Jacob Stein, Principal Dr. Mahoney, Literacy Coach MOUNT DORA MIDDLE SCHOOL PUTTING A MORE PERSONAL TOUCH IN STUDENT LEARNING 2016-17 Jacob Stein, Principal Dr. Mahoney, Literacy Coach
INTRODUCTION Personalized Learning Technology Roles Questions & Answers
PERSONALIZED LEARNING In an environment that is personalized, the learning objectives and content, as well as the method and pace, may all vary (US DOE, 2010) Refers to instruction that is Individualized, tailored, differentiated, student-directed… Paced to learning needs [i.e., individualized], tailored to learning preferences [i.e., differentiated] Tailored to the specific interests of different learners.
A COMPREHENSIVE STUDENT CENTERED TEACHING MODEL Motivation to Learn Self Direction Mastery of Knowledge and Skills Social and Emotional Competencies Individualized, Differentiated, and Varied Instruction
BUILDING A CULTURE FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Social Emotional Competencies: Self-Awareness Self-Management Social Awareness Relationship Skills Responsible Decision-Making (CASEL, 2011)
LINKING GOALS AND MINDSET Involves teachers and parents helping students to develop the belief that reaching their goals is: A function of “smartness” Linked to their current level of skill Their ability to improve skills needed to achieve the goal (Dwek, 2000)
BLENDING TECHNOLOGY Personalization has and can take place without technology, but not at full scale. Increases a teacher’s ability to identify and manage the needs of many students…any time, any where. Increases students access to a large variety of interventions, content, resources, and learning opportunities, everywhere at any time. (Wolf, 2010, p. 10)
It takes a village! Students Teacher Parents & Guardians Administration Community It takes a village!
TEACHERS AND STUDENTS The teacher’s ability to positively influence a student because of his or her relationship with the student and the student’s family is a means of personalization. A student’s personal aspirations and self-efficacy perception affect his or her motivation to learn and open windows to expanded interests. A student’s metacognitive competencies (knowing what they know or need to know) are critical to self-directed learning and mastery and are built through multiple modes of instruction and the teacher’s example. A student’s social and emotional competencies are significant goals for personalized learning.
ADMINISTRATION Ensures communication is occurring among all stakeholders. Supports teachers and students by establishing infrastructure that will promote success. Engages as active participants.
PARENTS & GUARDIANS Help your child use technology to manage their courses to achieve individual goals. Check in frequently with your child regarding their learning targets and deadlines. Check your child’s agenda for assignments and teacher comments Stay in contact with the teacher regarding your child's needs to include technology. Schoology SchoolWay App Edmodo Khan Academy Achieve3000
School Way App
References CASEL (2011). What is social and emotional learning (SEL) [Webpage]. Retrieved from http://casel.org/why-it-matters/what-is-sel/ Dweck, C. (2000). Self theories: Their role in motivation, personality, and development. New York: Psychology Press. Edwards, P. (2011). Differentiating family supports. In S. Redding, M. Murphy, & P. Sheley (Eds.), Handbook on family and community engagement (pp. 113-116). Lincoln, IL: Academic Development Institute. Retrieved from www.schoolcommunitynetwork.org. Also published by Information Age Publishing. U. S. Department of Education. (2010). Transforming American education: Learning powered by technology. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from http://www.ed.gov/technology/netp-2010 Wigfield, A. & Eccles, J. S. (2000). Expectancy-Value Theory of achievement motivation. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, 68-81. Wirth, K., & Aziz, F. (2010). Reading, reflecting, and relating: A metacognitive approach to learning. International Advances in Economic Research, 16(2), 237–238. Wolf, M. (2010). Innovate to education: System [re]design for personalized learning. A report from the 2010 symposium. Washington, DC: Software & Information Industry Association. Retrieved from http://siia.net/pli/presentations/PerLearnPaper.pdf