Individual Academic Career Planning for Ninth Graders Soar Into Your Future Individual Academic Career Planning for Ninth Graders
Know Your Graduation Plan Know your graduation requirements & keep your 4 year plan up to date
AISD Prescribed Graduation Plan Complete the Distinguished Level of Achievement Plan + Endorsement(s) Complete and pass the FIVE required EOC Exams
HB 5-Distinguished Level of Achievement Grad Plan Graduation Plan Selection I plan to meet high school graduation requirements according to the following plan: HB 5-Distinguished Achievement Program 4 English Courses- -English I, II, and III, & English IV/ Advanced English credit 4 Math Courses- -Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Advanced Math 4 Science Courses- -Biology, IPC or Chemistry, plus another 2 Advanced Sciences 4 Social Studies Courses- -World Geography, World History, U.S. History, ½ Econ, ½ Govt. 2 Credits of Language Other than English – -French, Spanish, or Computer Science 1 Credit of Physical Education 1 Credit of Fine Arts 0.5 Credit of Health 5.5 Electives (including 4 Endorsement electives)
STUDENT ASSESSMENTS End-of-Course Exam Requirements: English I (Reading and Writing) English II (Reading and Writing) Biology Algebra I US History 5
What is an Endorsement ? Similar to a college major Designed to encourage students to select an area of specialization based on their interests Course pathways enable students to become college and career ready
Endorsement Options Students will choose between one of the following five endorsement options Arts and Humanities Business and Industry Multidisciplinary Studies Public Services Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) *Students may complete more than one endorsement
Arts and Humanities The Arts and Humanities endorsement is a curriculum path that allows for students to focus deeply on courses related to fine arts, English literature, foreign languages, and social studies.
Business and Industry The Business and Industry endorsement is a curriculum path that allows students to focus deeply on courses directly related to the business field.
Multidisciplinary The Multidisciplinary endorsement allows for students to study a wide range of curriculum sets. Complete Foundation Plan and general endorsement requirements including one of the following: A total of 4 credits from any endorsement area. It does not need to be a coherent sequence. A total of 4 credits from AP level or Dual Credit courses. A total of 4 credits in each of the 4 core subject areas, including Algebra II, English IV, Chemistry and/or Physics.
Public Services The Public Services endorsement is a curriculum path that allows students to focus deeply on courses directly related to the public service field, including the education field and government. Complete Foundation Plan and general endorsement requirements, including: A total of 4 credits in Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC 1-4) A coherent sequence of 4 or more credits in Education and Training: Child Development Instructional Practices in Education (2 credits) Practicum in Education and Training (2 credits)
STEM The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) endorsement is a curriculum path that allows a student to focus deeply on courses related to science, technology, engineering, and math.
Endorsement Form
Course Contract
All 10th graders will take 8 classes English II Geometry or Algebra II (if Geometry was completed) Chemistry or IPC World History 5-8 Choose 4 more classes: - Language other than English - PE or Athletics - Fine Art (s) - Career Technology Education Classes - Other Elective(s)
Selecting Appropriate Courses for Next Year Academics: Review your 4 Year Plan/Endorsement Ask for teacher recommendation Share your plans with your parents Are you committed to the work load? EOC Scores Know the campus deadline for changes Electives: Match electives to career interests/endorsement Change of Mind Deadline is June 8th!! Schedule your plans so that progress towards them can be monitored. Break up larger plans into discrete milestones so that you can track progress.
Sophomore Year To Do List Keep your attendance & grades up Take challenging courses Participate in activities & develop leadership skills Explore college options Research careers and college majors you might like Review your 4-year plan Explore Career & Technical Education Courses Plan meaningful activities for the summer Start a college savings account Create a portfolio
You don’t have to handle everything alone! We’re here to help! Stress & Anxiety Stress is natural. It is a part of every day life, and everyone experiences it. If you or a friend are experiencing these symptoms of stress or anxiety, don’t hesitate to seek help. Talk to an adult about it. Difficulty concentrating Increased worrying Trouble completing tasks on time Increased agitation Tension/ Tight muscles Headaches Limited sleep Poor eating habits You don’t have to handle everything alone! We’re here to help!
Helpful tips managing stress Set attainable goals Get about 9 hours of sleep daily Organize your time accordingly Exercise or walk at least 30 minutes a day Don’t procrastinate Have a positive mind set Take breaks & do something that relaxes you Surround yourself with people that care for you Don’t overwhelm yourself with courses and activities Seek help from an adult
Where to Go for Help Speak with your teachers if you have questions about your class or grades. Your counselors are available to help with both school concerns and personal issues. Your AP can help if someone is bothering you, bothering a friend, or if you are having problems with attendance.
Four Year Planning English I English II W. Geo English III English IV Graduation Program Planning SUBJECT AREAS 9th 10th 11th 12th English (4.0) English I Academic & Pre- AP English II English III Academic, AP, & On-Ramps English IV Academic, AP, & Dual Enrollment Social Studies (4.0) W. Geo W. History Academic & AP US History Govt. & Econ Academic, AP, & Dual Enrollment (Govt. Only) Mathematics (4.0) Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Advanced Math Alg I/Geom Academic, Pre- AP, & Double Block (Alg I Only) Geom/Alg II Alg II/ PreCal or AQR Academic, Pre- AP (Alg II & Pre- Cal), UT On-Ramps (Pre- Cal) Pre Cal or AQR/Adv. Math Academic, Pre- AP (PreCal), UT On-Ramps (PreCal & Stats), AP (Calculus) Science (4.0) Biology IPC Chemistry Physics Biology Chem or IPC Academic & Pre- AP (Chem Only) Chem/ Physics/ Adv. Science Academic, Pre- AP Adv. Science (All require Chem) Credit Check! Record the credits you earned in the first semester and expect to earn in second semester. Failing? If you are not going to earn credit for a required class you are taking this year (for example: English I, Algebra I, World Geography, Biology), you will need to recover it in your 10th, 11th or 12th grade.
Advanced Math Options Advanced Quantitative Reasoning Pre-Calculus (Academic or Pre-AP) UT On Ramps Precalculus AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC UT OnRamps Statistics *If you are unsure which math course to take next year, get a recommendation from your math teacher.
Advanced Science Options AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Physics C Aquatic Science Advance Animal Science Engineering Design and Problem-Solving Anatomy and Physiology Medical Microbiology/Pathophysiology Advanced Biotechnology Science Research and Design I and II AP Environmental Science *Please speak to your science teacher about which science course to take next year.
Four Year Planning SUBJECT AREAS 9th 10th 11th 12th PE or Equivalent (1.0) Language Other Than English (2.0) Fine Arts (1.0) Health (.5) Endorsement Electives (4.0) Additional Electives (1.5)
Make sure you turn in your endorsement form. Thank You!