Leadership That Gets Results What should leaders do? “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” Michael Jordan
How can leaders get results? The most successful leaders have understood and applied the emotional intelligence and this is the secret to get important results. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (the ability to manage ourselves and our relationships effectively) Self-Awareness Self-confidence Emotional self-awareness Social Skill Influence Developing others Self-Management Self-control Honesty and integrity Social Awareness Empathy Organizational awareness
Why emotional intelligence is so important? The best thing for a leader is knowing how to combine together all these capabilities and have the flexibility to switch between them depending on the circumstances. Managers often fail to appreciate the emotional intelligence. Some studies has demonstrated which precise leadership behaviours yield positive results.
Leadership’s styles: The coercive style - demand immediate compliance. The authoritative style – mobilize people toward a vision. The affiliative style – create emotional bonds and harmony. The democratic style – build consensus through participation. The pacesetting style – expect excellence and self-direction. The coaching style – develop people for the future.
Measuring Leadership’s Impact: Coercive Authoritative Affiliative Democratic Pacesetting Coaching Flexibility 28 32 27 7 17 Responsibility 37 21 16 23 4 8 Standards 2 38 31 22 39 Rewards 18 54 48 42 29 43 Clarity 11 44 35 Commitment 13 34 26 20 Impact on climate - 26 46 - 25 This table is of the article “Getting Molecular: The Impact of Leadership Styles in Drivers of Climate” and it shows the correlation between each leadership style and each aspect of climate. The Authoritative style has the most high evaluation but this isn’t enough because also the drivers responsibility and Standards are important. For this reason the best leadership is a combination between different styles :authoritative, affiliative (in fact it hasn’t bad evaluation), democratic and coaching.
Example of coercitive style:Stalin The Coercive Style: Not Effective: In other situation “Do what I say” Example of coercitive style:Stalin Effective: Turnaround situation; Natural disaster; When working with problem employees; Coercive leadership inhibits the organization's flexibility and dampens employees‘ motivation because the leader demands immediate compliance. The emotional intelligence competencies are: Drive to achieve; Initiative; Self-control;
The Authoritative Style "Come with me" Effective: When changes require a new vision; When a clear direction is needed; Not effective: When the leader is working with a team of experts or peers who are more experienced than he is. The leader could be considered overbearing; Example of authoritative leader: Steve Jobs The leader mobilizes people toward a vision and he motivates them to develop the goals at the best of their capabilities. The authoritative leader also defines standards that revolve around that vision.
The Affiliative Style “People come first” Not effective: Effective: This kind of leadership gives people the freedom to believe that mediocrity is tolerated. Rarely the leaders offer constructive advice on how to improve something; this style leaves them rudderless; Effective: When there are problems in a team; To motivate people during stressful circumstances; Build a sense of belonging; Example of affiliative leaders: Warren Buffet This leadership revolves around the people, its proponents value individuals and their emotions more than tasks and goals. The affiliative style creates harmony and builds emotional bonds.
The Democratic Style “What do you think?” Efficient: To build consensus through participation; To get input from valuable employees; To drives up flexibility and responsibility; People operating in a democratic system tend to be realistic about what can and cannot be accomplished; Not effective: Meetings conclude because consensus remains elusive; Some democratic leaders use the style to put off making crucial decision and people end up feeling confused and leaderless; Example of democratic leader: Barack Obama The democratic leader needs the capabilities of collaboration, team leadership and communication.
The Pacesetting Style “Do as I do , now” Effective: Not effective: To get quick results from highly motivated and competent team; The leader sets high performance standards and exemplifies them himself; Not effective: He is obsessive about doing things better and faster; Destroys climate; The employees’ morale drops. Flexibility and responsibility evaporate; He quickly pinpoints poor performers and demands more from them otherwise he replaces them with people who can. The pacesetting leaders have conscientiousness, drive to achieve and initiative.
The Coaching Style “Try this” Effective: To help an employee improves performance; Develop long-term strengths; Not effective: Many leaders say that they don’t have the time in this high-pressure economy for the slow and tedious work of teaching people and helping them grow. Coaching leaders help employees identify their unique strengths and weakness and tie them to their personal and career aspirations. The Coaching leaders have the capabilities of developing others , empathy and self-awareness.
Leaders Need Many Styles Leaders who have more than 4 styles have very best climate and business performance. Expand the leader style repertories. Leadership effective Authoritative, democratic, affiliative and coaching Leaders must understand which styles they need in a specific situation. The leader can build a team with members who employ styles she lacks. New styles can be learn only with the practice.
The End Martina Bianco Matricola: 178656