Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infection STI/STD Types Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infection
Gonorrhea A bacterial infection that can infect both men and women Pregnant woman can pass it to child Signs/Symptoms: Painful or burning sensation when urinating Increased vaginal discharge Vaginal bleeding between periods Pelvic pain Painful or swollen testicles Test is done through urine
Gonorrhea Treatment available- antibotics If goes untreated can cause… Infertility Pelvic inflammatory disease (females) Prostate problems (males) Scarring inside urethra- difficult urination Can spread to blood and joints causing- lesions, blindness, heart problems, arthritis, and skin disease
Chlamydia Can infect both men and women One of the most common STIs in US Infection spreads easily because it causes no symptoms 75% of women and 50% of men are without symptoms Can pass to baby during birth If symptoms occur: within1-3 weeks of contact
Chlamydia Possible Signs/Symptoms: Urine or Swab test Abnormal vaginal discharge (possible odor) Painful periods Abdominal pain with fever Itching or burning in or around the vagina/penis Pain when urinating Pain and swelling around the testicles Urine or Swab test Treatment: Antibiotics- clears up in about 2 weeks Untreated: infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, epididymitis
Syphilis Bacterial infection This infection is spread from sores but sores can be unrecognized Long term problems: Arthritis Brain damage Blindness Treatment: Antibiotics Cases of it have doubled in the last 6 years
Syphilis Has 3 stages Primary Syphilis: Secondary Stage: Develop one or more sores Small painless ulcers- around genitals Even without treatment heal without scar within 6 weeks Secondary Stage: Last 1-3 months Rash on hands and soles of feet Possible moist warts on groin, white patches in mouth, fever and weight loss
Syphilis Latent Syphilis Tertiary Stage: Inactive If infection isn't treated Severe problems with heart, brain, and nerves can result in paralysis, blindness, dementia, deafness and even death
Crabs Tiny insects that attach themselves to the skin and hair of the pubic area Signs/ Symptoms: Intense itching in genitals or anus Mild fever Fatigue Irritability Presence of lice or small egg sacs (nits) Look like tiny carbs grey in color darken with blood
Crabs Treatments: Over the counter meds ex. Nix Rx Hot baths, shaving etc will not work Spread through sexual contact; rarely from bedding and clothing
Herpes A highly contagious virus that spread through sexual intercourse 2 Types: HSV-1 and HSV-2 No Cure; medication can be given to decrease pain and time of sores Infection of the genitals, buttocks or anal area Look like sores Stress, general illness, menstruation and fatigue can cause more sores once you have it Diagnosed by a blood test
Herpes HSV-1 Oral herpes- sores around mouth and lips Can cause genital herpes Can be spread through kissing, sharing objects (toothbrushes or eating objects) Transmitted through oral secretions or sores Can be spread even if no sores are present
Herpes HSV-2 Genital herpes Most common type Spread through sexual contact Sores most commonly are around genitals or rectum Sores can be located in other locations usually below the waist Can be spread even if no sores are present
Genital Warts Small bumps on genitals 90% times caused by HPV Spread by skin to skin contact Signs/ Symptoms: Flesh-colored, soft to touch bumps (may look like califlower Itchy Usually develop 6 weeks to 6 months after infection Can go away on its own or medication
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus Symptoms usually show up within 2-4 weeks after exposure “worst Flu ever” HIV attacks the body’s immune system (T- cells) and uses it to make a copy of itself Makes it so you can not fight off infections, diseases, and virus Will turn into AIDS No cure
HIV Signs/ Symtpoms: Treatment: HAART Contract through bodily fluids Fever Swollen glands Sore thoart Rash Fatigue Muscle and joint pain Headache Treatment: HAART Contract through bodily fluids
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Final stage of HIV: badly damaged immune system Signs/ Symptoms Rapid weight loss Fever (over 101) Night sweats Prolonged swelling of lymph glands Diarrhea Sores of mouth, anus, genitals Pneumonia Memory loss Depression and/or neurologic disorders
HIV/AIDS Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: 1 in 2 don’t know they have it Infection stage Stage 2: Last average 10 years Stage 3: People only live an average of 3 years 1 in 2 don’t know they have it 1 in 4 new HIV patients are between 13-24 years old