Chapter 6 Lesson 3 A Royal Colony Again ESSENTIAL QUESTION: –What problems were faced by the various groups that attempted to colonize French Louisiana?
Bienville Returns: Challenges facing Bienville upon return as governor: 1. Calm the settlers / restore ties with Indians 2. Shortage of livestock & good tools 3.Inadequate supply of money Few ships available to transport goods 4. Food rationing in colony & reliance on barter and warehouse credit
War with the Chickasaw • Conflicts between tribes used often to advantage of French and British French goods generally preferred by Choctaw – British (trading partners & allies with Chickasaw) – Chickasaw (enemies of French & Choctaw) • French fearful of peaceful relations between Chickasaw and Choctaw • France’s colony threatened by possible trading partnership between Choctaw and British • Eventual war lasting for several years between Chickasaw and French – Several defeats suffered by Bienville –
1742: Retirement of Bienville as governor of colony Bienville retired as governor of Louisiana because: He felt the Chickasaw War was a failure He was discouraged He lost the war, friends, and his confidence.
A Different Kind of Governor 1742: New governor (Pierre Francois de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil) – Halted Indian raids on settlements – Worked out peace agreement with Chickasaw – Used kindness and dignity to calm internal conflicts in colony • Improved living conditions & prosperity for colony • Formal ceremonies & parties established • Governor credited with 1 st Louisiana Mardi Gras ball
The Last French Years 1752: Vaudreuil designated as governor of Canada • Louis Billouart, Chevalier de Kerlerec appointed governor of colony Tensions between French and British increasing Stage set for French and Indian war Caught in middle of squabbles with commissary commissioner • 1762: Colony given to Spain (Secret Treaty of Fountainbleu)
Governor Louis Bilouart, Chevalier de Kerlerec Strong Military Reputation Tensions between the British and French before the French and Indian War He was in constant arguments with the Commissary Commissioner and found the arguing petty and annoying. He asked for permission to leave, but remained until 1762.
The People Early explorers and promoters (hardy French Canadians) Free-spirited woodsmen (coureurde bois “woods runner” in French Preferred independent lifestyle to settling in colony • Early French colonists – Lacked survival skills for harsh environment – Many interested in search for gold & silver • German farmers (hardy, saved colony)
The People • Soldiers (considered as rejects of army) • African slaves (hard labor, created economic growth in colony) • Soldiers (considered as rejects of army) • Women – Scarce in the colony – Absence, causing instability in colony – 1728: Arrival of “casket girls” – Some women of bad reputation sent from the streets of Paris
Life in the Colony • Began as a struggle in French colonial Louisiana in the wilderness • Challenging environment • Adaptation of people to suit location • Daily hardships faced by colonists • Elements of culture added to improve their lives
Religion • Roman Catholic: official religion of France and the Louisiana colony • Church supported by the government • Nuns & priests provided for the colony • Few of the early priests lived among the Indians as missionaries • Schools established by nuns & priests • Early days: Mardi Gras & other church holidays celebrated
Lifestyles • Early population of Louisiana between 6,000 & 7,000 when colony given up by France • Gambling & card playing main entertainment • Few elegant homes, majority of logs or bricks • Ignorant about diseases / health awareness • Jean Louis: money left in will (provisions for a charity hospital in New Orleans) • Clothing: made mostly from imported cloth – elegant clothing (from France) worn by wealthy
Success or Failure • Factors contributing to success or failure of French colony of Louisiana – Colony under regulations of France – Colony affected by hurricanes, mosquitoes, heat, & humidity – The first colonists – a poor choice? – Leaders of the colony • Those seeking to benefit colony • Those seeking profits for themselves – Trade restrictions – Inadequate funding & supplies No policy makers (King Louis XIV, Crozat, or Law ever went to see the vast land called Louisiana