Connectivity between Bikeability, Schools and the Sport Premium funding Claire Tennyson & Lance Chatfield Bikeability Scheme Managers & YST Development Coaches
Outcomes Outline schools PE, physical activity and school sport priorities Outline of what Sport Premium funding is and its purpose Outline the additional Sugar Tax Levy Support schemes to link Bikeability to the Sport Premium funding outcomes Support Schemes to explain the impact Bikeability makes to pupils to connect to Bikeability outcomes
School Priorities PE SS PA Can they discuss what the difference is?
Physical Education Purpose of Study: A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. Aims: The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils: develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities are physically active for sustained periods of time engage in competitive sports and activities lead healthy, active lives. This is the national curriculum. To explain this in lay mans terms: We want to teach the children lots of skills to put in their shopping basket: physical, social, healthy, tactical etc We then need to educate the children to select appropriate skills from their basket and apply them to sport, physical activity etc. The children then need to know how to evaluate their performance – know how to get better And, obviously they need to understand the health benefits of being active and why? Recommendation is to have two hours of high quality PE a week.
School Sport School Games was created in 2010 and was part of the Government’s plans for a lasting sporting legacy from hosting the London 2012 Games. Their aim was to revive competitive sport in schools. Mission: Keeping competitive sport at the heart of schools and providing more young people with the opportunity to compete and achieve their personal best.
Physical Activity 2011 CMO guidelines are 60 mins a day of physical activity for 5 – 18 year olds 2016 Government produced ‘Childhood Obesity. A Plan for Action’. As of Sept 2017 schools will have to: Have every school child active for 30 of their 60 daily minutes active during the school day (in addition to the 2 hours of PE) The remaining minutes should be supported by parents and carers at home. A school new voluntary health rating scheme will come out to schools linked to this. New interactive tool will be available to help schools plan at least 30 mins of PA a day. Linked to Ofsted inspections Ofsted will do some thematic reviews on obesity, healthy eating and physical activity in schools
Sport Premium Funding Department for Education VISION for the Primary PE and Sport Premium is: ALL pupils leaving primary school are physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
£8,000 + £5 per pupil (pupils in Y1 – y6) Sport Premium 2016-17 funding formula £8,000 + £5 per pupil (pupils in Y1 – y6) (Schools with 16 of fewer eligible pupils receive £500 per pupil.)
Sport Premium Objective The funding has been provided to ensure impact against the following OBJECTIVE: To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools. It is important to emphasise that the focus of spending must lead to long lasting impact against the vision that will live well beyond the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding. Must spend it on: making additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport. To encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles. Must not spend it on: Employing coaches or specialist teachers to cover PPA To teach the minimum requirements of the national PE programmes of study – including those specified for swimming.
Sport Premium Key Indicators It is expected that schools will see an improvement against the following 5 key indicators: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for a whole school improvement. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils. Increased participation in competitive sport. Schools need to report on their website by 4th April. Schools should report: The amount they have received and include a breakdown of what it has been spent on What impact the school has seen on pupils’ PE, sports participation and attainment Explain how the improvements will be sustained in the future
Additional Sugar Tax Levy Sugar tax to be invested into primary PE, SS & PA This will double the national Sport Premium funding allocation to £300 million However, this does NOT mean each primary school’s allocation will double Guidance was due out imminently Please note: Due to forthcoming election this could be subject to change. This is the information we had before the election announcement.
Measuring Impact This is a great tool for schools to check and challenge themselves Tutor to hand out a copy to everyone (double sided).
Task Discuss in Pairs: Taking the Sport Premium outcomes and your expertise knowledge of Bikeability. List possible ways that Bikeability can link to the outcomes List possible ways your organisation can offer further support to schools to link to the outcomes Give out a sheet for delegates to complete: Three columns: Sport premium outcome How does Bikeability link to this outcome How can your organisation offer further support to schools to link to this outcome
Task What does Bikeability training give a child? What are the benefits? What impact does it make on them? On your own put a different answer in each of the boxes on the sheet provided Give each delegate an empty bingo card. Delegate to put a different answer in each square We can then play for a line and a full – house – game of bingo Tutors to discuss answers as they are called out. Tutor remember to ask for additional answers people had when the game is finished (ensure they are all shared)
The Head Teacher only has three minutes to listen to your pitch! Task Sales Pitch: In groups you have ten minutes to come up with a sales pitch for Bikeability that you would give to a new Head Teacher. The Head Teacher only has three minutes to listen to your pitch! If we have time then we need to share these sales pitches