Spotlight on Word Processing Chapter 3: Formatting Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Objectives Week 4 The student will: recognize vocabulary terms and concept on formatting skills related to bold, underline, and italics. (Mon.) perform touch typing by keying words, sentences, and paragraphs (ongoing). Mon.- Fri. use basic word processing commands to create, format, and edit documents by changing the font size and color. (Tues.) use basic word processing commands to create a bullet list and numbering list. (Wed.) perform common editing and formatting function in Ch. 3. (Thurs.) demonstrate their strengths and weaknesses on editing skills on Ch.3 Formatting Post Test.—Fri Chapter 2
Vocabulary-Mon. Look up in Glossary-Study-Test Friday bold bullet font bullets font size font italic underline Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Monday, Class Agenda Week 4 Have students to complete Pre Bell Activity -Pre Bell -Time Writing. Differentiated Activity- According to Your Speed and Accuracy. Log on Edu Typing and click on your Timewriting Test. Do each Timewriting 2 times—3 Minutes Writing Social Media Today or a previous TW—6 Minutes Total The teacher will introduce Ch. 3 Formatting in text and give the purpose of this lesson. (Use PowerPoint Ch. 3.) Have students to complete key terms in Ch. 3 –next slide or on pages 46, 50, and 55 by looking up the definitions of each key terms and read/write summary notes-See Handout or in this PPT Teacher will discuss key terms orally. Complete Frayer Model on Formatting Vocabulary in groups of pairs. After completing key terms, students will continue will read and complete WP Lesson 3.1Bold, Underline, and Italic by typing documents from pages 46-49, and complete Now you Try It. Save all documents in your folder. (Group Activity) Students will continue Edu Typing Practice Library Lesson, Independent Work- Differentiated Activity Closure: Think, Pair and Share –Use Canvas for Exit Question Homework: Create sentences with half of all the key terms on Monday night Chapter 2
Tuesday Class Agenda Week 4 1.Have students to complete Pre Bell Activity -Pre Bell -Time Writing. Differentiated Activity- According to Your Speed and Accuracy. Log on Edu Typing and click on your Timewriting Test. Do each Timewriting 2 times—3 Minutes Writing Social Media Today or a previous TW—6 Minutes Total 2. Teacher will review key terms in Chapter 3 with students 3) Teacher will introduce Lesson 3.2 Font with students using Power Point 4) Students will read and follow directions in the textbook on Font Lesson 3.2 Changing Font on pages 50-54 word processing (typing) activity and complete the Now You Try It on page 54. (Cooperative Group Activity and then Independent Practice) 5) Students will continue Edu Typing Practice Library Lesson--- Independent Work- Differentiated Activity: 6) Homework: Create sentences with the last half of all the key terms for Tuesday night and complete Typing or Writing Assignment 6) Exit Ticket---Wrap up with a review on Canvas Online Learning-Think-Pair and Share Chapter 2
Wed. Class Agenda-Week 4 1.Have students to complete Pre Bell Activity--Pre Bell -Time Writing. Differentiated Activity- According to Your Speed and Accuracy. Log on Edu Typing and click on your Timewriting Test. Do each Timewriting 2 times—3 Minutes Writing Social Media Today or a previous TW—6 Minutes Total 2) Teacher will introduce Lesson 3.3 Bullets and Numbering using Power Point and give purpose. 3) Students will read and follow directions in the textbook on Font Lesson 3.2 Changing Font on pages 50-54 word processing (typing) activity and complete the Now You Try It on page 54. (Cooperative Group Activity and then Independent Practice) 4) ) Students will continue Edu Typing Library Lesson, Independent Work- Differentiated Activity: 5) Students will continue Skill Builder Lessons—Typing Ace, if time permit (Differentiated Activity) and complete Typing Assignment on Handout. 6) Closure: Wrap up with a review. Exit Ticket/Question in Canvas Homework: Continue Studying Formatting Notes-Ch. 3 and complete Voc. Homework. Weekly Homework is due on Thursday. Chapter 2
Thursday Class Agenda Week 4 1.Have students to complete Pre Bell Activity -Pre Bell -Time Writing. Differentiated Activity- According to Your Speed and Accuracy. Log on Edu Typing and click on your Time writing Test. Do each Time writing 2 times—3 Minutes Writing Social Media Today or a previous TW—6 Minutes Total Review Objectives and ask students how they use word processing programs at home. (Classroom discussion). Review the Word screen and show students the icons and screens. Have students to review Ch. 3 p. 59-62 and Complete Review on page 59-62. Differentiated Activity- Teacher will go over Chapter 3 Review on Pages 59-62. Students will work on Integration Activities related to Social Studies & Language skills p 59-62, and complete Buddy –Cooperative Group Activity in Ch. 3 on page 62. If time permits, allow students to create a Ch. 3 test from Ch. 3. Differentiated Activity- Enrichment Activity Students will continue Edu Typing Practice Library Lesson, Independent Work- Differentiated Activity: Closure- Think, Pair and Share--Wrap up with a review—Online Canvas Homework: Study Ch. 3- all notes, key terms and handouts for Test on Friday and Word Processing Editing Project Assignment Worksheet-Language Arts Integration Activity Chapter 2
Friday Class Agenda-Week 4 1.Have students to complete Pre Bell Activity -. Log on Edu Typing and click on your Time writing Test. Do each Time writing 2 times—3 Minutes Writing Social Media Today or a previous TW—6 Minutes Total Review Objectives and ask students how they use word processing programs (Classroom discussion). Teacher will administer Ch. 3 Post Test Word Processing-Formatting in Canvas Students will complete test (See Handout) and turn in for evaluation and complete Typing Section of Post-Test and Save to their drive. The teacher will allow students to complete Thursday Make up Work Ch. 3 Wrap-up Activities on pages 60-62(Group Activities – Buddy Project—Language and Science Differentiated Activities-on Pages 60- 62. Closure: Wrap up with a review-Exit Question on Canvas. Think-Pair- Share Chapter 2
Keying the Text Key text as instructed. To center your text, hold down Ctrl and press the letter E. Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Bolding Text Darker, thicker text. When formatting a line or paragraph, you need to select the text first. When formatting a single word, you do not have to select the word first. Click the Bold button on the Home Ribbon. Click the Bold button again to turn it off. Hold Ctrl and press the letter B to bold.— shortcut for Bold Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Italicizing Text Text that slants to the right. Click the Italic button on the Home Ribbon Hold Ctrl and press the letter I to italicize. Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Underlining Text Text with a straight line below it. Click the Underline button on the Home Ribbon. Hold Ctrl and press the letter U to underline. Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Changing the Font Using the Menu Bar Font size is measured in points. The higher the point size, the bigger the text will be. The largest font size available is 1638. Select the text. Click the Dialog box launcher to the right of the Font label. Font, size, color, and effects can be changed from the Font dialog box. Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Changing the Font with the Toolbar Select the text. Click the Font drop-down arrow on the Home Ribbon. Click the Font Size drop-down arrow on the Home Ribbon. Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Changing the Font Color Select the text. Click the Font Color drop-down arrow. Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Creating a Bulleted List Bullets are small dots or other pictures used when creating lists. They should be consistent throughout the list. Bullet formatting can either be added before or after typing the list. Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Creating a Bulleted List (continued) Select the list. Click the Bullets drop-down arrow on the Home Ribbon. Click Define New Bullet. Click Symbol button. Choose a bullet font. Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Creating a Numbered List Select the list. Click the Numbering button on the Home Ribbon. Default formatting is a number followed by a period. Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Formatting Text Select the text. Change the size. Change the font color. Change the font. Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Summary-Ch. 3 Formatting Formatting such as bold, underline, and italic can add emphasis to text. Bold text is thicker and darker. Italicized text slants to the right. You can change the font using the buttons on the Home Ribbon. Font choices can help to add emotion to your text. The default font in Microsoft Word is Calibri, size 11. Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Summary (continued) The largest font size is 1638. You should not use more than three different fonts within a document. Using more than one font color within a word makes it hard to read. Bullets are small dots, pictures, or symbols used to identify items in a list. Wingdings is a very popular bullet font. Lists can be formatted to include bullets or numbers. Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing
Objectives for the Week Bold text for emphasis Underline text for emphasis Italicize text for emphasis Change the font Change the size of the text Change the color of the text Create a bulleted list Choose a custom bullet Create a numbered list Chapter 3 Spotlight on Word Processing