Fostering cooperation among the science and industry in Jelgava and Siauliai (LLIII-160) Liene Rulle Project manager Jelgava City Council.


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Presentation transcript:

Fostering cooperation among the science and industry in Jelgava and Siauliai (LLIII-160) Liene Rulle Project manager Jelgava City Council

Total project budget, EUR Partner Institution Co-financing, EUR Total project budget, EUR ERAF national Lead partner Jelgava City Council 119 336.60 21 059.40 140 396.00 Partner Nr. 2 Siauliai City Municipality administration 43 833.65 7 735.35 51 569.00 Partner Nr.3 Latvia University of Agriculture 226 644.85 39 996.15 266 641.00 Partner Nr.4 Siauliai University 96 730.00 17 070.00 113 800.00 Total: 486 545.10 85 860.90 572 406.00 Project implementation time: April, 2011 till March, 2013 (24 months) Project is financed by Latvian – Lithuanian Cross Border Cooperation Program 2007 - 2013

Target groups of the Project at least 10 young scientists from both partner Universities; 90 students from both project partner countries who will take part: in Business Discussions thus finding collaboration partners among the enterprises; in the cross border Forum; at least 80 students in both countries who will take part in the pilot courses of the new study modules; 7 lecturers of LUA and 4 of SU who will participate in experience exchange during joint preparation work of study modules and lecturers from LUA trained to further disseminate the developed modules.

Owerall objective: to facilitate the cooperation among science, students and project partners in order to encourage development of high added value and technology based businesses in Latvia- Lithuania border region.

Project sub-objectives: Improve the resource base for both – sciences and students working with technologies. Foster the co-operation among sciences, students and project partners and stimulate development of new businesses.

Activities of the project: Project management – WP1 Improvement of the resource base of the Technology Transfer Centers – WP2 Improvement of curricula and networking – WP3

WP1: Project management In framework of WP1 there are planed different project administration and implementation works: organization of procurement procedures, preparing the progress reports; organization of Project Steering Committee and Project management unit meetings Opening seminars, providing of project publication events – booklets and press relieses preparing disseminating, information publication on web pages, etc).

WP2: Improvement of the resource base In framework of WP2 there are: planned to improve resource bases in Latvian Agriculture University and Siauliai University: at the LUA will be renovated and equipped laboratories for environmental quality monitoring, ecologic and energy-efficient building materials researches, at the SU will be renovated and equipped laboratories for hydrogen energy and biotechnology and genetic researches. planned to organize 3 “Open days” in the renovated and equipped laboratories in Jelgava and Siauliai cities In framework of Activity will be developed co-operation between students - entrepreneurs – scientists and improved Technology Transfer Centers (laboratories) in Jelgava and Siauliai.

WP3: Improvement of curricula and networking In framework of WP3 there are planned to: develop the 6 new study modules concerning quality control, acoustics, patenting and commercialization of research and innovation at both Universities develop the teaching methodology pilot 10 intensive courses (including on-the-spot lectures and e-learning instruments in English, Latvian and Lithuanian) during the project implementing time organize Forum about co-operation possibilities in cross-border area organize 3 co-operation measures - discussions between students and entrepreneurs: Business Discussions during which both parties will be able to exchange their ideas Improved teaching methodologies will promote raising of students’ competitiveness in the labor market and will facilitate business starting.

Planed Project output indicators laboratories improved in LUA and SU; Business Discussions organized; “Open days” organized to the newly renovated and equipped laboratories in LUA and SU; mutually compatible university study modules developed; Cross Border Forum organized; Informative/communication measures performed (press releases; booklet; promotional materials; questionnaires; on-line registration; info post cards).

The project is aimed to contribute to development of cooperation between science and industry in Jelgava, Latvia and Siauliai, Lithuania.

Good luck to us the realization of the project... Thank you for your attention! Phone: 63005451 E-mail: