Plan for Training Programme under Lab to Land Initiative State Institute of Rural Development,Assam G.S.Road, Khanapara, Guwahati-781 022
1.Training Programme of the Bharat Nirman Volunteers: Total Nos. of Volunteers :500 Duration of the Training : 4 days. Venue : Off Campus. Nos. of Volunteers in each batch :50 Total Nos. of Programmes : 10 Objective: 1. To develop young brigade as volunteers. 2. To build their capacity. 3. To equip the volunteers about the various programmes of the Govt. To develop compency in skills of management and leadership amongst the youth. Programme Strategy: 1. Grouping the volunteers in to 10 equal batches. 2. Collaboration with line departments to act as Master Trainers.
Training Programme of the Bharat Nirman Volunteers-Continued 4 Impart training. 2. Community need assessment 3. Lecture & Group discussion, Audio Visual methods, field assessment etc. Training Fixtures: 1. 1st batch : 2nd May,2011 to 5th May,2011 2. 2nd batch :9th May,2011 to 12th May,2011 3. 3rd batch : 11th May,2011 to 14th May,2011 4. 4th batch :16th May,2011 to 19th May,2011 5. 5th batch :18th May,2011 to 21st May,2011 6. 6th batch :23rd May,2011 to 26th May,2011 7. 7th batch :25th May,2011 to 28th May,2011 8. 8th batch :30th May,2011 to 2nd June,2011 9. 9th batch :1st June,2011 to 4th June,2011 10. 10th batch :6th June,2011 to 9th June,2011
2.Interaction between functionaries and people for awareness generation and streamlining delivery system. Duration : one day Level of participants : Local people Nos. of Programmes : 24 nos ( 2 in each GP) Training Fixture : May-June,2011 Objectives of the Programme: To make aware about the different government programmes. To bring the functionaries nearer to the people Facilitate interface between the Govt. Officials / PRIs functionaries and rural people. To enhance the cordial relationship between the Govt. Officials and the people. To enhance transparency and accountability.
Interaction between functionaries and people for awareness generation and streamlining delivery system Programme strategy: 1. Interactions 2. Song & drama 3. Quiz 4. Slogan 5. Leaflets & pamphlets distribution
Objectives of the Training: 3.“ Participatory Planning through PLA Exercise” Duration : 3 days Level of participants :PRI functionaries & Selected Volunteers Nos. of Participants : 150 ( covering all the members of GPs) Nos. of courses : 6 Training Fixtures : June,2011 Objectives of the Training: 1. To know about the PRA/PLA exercises. 2. To develop block data base/situation analysis. 3. To identify the strength and weakness of the area and its people. 4. To identify the critical gaps for proper planning. To develop the trainee as master trainers for future courses
Participatory Planning through PLA Exercise Training Strategy: Both theory and practical 1. Theory – Lecture & discussion. 2. Practical- Field exercise. Group formation Data collection Compilation Report preparation & presentation. Each member will inturn organize PRA exercises in their respective areas.
4. “ Participatory Social Audit in the field through Gram Shabhas – Approaches and Methods”.( handholding training) Duration : 2 days Participants : Social Audit Team. Representative of NGOs, CBOs, PRIs Functionaries & Selected Volunteers. Nos. of Participants :225 Nos. of Courses :5 Training Fixture : May & June,2011 Objectives of the Training: 1. To acquaint different stakeholders with the process of social Audit. 2. To facilitate social audit in the field. 3. To develop master trainers for the future courses.
Participatory Social Audit in the field through Gram Shabhas – Approaches and Methods”.( handholding training) Training Strategy: Both Theory and Practical 1. Theory Lecture and Discussion. 2. Practical Field Exercise Group formation Verification Report preparation Presentation at Gram Shabha
1To know about the role & responsibility of VMCs. 5. Handholding Training on Vigilance, Monitoring and Grievance Redressal –Approaches and Methods for the members of Vigilance and Monitoring Committes. Duration : 2 days Participants : Members of VMCs Nos. of Participants :200 Nos. of Batches : 5 Training Fixtures : June-July,2011 Objectives of the Training: 1To know about the role & responsibility of VMCs. 2. To know various methods and steps involved in vigilance and monitoring. To help the members to unite the reports.
