The Russian ritual rag-doll Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
Appearance Many years ago Russian people had a lot of gods and they had to make sacrifices. First it was an animal or a beautiful girl. Later a human was replaced by a doll. Those dolls were named “ritual”. Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
How to make A rag-doll (roller) (скрутка) is made by rolling a piece of cloth. Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
How to make The doll is taken as a living creature so neither scissors nor a needle are used because they can do a lot of harm to the doll. Thread must be torn off or bitten off with your teeth. A needle may be used only while decorating. Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
How to make Patches must be new. Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
How to make Women usually make a dress, an apron, a kerchief for the doll and give it a unique name. Otherwise alongside the name of the person it will take the problems of a person and then will give these problems to you. Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
How to make There are some more special instructions for making such dolls: No one can force or persuade you to make a doll. It is made of one's free will and out of the goodness of one's heart. A doll must have a form of a cross. It must be faceless. Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
Where to keep The doll is not for playing. It is kept inside a chest and can be given from mother to daughter on the wedding day of the latter. A hostess can also keep the doll on the wall to protect you from evil or in the central corner among icons. Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
Of course, these are women who keep these amulets but men also are awarded to use the power of the rag doll. It is supposed the doll protects the man on the way or during the war and reminds him of home. Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
There are many types of ritual rag-dolls To burn on Mardi gras Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
The symbol of sun and good summer Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
The goat for wealth Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
Fertility and wealth Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
One hand for a good marriage Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
Ten arms for a good wife Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
Wife and mother Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
For a happy and wealthy family Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.
Нечаева О.С., Титова О.А.