Population in the Municipality in Aalborg: 210.027 Number of students: 64.505 students(about 4.000 international at UCN and AAU) Aalborg is a knowledge and industrial city English video: https://vimeo.com/188618577
Visit Aalborg What’s Aalborg
International House North Denmark One-Stop-Shop for international residents in North Denmark
Regional focus Main purpose is to attract receive and retain international qualified work force in North Denmark.
Diversity Creativity Innovation Growth
Project justification Number of employed international residents in Nordjylland Target group The number of employed international residents in the region has risen by 73 % since 2009. We wil need more work force in the furture in North Denmark 26 % of the work force in the private sector work for international owned companies In 2016 there were 25.935 internationals in jobs. In addition, there are accompanying spouses, refugees and students from other countries living in Nordjylland.
INTERNATIONAL HOUSE North Denmark EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS COMPANY NETWORK UCN / AAU access2innovation International students advisory board International staff department Business departments / clusters ENTREPRENEURSHIP Ethnic Danish Entrepreneurs Network - EDEN International Startup Service The Business Factory and KICKSTART CIVIL SOCIETY Organizations for students (AIESEC, Studylife, I-Life, ASR) Organizations for expats (Xpat Network North, Rotary International, Aalborg International Friends) JOBCENTER INTERNATIONAL Job seeking and job counseling. Information about løntilskud, internships, education, and work and living conditions in Denmark. PUBLIC SERVICES One-Stop Shop of public services International Citizen Service, SKAT, Statsforvaltningen, STAR, WorkinDenmark
SERVICES Networking and leisure / cultural offers Events Sports and culture fair Social networking through AIESEC, I-Life, Aalborg Student Radio, Xpat Network North, Elsk Aalborg, Aalborg International Friends Entrepreneurship International Startup Service: support program for start-up companies run by international citizens Networking and counseling Workshops and courses for entrepreneurs International Startup Café Job seeking Guidance in relation to job seeking and job counseling Information about løntilskud, internship and education Jobs for spouses through Workindenmark’s spouse program Guide and information about work and living conditions in Denmark
Global Growth Agents Acceptance fra Language centre, UCN og AAU Global Growth Agents programme (2 year programme) 28 students pr year (14 from UCN og 14 from AAU based on applications) Educational programme with Danish language classes, understanding working culture and rules etc.., innovation, individual mentor, enterpreneurseminars and possible SME training Result= student job or internship
Job and business-related programs 2016-2018 Global Growth Agents - 1 programs per year of 28students - in total 3 programs for 84 students. Inspiration from Work-Live-Stay program in Southern Denmark. Expat Host Program -2 programs per year of 25 students - in total 6 programs for 150 students. A mixture of CPHs host program and mentor program. Spouse Space - 8 training courses throughout the project period. In total 100 accompanying spouses participating in 8 training courses on how to enter the Danish labor market. Market focus - 4 events throughout the project period involving a total of 40 companies from North Jutland and 100 international citizens. Individual business seminars - 4 seminars by large companies based in North Denmark with the participation of 100 international citizens. Building of international contacts and network - Participate in at least two EU funded projects - Actively participate in the Nordic TAM cooperation - Be visible at foreign seminars / fairs - Visibility in social and professional media. Global Outlook Strategy Program- 3 training courses on diversity management and other topics related to expanding abroad EURES - recruitment of qualified labor across national borders within the EU
Entrepreneurship activities 2016 – 2018 The actors in the house cover all of the links in the entrepreneurship value chain: Starting a business (International Startup Service) Development of business plan (International Startup Service and Ethnic Danish Entrepreneur Network) Upscaling (The Business Factory and KickStart AAU) Investing in the business concept (The Business Factory) 3 matchmaking seminars between newly started ethnic entrepreneurs and North Denmark businesses
How many companies participated and how many answered the survey? The survey was sent to around 500 companies in North Jutland: 78 opened the survey 64 filled out the survey
67 from the private sector 9 public sector organizations What types of companies participated? 67 from the private sector 9 public sector organizations 2 ‘other’ – organizations that lie between the private and public sector
Who answered the survey? 75% are in positions of leadership 13% work in human resources 12% are in communications
35% of the responding companies have had difficulty finding the workers they need in North Jutland. This points to a need for attracting more qualified workers to the region.
A high percentage of the responding companies have international staff.
95% of companies that have hired international staff members are satisfied with them.
Especially 1) Market knowledge, 2) Cultural knowledge and 3) Language skills are the biggest advantages of international employees. The relative large group "Others" covers several elements, but the most important factor is number 1., that the foreign workforce is more highly qualified and competent in general.
Thank you for your time and attention Contact: Lasse Frimand Jensen lfj@aalborg.dk www.ihnd.dk