Handholding Training on Vigilance, Monitoring and Grievance Redressal –Approaches and Methods for the members of Vigilance and Monitoring Committes Training Strategy: Both Theory and Practical 1. Theory Lecture and Discussion 2. Practical Field Exercise Verification Report Preparation
6. Handholding Training on PRIA Soft, MIS and Use of Computer in Office management for the Secretaries of G.Ps ,Data Entry Operators and Accounts Assistants. Duration : 6 Days Participants : Secretaries of G.Ps ,Data Entry Operators and Accounts Assistants. Nos. of Participants : 30 Nos. of Course : 1 Training fixture : 23rd – 28th May,2011 Objectives of the Training: 1. To know about the importance of data entry. 2. To enhance the efficiency of the on-line reporting. 3. To help in proper maintenance of the reports of the schemes. To acts as master trainers
Handholding Training on PRIA Soft, MIS and Use of Computer in Office management for the Secretaries of G.Ps ,Data Entry Operators and Accounts Assistants Training Strategy: Both Theory and Practical Theory : Lecture and Discussion Practical : On-line reporting etc. ; Practice & Demonstration.
1To identify critical gaps in the planning and Implementation process. 7. Training cum Workshop on identification of Critical gaps in Planning and Management of MGNREGA and Other RD Programmes for District and Block Development Officers. Duration : 3 days Participants : District & Block level officers Nos. of Participants : 38 Nos. of Courses : 1 Training Fixture : 23rd to 25th May,2011 Objectives of the Training: 1To identify critical gaps in the planning and Implementation process. 2. To evolve strategy to streamline delivery system. To evolve monitoring mechanism Training Strategy: 1. Lecture and Group discussion Case studies
8. Planning & Management of Permissible works under MGNREGA and other RD Programmes for District & sub district level officers of the line departments. Duration : 3 days Participats : District and Sub district level officers of line Dept. Nos. of Participants : 40 Nos. of courses :1 Training fixture : 30th May,2011 to 1st June,2011 Objectives of the Training : 1. To identify critical gaps in the planning and Implementation process. 2. To evolve strategy to streamline delivery system. 3. To evolve monitoring mechanism. Training Strategy: Lecture and Group Discussion Case Studies.
Objectives of the training: 9 . Design & Estimate of Permissible Works under MGNREGA for Engineers, Junior engineers & technical Persons Duration : 3 days Participants : Engineers, Junior engineers & technical Persons Nos. of participants :25 Nos. of course ;1 Training Fixture : 2nd-4th June,2011 Objectives of the training: To prepare the proper design and estimate 2. To know about the computer based software for preparation of design and estimate. To be acted as master trainers. Training Strategy: 1. Lecture & Group Discussion 2. Design Development and Estimate preparation 3. Presentation of the design & estimate 4. Case studies.
10. Planning and Implementation of Flagship Programmes in Blocks---Role of Panchayat. ------ A Training based on interactive session with line department officers for the members of the Chairperson of ZP,AP,and GP and member of ZP and AP Duration : 3 days Participants ; Chairperson of ZP,AP,and GP and member of ZP and AP Nos. of Participants :28 Nos. of courses :1 Training fixture : 6th – 8th June,2011 Objective of the Training: 1. To know about the flagship programmes. 2. To enhance the relationship between line department officers and PRIs functionaries. 3. To improve the implementation and delivery mechanism of the flagship Programmes. To converge the line department programmes with RD schemes
1. Lecture & Group Discussion 2. Case studies 3. Presentation 10. Planning and Implementation of Flagship Programmes in Blocks---Role of Panchayat. ------ A Training based on interactive session with line department officers for the members of the Chairperson of ZP,AP,and GP and member of ZP and AP Training Strategy: 1. Lecture & Group Discussion 2. Case studies 3. Presentation
11. Planning & Implementation of Flagship Programmes for Creation of Basic amenities in Gram Panchayat --------- a training programmes based on interactive sessions in the field with officials of line departments for the members of GP. Duration :3 days Participants : Officials of line department & Members of GP Nos. of participants :120 Nos. of Courses :3 Training Fixture :2nd and 3rd week of June,2011 Objective: 1. To improve the implementation and delivery mechanism of the flagship programmes. 2. To interact with the govt. officials & PRI functionaries. 3. To have good relationship amongst the Govt. officials and PRI functionaries. 4. To be acted as master trainers. To enhance the implementation
11. Planning & Implementation of Flagship Programmes for Creation of Basic amenities in Gram Panchayat --------- a training programmes based on interactive sessions in the field with officials of line departments for the members of GP. Training strategy: 1. Interaction session 2. Presentation and group discussion. 3. Case studies.
