The Use of BlogTalkRadio in Online Management Classes


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The Use of BlogTalkRadio in Online Management Classes Presented by Marjorie Chan, Ph.D. California State University at Stanislaus Educause West/Southwest Regional Conference, February 12-14, 2013, Austin, Texas

Abstract This research seeks students’ perspectives with respect to the use of BlogTalkRadio to conduct interviews with executives and entrepreneurs for online management classes. This presentation leaves copyright of the content to the presenter. Unless otherwise noted in the materials, uploaded content carries the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license, which grants usage to the general public with the stipulated criteria.

Rationale of the Study Investigates whether students prefer the use of BlogTalkRadio (BTR) to generate resource materials for management classes. Learn from students’ perspectives whether the BTR interviews hosted by an instructor with student participation can enhance interactions. Students can call in to the show or cohost the show with the instructor. Link students to the practice of management

Research Method A total of 103 students from three sections of a fully online Business Policy course were asked to participate anonymously in a Qualtrics survey with respect to the use of BlogTalkRadio in online management classes. The response rate was 67.96%.

Survey Questions and Results 1 Survey Questions and Results 1. Do you like the use of BlogTalkRadio to interview entrepreneurs and executives for online management courses? Answer Response % A. Yes 63 90% B. No 7 10% Total 70 100%

2. Would you like to participate in a BlogTalkRadio interview show by calling in to the show in order to ask the interviewee (an entrepreneur or an executive) some questions? Answer Response % A. Yes 25 36% B. No 45 64% Total 70 100%

3. Would you like to co-host an interview show with the instructor? Answer Response % A. Yes 10 14% B. No 60 86% Total 70 100%

4. How often would you like the instructor to conduct interviews on BlogTalkRadio during the semester? Answer Response % A. Do not conduct interviews on BlogTalkRadio 3 4% B. One interview in a semester 18 26% C. Two interviews in a semester 25 36% D. Three interviews in a semester 13 19% E. Four interviews in a semester 9 13% F. More than four interviews in a semester 2 3% Total 70 100%

5. Do you consider online interviews constitute good resource materials for management classes? Answer Response % A. Yes 61 87% B. No 9 13% Total 70 100%

Answer Response % A. Yes 55 79% B. No 15 21% Total 70 100% 6. Do you consider BlogTalkRadio interviews hosted by an instructor with student participation a good way to enhance student-student, student-instructor, and student-content interaction in online classes? Answer Response % A. Yes 55 79% B. No 15 21% Total 70 100%

Answer Response % A. Yes 64 91% B. No 6 9% Total 70 100% 7. Do you consider interviews with entrepreneurs and executives on BlogTalkRadio as one of the ways to find out how concepts learned in management classes are put into practice? Answer Response % A. Yes 64 91% B. No 6 9% Total 70 100%

Answer Response % A. Yes 56 80% B. No 14 20% Total 70 100% 8. In addition to hosting interviews with entrepreneurs and executives, BlogTalkRadio can be used to host other types of shows with educational value. Would you recommend the use of BlogTalkRadio as a tool in online classes? Answer Response % A. Yes 56 80% B. No 14 20% Total 70 100%

Discussion Like the use of BTR to interview executives and entrepreneurs for online classes (90%) Would like the instructor to conduct interviews on BTR (96%) Online interviews constitute good resource materials for management classes (87%) BTR interviews hosted by an instructor with student participation constitute a good way to enhance interactions in online classes (79%) From BTR interviews with entrepreneurs and executives, one can find out how management concepts are put into practice (91%)

Discussion (continued) In addition to hosting interviews with executives and entrepreneurs, BTR can be used to host other types of shows with educational value (80%) As 69 out of 70 respondents had not participated in a BTR show, only 14% would like to co-host an interview show with the instructor, and 36% would like to call in to an interview show.

Conclusion Overwhelmingly positive responses with respect to the use of BTR in online management classes. BTR can be used across different disciplines such as: - psychology - sociology - political science - religious studies, and so forth.

Two BTR Shows I Conducted BlogTalkRadio - An Interview with Louise Wannier of TRUUdesigns BlogTalkRadio - a show titled "University Students' Perspectives with Respect to Having Office Hours on the Air"