Report of the NEA President NEA Fund For Children & Public Education October 1, 2015
Member & Student Advocacy Pay Health Insurance Pensions Sick Leave Assignments Tenure Evaluations Fair Dismissal Class Size Testing Nutrition Programs Positive Discipline The Arts Collaboration Empowered Educators Student Health & Safety Access to Higher Ed
Social Justice Global Child Labor Disability Rights Dreamers Equal Opportunity to Learn Head Start Affirmative Action Living Wage Voter Suppression Retirement Security Marriage Equality Equal Pay for Women
“The Florida teachers union and school boards association are trying to kill scholarships for 70,000 low income children.” Marco Rubio Regarding FEA’s fight against vouchers (Rubio Facebook Aug 29, 2014)
“It’s a sad thing to see politicians more interested in pleasing the union bosses who are writing checks to him than taking care of the kids who desperately want hope and a ray of opportunity for the future.” Ted Cruz Regarding Mayor DeBlasio closing failing charter schools Observer News, Jan 13, 2015
“The teachers union likes to be off work four or five months a year “The teachers union likes to be off work four or five months a year. They like to get a full-time salary for a part-time job.” Chris Christie (ThinkProgress July 1, 2015)
The unions’ emphasis on seniority system “rewards you for just sitting in the chair, and anyone who tries to do a good job gets discouraged.” Carly Fiorina (Columbus Dispatch Sept 24, 2015)
“We hear all this agonizing about the criteria for merit pay, about the difficulty of deciding who deserves more. The truth is that principals know who their best teachers are.” Mike Huckabee (On the Issues, 2015)
“If I were, not president, but if I were king of America, I would abolish all teachers’ lounges, where they sit together and worry about ‘woe is us.’“ John Kasich (Columbus Dispatch, Sept 24, 2015)
“Time isn’t on this teacher union’s side no matter how much influence it tries to buy.” Rand Paul (Rand Paul Facebook Oct 30, 2014)
“Teachers' unions, in the name of protecting their members, are often the biggest obstacles to reforming our schools for the benefit of both teachers and students. Part of the problem is collective bargaining.” Rick Santorum (On the Issues, 2015)
"Were it not for the teachers union Herculean efforts, every low income family would probably have the opportunity to enroll their child in a better performing school.” Bobby Jindal (U.S. News Dec 12, 2012)
“You've got no better friend than Lindsey Graham for homeschooling as an option.” Lindsay Graham (Fordham Institute June 3, 2015)
“Many of these schools should be bulldozed “Many of these schools should be bulldozed. I am fully aware of the value of a good education. We are failing these kids by protecting the education unions.” Ben Carson Dr. Ben Carson Facebook Aug 14, 2015)
“When teachers’ unions say even the most minuscule program allowing school choice is a mortal threat, they’re saying: If we aren’t allowed to keep 90% of the market, we can’t survive.” Donald Trump ThinkProgress 8/17/2015
“In Florida, I fought against the teachers union to make my state a pioneer in the school choice movement.” Jeb Bush 8/19/15
Koch Plan Hold the House and Senate. Take the Oval Office Kill the Unions First Bills out of Koch Congress & White House National Right to Work Kill Public Sector Collective Bargaining Make payroll dues deduction illegal Prohibit release time for union leaders
Strongest Democratic Nominee is our armor. Hillary Clinton, Democrat Bernie Sanders, Independent Martin O’Malley, Democrat
"Instead of giving tax breaks to billionaires, maybe we invest in our children, maybe we invest in education.” Bernie Sanders Washington Examiner, 7/7/15
"This is what we do as Americans, to do more in every generation, to give our children a future with more opportunity, rather than less.” Martin O’Malley Washington Examiner, 7/7/15
“Our public school system worked so well for America for so long “Our public school system worked so well for America for so long. We’ve got to make sure it works as well for our future…I, for one, would much rather pay for pre-kindergarten than for more prison beds.” Hillary Clinton TakeBackAmericaConf 1/20/07
NEA Members National Survey of 2,000 NEA members. Aug 6-12, 2015. Landline and cell phones. Margin of error +/- 2.2% We have spoken to our members about the primary election. In our most recent national member poll, we asked the Democratic primary question and Hillary Clinton had a 24 point lead. She leads among all key subgroups including ESPs. She leads in every region. She leads among every age group including millenials. She leads among white members and minorities. She leads among self-identified conservatives, moderates, and even our most liberal members. She leads among activists and non-activists. Hillary Clinton’s support among our NEA members is clear in this survey. CLINTON SANDERS BIDEN
NEA Members National Survey of 2,000 NEA members. Aug 6-12, 2015. Landline and cell phones. Margin of error +/- 2.2%. Looking regionally, you can see that Clinton leads among members in every region of the country – and by large margins in all but one region. +24 +35 +7 +25 +32
The Clinton Advantage in Polls RealClearPolitics Polling Average: Clinton 41%, Sanders 27%, Biden 20% Looking at the general public, Hillary Clinton is also strong in national polls of Democratic voters. She consistently leads her opponents by margins that any other candidate would dream of. Nearly all races tighten as we approach Election Day, and this primary election is no different. But the fact remains that Secretary Clinton has the most support among likely Democratic primary voters.
Democratic Base Voters More critically, Clinton maintains her leads with important parts of the Democratic coalition: women and people of color. In a recently published national poll(ABC/WaPo 9-10), Clinton leads Sanders among non-white Democrats by 44 points. Her strength among these voters doesn’t help her much in a heavily white state like New Hampshire, but will be critical in South Carolina, Nevada and across the diverse Super Tuesday states. Also important, the most recent Quinnipiac national poll showed Secretary Clinton leading among women by 22 points over Senator Sanders. Women and people of color make up a large majority of Democratic primary voters in most states and Clinton’s numbers among these groups are dominant.
Organizing Advantage Clinton Sanders Biden Raised through Q3 $75m $40m $0 Paid staff in early states 140 102 Governors Supporting 12 Senators Supporting 36 Members of Congress Supporting 160 Super Delegates Committed 440 0? Super PAC Formed and Ready Yes No By nearly every metric – fundraising, staffing, endorsements and campaign infrastructure – Hillary Clinton is out-organizing the Democratic field. Through the end of the third quarter (just last night), Clinton has raised $75 million to Sanders’ $40 million. Her support is from both large donors and small donors. 93% of her 3rd quarter donations were under $100. Clinton has more paid staff and organizers on the ground in early states. She has the support of 12 governors, 36 US Senators, and 160 members of Congress. Bernie has zero. These endorsements matter as they often bring with them important organizational support including in-state fundraising, staff capacity, and field infrastructure. Of the 713 Super Delegates to the Democratic National Convention, Clinton already has commitments from 440 of them. We aren’t aware of any other candidate with pledged support from a superdelegate. Finally, as much as we dislike Citizens United and the Super PACs that they spawned… they are now a part of our political world. There is a network of well-funded Super PACs formed and ready to support the Clinton campaign and take on the Koch Brothers. Sanders has disavowed Super PAC support, effectively tying one hand behind his back as the Koch network spends $1 billion to elect a Republican.
2016 Governor Term-limited or retiring Democrat There’s a reason so many elected officials are supporting Hillary Clinton: they have confidence that she will run a strong campaign that helps candidates down ballot. These downballot races are critical for our members. We have twelve important races for governor in 2016 including in the Presidential battlegrounds of North Carolina and New Hampshire. Democratic incumbent eligible for re-election Term-limited or retiring Democrat Republican incumbent eligible for re-election No election
2016 Senate Battleground There are nine competitive US Senate races next year, and eight of them are presidential battlegrounds. To win these races and retake the majority, we must have the strongest candidate, with the strongest campaign operation, at the top of the ticket. Alaska Hawaii
Why recommend in Primary? Maximize our access and influence for our students and schools. Strengthen the Candidate. Koch Strategy in Democratic Primary: Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay until it’s too late to impact. Weaken the most viable candidate.
She fights for children and middles class families: Champion on Title I and Perkins Funding Leader on expanding State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) funding Co-Sponsor of Dream Act, Employee Free Choice Act, Raise Minimum Wage, Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Strong supporter of affirmative action and LGBT rights Repeal the Obamacare “Cadillac Tax” health plans. Hillary Clinton isn’t just a strong campaigner. She is great on our issues. While in the US Senate, she: Was our champion on Title I and Perkins Funding A leader on expanding State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) funding A Co-Sponsor of Dream Act A co-Sponsor of Employee Free Choice Act to Just this week she announced that she will work to repeal the upcoming “Cadillac Tax” on our health plans. strengthen unions.
Her Plan for Great Public Schools for ALL Students Increase time to learn - Reduce testing mandates. Equity of Opportunity - Greater charter transparency/accountability and close underperforming charters. Real Partnership - Choose an Education Secretary who will work with us. Fighting for the Future - College affordability including student loan benefits for educators and public service occupations. And as a candidate this year: She has committed to reduce standardized testing mandates. She demands “fairer, fewer and better” tests for students. She is on the record for greater charter transparency and accountability and for closing underperforming charters. She has told us repeatedly that she will choose an Education Secretary who will work with us, not against us to improve schools for students. She has released a detailed college affordability plan – the most detailed of any candidate. And she told us on our teletown hall that she specifically wants programs that reduce student loan debt for educators and those in public service jobs.
Recommendation NEA PAC recommends Hillary Clinton For the Democratic Primary For President of the United States