Ensuring Good Manhood Health After Circumcision


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Presentation transcript:

Ensuring Good Manhood Health After Circumcision

Circumcision is one of the oldest surgical procedures. Practiced for thousands of years, it can be done for cultural, religious, social or medical reasons. No matter a man’s reason for having a circumcision done, it’s vitally important that he pays very close attention to good member care in the days and weeks following the procedure. The more good care he gives himself, the better manhood health and sensation he will be able to maintain for the rest of his life as a circumcised man. member care Of course, keep in mind that the tips below are for the majority of circumcision cases; a guy who has a more complicated case or other surgical procedures done in addition to circumcision might want to take these tips with a grain of salt. What matters most is following the surgeon’s directions for recovery to the letter. And when in doubt, never hesitate to call the physician!

Pursuing an uneventful circumcision recovery For most men, circumcision can take well under an hour. If there are medical problems, such as a too-tight prepuce or infection, those problems can begin to resolve almost immediately upon completion of the procedure. Here’s what to expect from a routine recovery: 1. Expect serious bruising and swelling. This is typical of any surgery, not just one done on the member. In fact, the bruising after surgery can be quite shocking, so don’t be alarmed if it appears that the entire manhood is covered in bruised splotches. This will go away over a matter of weeks.

2. Use the pain medication. Though there isn’t significant pain associated with a circumcision, there is still some discomfort. Painkillers will be prescribed, so use them. Don’t be surprised if they are only necessary for a few days, however. Many men are surprised at how quickly the pain goes away. 3. Take care with urination. Yes, it’s probably going to hurt when a guy pees after the circumcision. To alleviate this, he can drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and dilute the urine. He can also apply a bit of petroleum jelly to the tip of the member before and after he urinates, to help keep the acidity away from the more sensitive areas.

4. Avoid certain activities and movement. It’s important to give the member ample time to heal. This means all sensual activity is off-limits for at least a few weeks. It also means a guy must be extra-careful not to let the member bump into anything, suffer any sort of trauma, or otherwise be handled roughly. That means avoiding contact sports and wearing underwear that holds the member snugly, to avoid the natural side-to-side movement when he walks around. 5. Use only what the doctor prescribes. It might be tempting to use natural oils, creams and the like when the member is healing. This is never a good idea. Use only the crèmes the doctor suggests during those first few weeks, as the use of anything else could interfere with healing. Though the use of a good manhood health crème is encouraged after the healing is complete, don’t reach for it while the wound is still healing!

6. Try to avoid tumescence. That means a guy doesn’t want to spend his time looking at adult videos! He also wants to try to avoid nocturnal tumescence, though this is understandably impossible to eliminate completely. A few tips include ensuring the bladder is always as empty as possible, which might mean getting up a few times at night to urinate. Lying on his side in a fetal position can also help a guy alleviate some of the tumescence he might get at night. Finally, remember to keep all doctor’s appointments. If anything about the circumcision feels painful, get in touch with the physician immediately.

And once a guy is healed, it’s time to reach for the best manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). He will want one that contains a multitude of vitamins and nutrients, especially L-carnitine. This amino acid is known for lessening the chances of peripheral nerve damage and helping preserve member sensation. manhood health crème