Think about your answer carefully and be ready to answer it. Omnipotence paradox If God is omnipotent (all-powerful), does he have the power to make a rock that is too heavy for even God to lift? Think about your answer carefully and be ready to answer it.
Switch on 2 learning game: 4 pics what’s the word Switch on 2 learning game: You will see 4 pictures. Work out the word from the picture clues. How many can you correctly guess?
4 pics 1 word
4 pics 1 word
4 pics 1 word
4 pics 1 word
GCSE Religious studies: Unit 1: Origins and meaning Eduqas Unit 1: Origins and meaning Lesson 5: What does the book of Genesis show about the importance of human beings? Learning objective: To examine the importance of human beings in the book of Genesis.
What does success look like today? Today’s success criteria: Lesson 4: What does the Catholic Church teach about the origins of the world? L.O. To examine the importance of human beings in the book of Genesis Today’s success criteria: You MUST be able to describe what happens in each creation narrative. You SHOULD be able to compare and contrast their teachings on the creation of man. You COULD explain the implications that these teachings have for mankind.
Debate switch on 2 learning Peter Singer argued that … ‘The life of a severely disabled baby is worth less than the life of a chimpanzee, pig or dog. They should be killed on birth’. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
Debate switch on 2 learning “A good Christian would never exploit animals” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. Watch the Banksy clip about how humans exploit animals.
Man’s importance in genesis 1
Implications of genesis 1 for Humans The role of women: Man and woman are made in Genesis 1 at the same time. For the Church of England and Methodists this is a reason to allow women to become priests. God made them both equal and at the same time so therefore they should have equal rights. Reform Jews also believe that women should equal rights in Judaism and even ordain women Rabbis now too. It says that all humans were made in the image of God. This shows that all humans have equal rights. Animal rights: Catholics believe that this story shows they should be stewards of the earth because God gives mankind nature to protect. They also agree with eating meat (except on Fridays) because of this because they are given dominion (power) over nature and can do with it as they wish.
Man’s importance in genesis 2
Man’s importance in genesis 2
Man’s importance in genesis 2
Implications of genesis 2 for Humans The role of women: Evangelical Christians believe that this story shows that a woman’s place is in the home raising children because she was made second and only to be a companion of Adam. Eve was made to give Adam company, only because he was not satisfied with the company of animals – almost like an after thought. Eve was made from Adam’s rib, whereas Adam for Evangelicals was made by God’s hand and breath. Orthodox Jews also believe this. Some Roman Catholics would argue that this is a reason why women should not be allowed to become priests. God choose to make man first, Eve was a second thought, therefore some believe God wants man to lead religion and women should be mothers and companions of men. Animal rights: Some Christians would disagree with eating animals because of this because nature is made for man, to be their companions, so some see eating meat as a sin to God.
Denominations beliefs Westboro Baptist Church: God made women to bear Children not to become priests. Eve was Adam’s helper. Roman Catholic Church: Men and women are equal but different. They were both made in God’s image, but man to lead the Church, women to be the mother of the Church. Church of England: Allow the ordination of women. We are all ‘one in Christ’ (St. Paul). God made us all ‘in his image’ (Genesis 1:26). They are totally in favour of the ordination of women.
Discuss with reference to Genesis. d skill exam question “Adam was made first, therefore God must only want man to lead the Church and become Priests”. Discuss with reference to Genesis. (15 marks) How to structure it: Introduction – What is the topic, what’s the issue – what will you argue? Paragraph 1: Why might some people agree with the statement? Paragraph 2: Why might some people disagree with the statement? Conclusion: What is your view – why do you think this? You must refer to religious evidence in your essay e.g. Bible/Qur’an quotes, quotations, facts!
“All Christians should become vegetarians”. Debate challenge “All Christians should become vegetarians”. Do you agree?