12.Handholding Training to existing SHGs for formation of primary federations for the members of SHGs Duration :2 days Participants :Members of SHGs Nos. of Participants :200 Nos. of courses :5 Training fixtures : 4th week of June,2011 and 1st &2nd week of July,2011 Objective of the Training: 1. Formation of federations 2. To know about the importance of federation. 3. To know about the management procedure of federations. 4. To act as facilitator. Training Strategy: 1. Lecture and group discussion. 2. Case Studies.
1. To make people aware about the programme & their delivery system. 13. “Workshop on Citizen Charter”. Duration : 2 days Participants : Senior Citizens of the Villages. Nos. of Partipipants : 60 Nos. of courses :2 Training fixture : July,2011 Objectives of the Training: 1. To make people aware about the programme & their delivery system. 2. To enhance transparency & accountability. 3. To enhance people’s receiving capacity. Training Strategy: Lecture & discussion etc.
Objectives of the Training: 14. “Workshop on Grevience Redressal”. Duration : 2 days Participants : PRI functionaries, BDO, Selected Volunteers etc. Nos. of Partipipants : 60 Nos. of courses :2 Training fixture : July,2011 Objectives of the Training: 1.To enhance the transparency and accountability . 2.To help in addressing the complains and its remedial measures. 3.To improve the coordination amongst the stake holders & Implementing agencies. Training Strategy: Lecture & discussion etc.
1. To Improve their skills and technique. 15. “Skilled Development Training on Income Generation Activities”. Duration : 8-10 days. Participants ;Educated Unemployed youth , Entrepreneurs, Women Nos. of participants :200 Nos. of Courses :5 Training fixtures : May,June & July,2011 Objectives of the Training : 1. To Improve their skills and technique. 2. To run the activities in profitable manner. 3. To sustain the activities. 4. To develop a team of faciliutator. Training Strategy: Lecture & Discussion. 2. Practical learning-Demonstration, Interaction with successful entrepreneurs
1. To get fast hand information. 16. “Exposure Visit of Entrepreneurs to the Specialized Institutes Outside the State”. Nos. of Courses : One Nos. of Participants : 20 Participants : Members of SHGs/JLGs Duration : One Week Visit fixture : June,July,2011 Objectives of the Exposure Visit: 1. To get fast hand information. 2. To expand their skill and knowledge base. To get embrace with latest development in their respective field
17.“Exposure Visit of farmers to the Specialized Institute Outside the State”. Nos. of Courses : One Nos. of Participants : 20 Participants : Farmers Duration : One Week Visit fixture : July,August,2011 Objectives of the Exposure Visit: 1.To get fast hand information. 2.To expand their skill and knowledge base. 3. To get embrace with latest development in their respective field
18. Buyers Sellers Meet 19. Farmers Meet
Activities for Technology park Name of Activity Nos. of Groups Horticulture 25 Nursery 10 Handloom& Sericulture 50 Farm Mechanisation 85 Duck farming 200 Poultry Farming 30 Dairy Farming 30 Piggery Farming 30 Micro Enterrise 20 Fishery 20 Total 500