A big hello from Union of Kingston Students. -
Welcome Registered charity, which means we follow charity laws All Kingston University students are members You elect student representatives to lead the organisation – Beatrice, Daisy, Haider and Patrick Students represented at all levels of decision making within the union and the university Supported by team of permanent staff
Why are we here? You approve what we’ve been doing – Annual Report looking back at last year 2015-16 You approve what we spent money on last year – Audited Accounts You approve who scrutinises our accounts (Auditors) We show you our budget for this year, 2016-17 and our key aims www.kingstonstudents.net/student-meetings
What else happens? Agenda Minutes and Apologies Reports plus Questions to Officers External Affiliations Motion Debate www.kingstonstudents.net/student-meetings
How do you get involved? Approval – we’re asking if you are happy with what we have presented to you and vote To Note – we’re informing you of this and there is no vote Voting For– Green thumbs Against – Red thumbs Abstain (neither for or against) – show of hands Got a question for those presenting? – Raise your hand Tweet @union_kingston No idea what’s happening – ask!
Minutes of AGM and EGM 11th February 2016 25th February 2016 To approve
AGM 2016-17 Apologies for absence To note
AGM 2016-17 ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16
Annual Report New constitution and governance structure Secured additional funding from University Achieved small surplus of £4k on finances despite starting year with projected £100k loss Biggest ever Global Festival Secured additional funding from the University to ensure all student staff are paid London Living Wage of £9.40 per hour Built foundation for biggest Freshers Appointed two new external trustees to the Board
AGM 2016-17 ACCOUNTS 2015-16
AGM 2016-17 AUDITORS Clark Crowe Whitehill To Approve
AGM 2016-17 Budget 2016-17
Budget 2016-17 2015- 2016 2016-17 REPRESENTATION 175 260 ACTIVITIES 2015- 2016 2016-17 REPRESENTATION 175 260 ACTIVITIES (includes Sports, Societies, Student-Led Volunteering, Sustainability) 335 305 MARKETING (includes Engagement, Freshers, Commercial, Customer Service, Office and Reception) 214 235 NUS Affiliation 40 35
Aims 2016-17 Develop and enact new bye-laws in line with the new Governance structure Grow student engagement with the Union: involvement in representation structures and democracy Increase voter turnout in Union elections with more candidates for Officer Trustees Continue to lobby the University for enhanced Union presence at all campuses. build Officer and Union awareness on each campus Develop liberation activity and campaigns to support students in making all voices heard Develop advice strategy. Reviewing identify areas that need impartial advice, eg. housing and money Help Increase the development of Global Festival Provide excellent customer service as the first point of contact for advice, sports, volunteering, societies and student networks Deliver a successful Freshers’
AGM 2016-17 Officer Reports To note and receive questions
Officer Reports Haider Chaudhry – KH and Activities Officer Beatrice Carey – KP and Academic Affairs Officer Daisy Du Toit – PR and Union Development Officer Patrick Tatarian – RV and Student Welfare Officer www.kingstonstudents.net/student-meetings
External Affiliations AGM 2016-17 External Affiliations To note
External Affiliations National Union of Students Nightline Advice UK Student Volunteering Network British Universities and Colleges Sport Jitsu Foundation BCPA (Skydiving) BMC (Mountaineering) LA Boxing Surrey FA BCA (Cheerleading) England Hockey www.kingstonstudents.net/student-meetings
External Affiliations BUCS (Volleyball) BUCS (England Basketball) RFU Surrey RFU British Gymnastics English Lacrosse Association BAFA (American Football) – we only pay the team, coaches and £6 per player. Students pay £20 towards their individual affiliation NHSF - National Hindu Students' Forum (UK) www.kingstonstudents.net/student-meetings
Elections 2017 Nominations Open 23rd January Nominations Close 13th February Voting opens 20th February Stand for Student Officers (paid, full-time roles) NUS Delegate Student Trustee More Information at www.kingstonstudents.net
AGM 2016-17 Motion Debate To Debate and Vote
First there was Brexit, then there was Trump and now there is the TEF First there was Brexit, then there was Trump and now there is the TEF. Save our students (Their education and their pockets) before it is too late! AGM 2016-17 Motion 1
Orphanage Volunteering AGM 2016-17 Motion 2 Orphanage Volunteering
AGM 2016-17 Motion 3 Create more of solidarity with KU LGBT+ students to make them feel safer
EU student protection after Brexit AGM 2016-17 Motion 4 EU student protection after Brexit
AGM 2016-17 Motion 5 To officially take a stance & stand in solidarity with the people of Syria
Prioritization of Kingston University Student AGM 2016-17 Motion 6 Prioritization of Kingston University Student
Cultural Heritage Celebration Months Item AGM 1617/07 Motion 7 Cultural Heritage Celebration Months
Reduce the time required for a Guest Speaker to be Approved AGM 2016-17 Motion 8 Reduce the time required for a Guest Speaker to be Approved
Kingston University Student Rip-off AGM 2016-17 Motion 9 Kingston University Student Rip-off
Equal Opportunity Studying AGM 2016-17 Motion 10 Equal Opportunity Studying
Improving the laptop loan scheme AGM 2016-17 Motion 11 Improving the laptop loan scheme
AGM 2016-17 Motion 12 Consent Workshops
AGM 2016-17 Motion 13 Decreasing consumption of plastic water bottles and creating new water stations across KU
Defend refugees and migrants - No to racism and Islamophobia AGM 2016-17 Motion 14 Defend refugees and migrants - No to racism and Islamophobia
AGM 2016-17 AOB
Thank you!