How does coaching add value in organisations? 13th Annual Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference International Centre for Coaching & Mentoring Studies How does coaching add value in organisations? A grounded theory study MA in Coaching & Mentoring Practice Pallavi Sharma 19th January 2017
Overview of presentation Reason for study Literature Research problem & questions Methodology Key findings Process model
Why this study? Challenges as Head of Coaching Demonstrating value to the organisation Tension - matching intangible outcomes with tangible business measures …there must be an effective way of evaluating coaching that I haven’t read up on ….
Reviewing the literature Coaching in organisations - expanded …..but limited research on effectiveness Why? It’s complex several definitions different genres
Evaluation approaches & criteria Variety but no consensus Causal linkages Confounding variables Tangible vs intangible outcomes
Key issues emerging Intangible benefits – hard to ‘measure’ – not captured Alternative approaches - factors of effectiveness vs measures for testing Absence of a theory of coaching Gap…?
The Problem How can we capture the full benefit of coaching in organisations? Enquiry… …role of intangible outcomes, when coaching is perceived to add value in organisations Effectiveness Value
Research questions What do coachees perceive as value from their coaching programme? What do organisational representatives consider as value for the organisation from individual coaching? What are the attributes of individual coaching that deliver this value? What approaches are used to identify whether the coaching has delivered this value?
Methodology Research paradigm constructivist-interpretivist Qualitative & inductive strategy Grounded Theory – (Corbin & Strauss, 2015) Strategy & approach Research paradigm Exploring employees’ perceptions of value of coaching based on their subjective experiences and observations = constructivist-interpretivist paradigm in the context of organisations Exploring employees’ perspectives on value of coaching required an in-depth rather than broad study – therefore qualitative and inductive strategy (consistent with constructivist-interpretivist paradigm) GT selected because purpose to develop theory relating to processes or events – aligned with purpose/aim of the study (add reference)
Data collection Purposive sample theoretical sampling Sectors - manufacturing, pharmaceutical, legal, construction, NHS 28 participants Interviews - semi-structured, majority face to face (2 telephone, 3 video-link) Coachees 13 Organisational Stakeholders 15 - Line Managers 3 - Commissioners of coaching 5 - Senior leaders/decision-makers 8
Approach to interviews Semi-structured Majority face to face (2 telephone, 3 video-link) Broad question areas: Coachees what was useful what indicated it was having a benefit Stakeholders drivers for selected coaching vs another intervention how gauged if value was being delivered
Data analysis Initial codes Constant comparison Memos
Data analysis Theoretical sampling simultaneous data collection & data analysis 1. Stakeholders x3 (org commissioners) 5. Stakeholders x1 (org commissioner) 9. Coachees x3 2. Coachees x4 6. Stakeholders x2 (line managers) 10. Stakeholders x3 (executive directors) 3. Stakeholders x1 (org commissioner) 7. Coachees x6 11. Stakeholders x2 (CEO/MDs) 4. Stakeholders x2 (CEO/MDs) 8. Non-commissioning line manager x1
Data analysis Axial coding Conceptual themes Categories
Key Findings – 3 categories Developed through coding & concept development constant comparison memos theoretical sampling axial coding conceptual themes 1. Enabling enhanced thinking 2. Equipping with internal resources 3. Generating commitment & engagement
Enabling enhanced thinking Facilitating thinking differently 1. Enabling enhanced thinking Conditions of support & safety Facilitating thinking differently “…the fact you could talk openly and there was no pre-judgement.” (Sarah) “…to break those walls down and make me see it from different angles…” (Sophie)
Equipping with internal resources Confidence Empowerment, Agency 2. Equipping with internal resources Personal strategies Confidence Empowerment, Agency “…helping me make sense of the present and equipping me to move on into the future with self-confidence and optimism.” (Tony)
Investing in well-being A valuing culture 3. Generating Commitment & Engagement Personalising development Investing in well-being A valuing culture “…because it’s not something that is a generalised approach for everybody.” (Andrew) “…and people will now stay in the organisation…” (Linda) “…less down, less alone, more able to go back and do more work.” (Tony)
Core Category Mobilising internal enablers 1. Enabling enhanced thinking 2. Equipping with internal resources Mobilising internal enablers 3. Generating Commitment & Engagement
CONDITIONS & ATTRIBUTES Safety Trust Support CONDITIONS & ATTRIBUTES Challenge External Change Organisational Change Development Programme + Confidence Communication Coping with the job
CONDITIONS & ATTRIBUTES Safety Trust Support CONDITIONS & ATTRIBUTES Non-judgemental Challenge External Change Organisational Change Development Programme + Confidence Communication Coping with the job
Awareness & Understanding Safety Trust Support CONDITIONS & ATTRIBUTES Non-judgemental Challenge Tools Personal Strategies Awareness & Understanding New Perspectives External Change Organisational Change Development Programme + Confidence Communication Coping with the job THINKING DIFFERENTLY
Awareness & Understanding strategies confidence Safety Trust Support CONDITIONS & ATTRIBUTES Non-judgemental Challenge Tools Personal Strategies Awareness & Understanding New Perspectives External Change Organisational Change Development Programme + Confidence Communication Coping with the job THINKING DIFFERENTLY Individual Level awareness understanding authentic self personal- strategies confidence agency
Awareness & Understanding strategies confidence Safety Trust Support CONDITIONS & ATTRIBUTES Non-judgemental Challenge Tools Personal Strategies Awareness & Understanding New Perspectives External Change Organisational Change Development Programme + Confidence Communication Coping with the job THINKING DIFFERENTLY Individual Level awareness understanding authentic self personal- strategies confidence agency Internal Enablers
Awareness & Understanding strategies confidence Safety Trust Support CONDITIONS & ATTRIBUTES Non-judgemental Challenge Tools Personal Strategies Awareness & Understanding New Perspectives External Change Organisational Change Development Programme + Confidence Communication Coping with the job THINKING DIFFERENTLY Individual Level awareness understanding authentic self personal- strategies confidence agency Internal Enablers Role-modelling Leadership stance Happiness Motivation Solutions
Awareness & Understanding strategies confidence Safety Trust Support CONDITIONS & ATTRIBUTES Non-judgemental Challenge Tools Personal Strategies Awareness & Understanding New Perspectives External Change Organisational Change Development Programme + Confidence Communication Coping with the job THINKING DIFFERENTLY Individual Level awareness understanding authentic self personal- strategies confidence agency Internal Enablers Role-modelling Leadership stance Happiness Motivation Solutions Organisational Level Engagement
Contributions to Research Supports coaching positioned as a personal development tool vs a business tool Some theoretical inferences which can be tested through further studies Supports other research regarding the purpose or outcomes of coaching for Engagement Some empirical evidence for coaches and other professionals seeking to articulate the value of intangible & un-planned for value
Implications for Practice Evaluation - equal emphasis on collecting intangible & unplanned for outcome data Exploring coaching from the perspective of its contribution vs its effectiveness may enable capture of unplanned for and intangible benefits, and fuller benefit of coaching.
Questions? / Discussion