Extractive Industries in the High North By Anatoli Bourmistrov HIGH NORTH CENTER FOR BUSINESS “Arctic Bridge” Cooperation on PhD Education and Research Training in the field of Management in Extractive Industries in the High North By Anatoli Bourmistrov Professor, PhD September 19 2012 St. Petersburg
Background Increasing industrial cooperation between BEAR countries especially related to development of the Arctic Extractive Industry (petroleum-, mining- and supply industry) requires: More research based knowledge through joint research projects Joint and harmonized training of researchers
HOW TO SECURE QUALITY? Bourmistrov & Mellemvik (2007) RUSSIA NORWAY Quality standard-setters in education Central Ministry of Higher Education and Research National and international committees and organizations: e.g. NOKUT Autonomy of educational institutions Compliance to the national, regional and local education standards Autonomy in filling in the education programs How relevance of the program is defined? Relevance as following the standards Relevance to the business community and students Program management Management by standard-following Management by reputation Bourmistrov & Mellemvik (2007)
Important differences RUSSIA NORWAY Levels Doctor and candidate of science PhD Language of the dissertation Russian Norwegian/English Publications Russian language journals approved by SAC National and international journals, depending on the dissertation type Number of supervisors One Two (three)
Comparison of quality understanding of the Ph.D. programs in Norway and Russia RUSSIA NORWAY Quality focus The country: development of the economic and defense potential The student, research community and the society in general Quality control Primary focus: output control Input control is important too. Primary focus: input and process control. Output control is important too. Quality standard-setters Central Ministry of Education National and international committees and organizations Bourmistrov & Mellemvik (2007)
Application to SIU Main application partners: Network partners: Bodø Graduate School of Business Baltic State Technical University, St. Petersburg Network partners: NARFU MGIMO MSTU USTU TSU Other NAREC partners Gubkin University
Goals and sub-goals Main goal: To strengthen Norwegian-Russian knowledge cooperation in the field of Management in Extractive Industries in the High North between institutions in the network Sub-goals: 1. To develop a Norwegian-Russian model of cooperation in an International PhD education in accordance with the Bologna process, including the enrollment, education, supervision and defense components of such a program 2. To implement the joint research training program in the partner institutions step by step by involving young researchers in the joint research projects 3. To establish an academic panel for the PhD program (PhD Education Board) aiming at securing quality of joint research training program in institutions 4. To promote long-term academic research and attractiveness of graduate and post-graduate studies in the field of management with focus on High North and widening the prospects of further joint research projects both in Norway and Russia 5. Network development: develop contacts’ network, also outside Norway and Russia - international conferences, seminars, guest lectures and other networking activities that will be an important part of the project
Developing a model Based on the institution’s own PhD programs, but harmonize the following components: Goals of PhD education Enrollment requirements The content of the education components in the program and methods (joint courses: compulsory/electives) Thesis writing Ways to secure student exchange and international internships: participation in conferences/colloquiums Joint supervision and how to carry out the dissertation Defense component of the program
Joint PhD courses Promoting fundamental understanding of opportunities and challenges in developing Arctic resources and extractive industries from cutting edge and multidisciplinary academic perspectives More professors and students’ mobility, team teaching at each other universities Rotate location of the PhD course
Joint research activities Involving PhD students and researchers into joint research projects: Joint applications Cooperation between researchers Example: NAREC ALTECH II (FRIENDLY BOARDERS) NORRUSS
PhD Education Board Aim: quality assurance and securing relevance of the PhD education program Members: members from each institution and internationally recognized researchers Meeting annually Responsibility: reviewing, evaluating and providing guidance of how to improve and secure the quality of the PhD education of young Norwegian and Russian research students Also inviting representatives from private industry and government to join the panel (or establishing a separate panel)