) Computer Literature/ Health (RECOMMENDED) PE (RECOMMENDED) OR HUMANITIES Foreign Language OR HUMANITIES Freshmen Seminar)
Who recommends your core classes ? Eighth grade teachers Biology honors is recommended by the science teacher English teachers recommend honors or Math teachers recommend your Algebra l, Geometry or Algebra II Foreign Language is recommended by your teachers as well.
World Geography as a FRESHMEN With the goal to do AP Human Geography Shooting for a high GPA The first AP – lots of assistance DO not have to take it to get into AP Human Must be committed to a work ethic
What does it take to do well in High School? Commitment to learn Diligence= homework and studying Asking for help
What Counts for Humanities Credit? All Art/Music/Drama (must be full year of the same discipline and in correct order) All Industrial Arts courses or Foods Foreign Lang. (5-6-third year and above) AP Human Geography/World History/World Geography (if both are taken) 6th and 7th semesters of ROTC
Fine Arts Credits Why? DRAMA Art Music Design Ceramics Art (1,2),3,4,5 and 6 (H) and AP Studio Art DRAMA Jazz Concert Morning (0 period) Guitar
HSROTC Meets PE & Health requirement with completion of 5 semesters
PE Waiver Need two credits of PE/HSROTC or approved equivalency for graduation PE Options & Supervised Curriculum PE (SCPE) through Supplemental Credit. ( ON THE WCSD WEB-SIGHT UNDER THE EXTENDED STUDIES One full credit is required and… Students engaging in school sports may waive 1 PE credit Waivers DO NOT give credit (just allow you to take something other than PE)
World Languages 2-4 years of same language required for some colleges. We offer: French Spanish Dual Credit is available through TMCC, WNC, SNC and UNR. Junior and Senior years Credit is also available through State approved of CORRESPONDENCE classes
End of Course Exams Reading, Writing Math Geometry Algebra Freshmen English Testing will be at the end of Sophomore English Science - Physical and Life will be added to this EOC Math Geometry Algebra Must pass classes to take the test End of Course Exams All Juniors will be taking The ACT
What can I do to maintain my GPA? Show up Do the work/Homework and classwork Check Infinite Campus Seek help from your teacher after school/ HOMEWORK CLUB SNC Free Tutoring
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, AUGUST 21 Important Dates April 5th GOLD sheets to the eight grade teacher. Meet with Ms. Haddad on Highlander Day. (YES YOU CAN CHANGE THE ELECTIVES) August 18th – Orientation from 9:00 to Noon (fees due) ON OREINTATION DAY Open House - September 6th Freshmen Parent Advisory – September 20th FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, AUGUST 21
What do I do if I need extra credit? Summer school Starts the Monday after school ends Listen for announcement bulletin Work experience (Jr/Sr) Internship (Jr/Sr) On Line or credits through other options. GT Externship/Community Service/Travel Study SIGN UP ON Extended Studies on the web-site. Must be enrolled. * NOTE; All out of school credit must be approved of through the Counseling or Administration offices.
Misc. Classes Office/Library/Career Assistant Department Assistant Teachers Aide (.25) Peer/ESL Tutor AVID Scholar Internship Student Leadership Yearbook
How do I prepare for College? Earn an Honors or Advanced Diploma Maintain the highest GPA you can Strive for a 3.25+ (ABOVE) Take lots of math & science Take the PSAT as Junior (National Merit Scholars Program) Take the ACT/SAT (Spring /Jr year) Earn community service hours Begin looking at individual college requirements and options early
How do I know what my GPA is? If you have earned credit, you can find both your un-weighted and weighted cumulative GPA on your transcript. Based on a 4.0 scale A= 4, B= 3, C= 2, D = 1 (minuses do not count) No credit is awarded for F grades; S or U grades do not effect your GPA.
Can I earn college credit while still in high school? AP Classes English 5-6,7-8 U.S. History Calculus, AB or BC American Government Advanced Biology French 7-8, Advanced Chemistry Spanish 7-8, 9-10 Advanced Physics Human Geography Advanced Portfolio Art Environmental Science and Psychology
How do I get the Millennium Scholarship? 3.25 GPA Graduate from NV High school Pass the all End of course requirements Resident for 2 years 4 MATH and 3 SCIENCE WUE
Habit For Service Not needed for graduation ,but…. Important during scholarship consideration Looks good on college and scholarship applications. Turn in Volunteer Verification Sheet to: Ms. Gebhardt
What if I want to participate in athletics in College? File Forms with NCAA Clearinghouse NCAA.org Make sure you have 13 core curriculum classes Contact your coach, Ms. Haddad, Mr. Yoxsimer
What Next? Turn in the form, signed to your teacher.