FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE BASED ON HACCP regulations By Ramadan Badran
Objectives At the end of the session, you should be able to: Outline correctly the weaknesses of the traditional approach to inspections Outline clearly the historical development of HACCP State accurately the advantages of utilizing the HACCP principles Outline clearly the relationship between pre-requisite programmes and the HACCP system Define accurately specific terms related to HACCP Identify correctly the 7 HACCP principles List accurately the contents to be entailed in a HACCP plan Outline clearly the role of regulators/PHI in ensuring HACCP principles are utilized
Quality Control programmes Establish QC department Conduct internal monitoring Physical Chemical Microbiological With a view to improve or ensure compliance Concerned about quality standards Similar approach to the traditional inspection, therefore weaknesses are the same Very strong emphasis on final product testing
HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product Risk assessment tool used to guarantee safety and quality A system/framework which identifies, evaluates, and controls hazards which are significant for food safety FSIS
HACCP “The methodical and systematic application of the appropriate science and technology to plan, control and document the safe production of foods” Seeks to identify, assess and control hazards in foods Basic principle “prevention rather than inspection” Common sense application of technical and scientific principles to food production process from farm to table Aim – to produce foods safely and be able to prove that it was produced safely WHO
HACCP Stakeholders should have sufficient information concerning foods and related procedures To identify where and how a hazard may occur Producers, processors, distributors, food handlers and consumers
Advantages of HACCP Greater degree of food safety assured Offset limitations in final product testing Removes some of the subjectivity associated with conventional inspection procedures Know hazards, where likely to exist, project how they could occur, id. where control must be exercised, decide where to conduct measurements Assists employees in coping with processing irregularities and equipment break down Final responsibility for food safety lies with company “Options limited based on Vision” Histamine poisoning/scromboid – where is the hazard likely to occur?
Complementary standards ISO 9000 series product quality standards ISO 22000 a new standard that specifies the requirements for a food safety management system. ISO 22000 incorporates all the elements of HACCP and of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
Pre-requisite Programme Cleaning & Sanitization Personal Hygiene Preventative maintenance Raw material control Pest Control Facilities Training Traceability & Recall programmes HACCP plan more effective as focus can be placed directly on the production operation. Support for hazards being Not reasonably likely to occur. Justification for not adding a particular potential hazard to theHACCP Plan.
Food flow diagram
STEP 1 Conduct hazard analysis. Prepare flow diagram of steps in the process Identify the hazard and specify control measures Identify the CCPs in the process using a decision tree Establish critical limits/target level to ensure that each CCP is under control Establish monitoring requirements for CCP by scheduled testing or observations Establish corrective action for each breach/ when monitoring indicates that a particular CCP is out of control Establish procedures for verification that the HACCP system is working correctly STEP 7 Establish effective record keeping procedures concerning all procedures and records applicable
Step 1: Hazard Analysis In an attempt to identify potential hazards, it is necessary to consider: The raw materials used Processing procedures The manner in which the product will be used Egg for cooking vs to be used in punches
Step 1: Hazard Analysis Identify PH foods Foods that may contain poisonous substances, pathogens or large numbers of spoilage micro organisms Identify the potential source and specific points of contamination By analysis of each step in the food chain Every time a new ingredient is added or the processes are changed then the food flow will look different. Not an overnight event Determine the potential for micro organisms to survive Or multiply during production, processing, distribution Storage and preparation Assess the risk and severity of hazards identified
Step 1: Hazard Analysis Procedure Get information about the recipe Get information about the process Get information about the use of the food Holding temperature Possibility for recontamination Shelf life Prepare and serve without cooking Preparing and cooking the same day Preparing, cooking, holding, cooling, reheating and serving
Step 1: Hazard Analysis Risk Assessment Risk vs severity Risk Severity will the hazard always be present how often will it be present Severity Is it life threatening Will many people become ill Will there be extensive spoilage of the product
Justifications What is the normal microbial load Does the microbial population change during processing until it reaches the consumer Does the changes in the microbial population alter the safety of the food To what degree does the normal wear of the equipment affect the likely occurrence of a physical hazard Does the method of packaging affect the multiplication of pathogens or formation of toxins Is the food intended for the general pubic Infants, ages, immunocompromised Institutional feeding vs home
Step 2: ID. CCP Find the points in the process where the identified hazards must be: Prevented Eliminated Reduced to safe levels A decision tree is usually used Depending on the process, there may be more than one CCP Cooking to destroy pathogens in chicken breast Cooking and then reheating Sealing of cans – cooking temp. and cooling temp Milk – pasteurization temp and chilling temp.
Decision Tree used for CCP
Step 3: Establish Critical Limits For each CCP, establish a minimum or maximum limit that must be met in order to prevent or eliminate the hazard or reduce it to a safe level Min limit -TT 74C for 15sec Can go a step further increase cooking time to 18 secs Max limit – 4.4C for chilling additives, Aw
Step 4: Establish Monitoring procedures Once a critical limit has been established Determine the best way to ensure it is not exceeded Should be able to detect any deviation from specifications and must provide the information in time for action to be taken Identify who to monitor When to monitor How to monitor Device to be used Calibration frequency Visual observation Sensory evaluation Physical measurements Chemical testing Microb testing
Step 5: Corrective Actions Identify the steps that must be taken when a critical limit is not met These steps should be determined in advance Should be noted on the log sheet used for monitoring Discard (sealing of cans) Continue cooking (eg. Chicken) Rewash (fruits for a salad)
Step 6: Verify system works Plan to evaluate on a regular basis Ensure that the goals set were met Once per shift ( for chicken) Temp logs reviewed weekly to identify pattern Changes may be necessary Same chicken breast Temp not being met towards the end of the week Corrective action taken and was duly noted What could be the problem Product audits, end product testing incubation tests
Step 7: Documentation Maintain HACCP Plan Maintain all records obtained when: Monitoring activities were performed Corrective actions taken Verification activities Equipment is validated/changed/modified Information from suppliers Training sessions
Role of Government in HACCP Ensure appropriate application of the HACCP principle by food industry Facilitate HACCP implementation as deemed practical and necessary Provide leadership in food safety control by accepting and promoting HACCP Enforcers and facilitators Regulations may be required Voluntary compliance programme Dependent on legislative framework as well as the national, regional and global context
Role of the PHI Ensure that the HACCP plan is properly designed and implemented, and is operating effectively Enforcement activities should focus on the conceptual features of the HACCP system rather than only on the physical features emphasized by the traditional approach Advise and assist industry in the development of HACCP plans Facilitate training activities
Assignment Choose a food item/product Chart the food flow Brain storm to identify the potential hazards For each hazard identified – justify For each non-hazard – justify why not Determine CCP Establish critical limit Decide on control methods