CFOA Change Programme
Why change?
Why change? National developments affecting Fire: Reduction in central control / oversight Promotion of devolution and localism Sir Ken Knight’s review challenging efficiency Ongoing austerity programme Adrian Thomas review – workforce issues Transfer of Fire to Home Office Government challenged by Public Accounts Committee regarding assurance Blue Light Collaboration Duty to collaborate (Police Bill)
Why change? Home Office – fire reform programme Continuing financial savings Increased collaboration with other public services Implementing national standards Workforce reform and flexibility / retained firefighters Tackling diversity Police and Crime Commissioners taking over Fire Independent inspection / regulation Support for research function Co-ordinated procurement Transparency and data
Why change? CFOA Board plans to: Strengthen operational leadership of Fire Services Increase the influence of Fire Authorities and Services Improve national coordination Why change? Reduce duplication, improve efficiency CFOA Board plans to: Support improved local service delivery Following member consultation, these changes are being put to the CFOA AGM on 12 September 2016.
Why change? Over the last six months the CFOA Board has been considering the future direction for the Association Feb 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 April 2016 Feb – June 2016 May 2016 Detailed approach considered at CFOA Members’ spring conference. Updated proposal presented to the FRS Council. . Regular updates for CFOA members on Home Office thinking and the CFOA response Home announced Secretary outlines Fire Reform programme . CFOA President outlined the proposals to the Fire Commission.. Survey of CFOA members including a summary of the proposals. Outline proposals are presented to FRS Council.
How? CFOA Future Operating Model
CFOA Members FRAs FRSs NFC Council Chair HMI Independent regulation NFCC Fire Model Local Government Association Home Secretary Fire Minister FRAs Mayors/ PCCs CFOA Members Home Office officials NFC Council Chair FRSs HMI Independent regulation National Fire Chiefs Council Professional Standards Body Other Government Departments Fire sector (e.g. IFE, FSC, FPA, FSF, FIA, FIRESA ) CFOA Trustees Co-ordinating committee (note 3) Co-ordinating committee (note 3) Co-ordinating committee (note 3) National Police Chiefs Council Co-ordinating committee (note 3) Devolved Administrations Co-ordinating committee Performance Committee Other partners such as FBU, RFU, Prospect Trading subsidiaries Plus working groups etc. (including possible joint committees with the NPCC)
Key changes CFOA Proposals
CFOA Proposals
National Fire Chiefs Council CFOA Proposals National Fire Chiefs Council The FRS Council would be renamed the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) and have a representative from each FRS Develop the current FRS Council so that it provides clearer professional leadership on operational fire matters The NFCC would develop an Annual Plan of work which meets the prioritised needs of FRAs / FRSs. The NFCC would support whole of UK FRS, recognising the different administrative arrangements that exist, and actively work with the devolved administrations.
NFCC Chair Replaces the role of CFOA President Full-time, paid role – elected by the CFOA Membership Representing the NFCC to Governments, partners etc Oversight of the CFOA HQ
CFOA would remain as a charity and membership organisation. CFOA Charity CFOA would remain as a charity and membership organisation. It would provide support to the NFCC and CFOA membership would take decisions affecting the Association The Trustees will be responsible for the trading activities, support to the NFCC and ensuring that the governance is effective, plus the HQ team The CFOA Board will be made up of representatives Trustees Decisions on operational matters will now be taken by the NFCC
Professional partners will be the main source of funding Membership Individual membership will continue but the individual membership fee will generally cease Professional partners will be the main source of funding Other types of membership (past members, honorary, sector and international) will continue
Timeline if proposals are agreed. Sept 2016 Autumn 2016 Jan – Mar 2017 Sep – Nov 2016 Jan 2017 April 2017 CFOA AGM to approve changes, new CFOA President Election of Chair CFOA HQ restructured to support the changes Work to define the NFCC progressed New shadow CFOA Board in place Model goes live, Chair in role, new CFOA Board of Trustees, NFCC operational
Contact For greater detail on area of the proposal please contact either: John Beckerleg: Dave Etheridge: The Chief Fire Officers Association 9-11 Pebble Close Amington Tamworth Staffordshire B77 4RD Telephone: +44 (0) 1827 302300 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1827 302399 Company Registration No. 3677186 (England and Wales) Registered Charity No. 1074071