Waste Water Treatment Plants Pump Control Room Control Room Laboratory Grit Separation Pump House
Chemical Storage
Air Make-up
Explosion-Proof Duct Heaters ULTRA-SAFE CLASS I & II, DIV. 1 & 2, GROUP B,C,D,E,F,G, T3C CCSAUS, Approved EP2 CLASS I, DIV 2, GROUP C,D, T3 CCSAUS, ABS Approved
ULTRA-SAFE Duct Heater
Ultra-Safe Duct Heaters CSA Approved, Division 1 and 2 Locations T3C Code, Gas and Dusty Locations Up To 240 kW, Single and SCR Staging Horizontal Airflow Heat Exchanger Design Corrosion Resistant Construction Available
Equipment Room at Pumping Station Recirculation Equipment Room at Pumping Station
Hazardous Location Unit Heater
Hazardous Location Unit Heater
Classifications Ratings CLASS I, DIVISIONS 1 & 2, GROUPS C & D CLASS II, DIVISIONS 1 & 2, GROUPS E,F &G TEMPERATURE CODE T3C, 320ºF (160ºC)
Standard Safety Features T3C 320ºF (160ºC) Temperature Code Dual Over-temperature Protection, Automatic and Manual Reset Nontoxic Propylene Glycol Heat Transfer Fluid Low 70 PSIG Pressure Relief Valve Settings CSA Approval
Disconnect Switch with Lock-out Heater Accessories Fan Selector Switch Disconnect Switch with Lock-out Pilot Lights Thermostat
Corrosion-Resistant Construction 316 Stainless Steel HERESITE® Coating
Corrosion-Resistant Construction 316 Stainless Steel Corrosion-Resistant Construction Recommended for Waste Water Treatment Plants Recommended for Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)GAS Environments Extended Life Expectancy in Corrosive Areas over Carbon Steel
Corrosion-Resistant Construction HERESITE® Coating Corrosion-Resistant Construction Recommended for use in Chemical Plants HERESITE baked phenolic coatings will withstand exposure to practically all corrosive atmospheres with the exception of strong alkalies such as potassium and sodium hydroxide, strong oxidizers such as aqua regia and wet bromine, chlorine and fluorine in concentrations greater than 100 ppm.
Fan Motor 1/4 Hp 3-20 kW, 1/2 Hp 25-30 kW heaters Performance Characteristics kW 3-5 7.5-10 15-20 25 30 CFM 650 850 1800 3110 3850 Throw (Ft) 15 45 65 75 ∆ T (⁰F) 15-25 28- 38 27-35 26
Water Treatment Plants
Food Processing
Car Wash
Coal Processing Plants and Mines Coal Processing Facility Potash Mining Coal Crusher Large Drilling Carriage
Hose Down Unit Heater
Fan Motor 1/4 Hp on all heaters Performance Characteristics kW 2-7.5 9-12 12.5-47 CFM 700 1450 2400 Throw (Ft) 26 43 50 ∆ T (⁰F) 9-35 20-26 17-64
ADVANTAGES OF ELECTRIC HEATING Electric Heating Can Be Installed into a Hazardous Area, Where Gas or Oil Heating Can Not Electric Heating has Lower Installation Cost Electric Has Lower Maintenance Cost Than Hot Water or Steam Systems Electric Heaters Have Better Temperature Control Availability, Electricity is Often the Only Available Power Source in Remote Locations
APPLICATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS CLASS 1 Oil And Gas Drilling Rigs, Petroleum Or Pumping Facilities, Petrochemical Plants, Wastewater Treatment Plants, Solvent Extraction Plants.
APPLICATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS CLASS 2 Coal Fired Power Plants, Coal Preparation/Coal Handling Facilities, Coal Mines, Grain Elevators, Flour And Feed Mills FLAMMABLE DUST
APPLICATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS CLASS 3 Textile Mills, Woodworking Plants, Cotton Gins And Cotton Seed Mills, Flax Producing Plants CAUTION FLAMMABLE FIBRES OR FLYINGS
NEC and CEC CLASSIFICATIONS CLASS 1 - Flammable Gases Or Vapors CLASS 2 - Flammable Dust CLASS 3 - Fibers Or Flying DIVISION DIVISION 1 - Always Hazardous DIVISION 2 - Not Always Hazardous GROUP CLASS 1 - Groups A,B,C,D Gases CLASS 2 - Groups E,F,G Dusts
NEC and CEC IGNITION TEMPERATURE CODES T1 - 842 F T2 - 572 F T2A - 536 F T2B - 500 F T2C - 446 F T2D - 419 F T3 - 392 F T3A - 356 F T3B - 329 F T3C - 320 F
ZONE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ZONE 0 – Always, Temporarily or Often Present (Class I, Division 1) ZONE 1 – Occasionally Present ZONE 2 – Very Seldom or Only Present for a Short Period (Class I, Division 2)
ZONE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ZONES FOR DUSTS ZONE 20 – Always, Temporarily or Often Present (Class II, III, Division 1) ZONE 21 – Occasionally Present ZONE 22 – Very Seldom or Only Present for a Short Period (Class II, III, Division 2)
CLASSIFICATIONS GASES AND VAPORS DUSTS Acetylene – IIC (Class I, Group A) Hydrogen – IIB + H2 (Class I, Group B) Ethylene – IIB (Class I, Group C) Propane – IIA (Class I, Group D) DUSTS Metal Dust – IIC (Class II, Group E) Carbonaceous Dusts – IIB (Class II, Group F) Non-Conductive Dusts – IIA (Class II, Group G) Fibers and Flyings – (Class III)
ZONE IGNITION TEMPERATURE CODES FOR GASES T1 < 450 C (Hydrogen) T2 < 300 C (Acetylene) T3 < 200 C (Diesel Fuel) T4 < 135 C (Ethyl Ether) T5 < 100 C T6 < 85 C (Carbon Disulphide) Dust explosion-proof temperature is the maximum surface temperature as shown (e.g. T80 C)
APPLICATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS Oil and Gas Rigs and Crew Quarters Battery Storage Areas Chemical Plants Control Rooms Dry Cleaning Plants Gasoline Fueling/Storage Areas Parking Garages Sewage Treatment/Wastewater Treatment Plants
Best Temperature Control Conserves Energy SCR CONTROLLED Best Temperature Control Conserves Energy SCR cooling fins Most Efficient
SCR POWER CONTROLLER Zero Cross SCR with 1 Second Time Base On ½ Sec = 50% Full On 1 Sec = 100% up to 600-Volts, 3-Phase, 60/50 Hz
Staged ON-Off Control on on on Stage 3 Temperature Set Point Stage 2 Time
SCR CONTROLLED Set Point Temperature Time
VERNIER CONTROL SCR Set Point Temperature Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Time
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