AICE Environmental Management UNIT 6: Atmosphere Basic Structure & Atmospheric Patterns
AKQ1a What are the structural components of the atmosphere? structure of the atmosphere: composition, temperature and variations in air density troposphere stratosphere mesosphere thermosphere (ionosphere)
Layers of the Atmosphere BELLRINGER Layers of the Atmosphere Pop Up Foldable
The Atmosphere Thin layer of air that protects the Earth’s surface from extreme temperature & harmful sun rays All energy on Earth ultimately comes from the sun
Atmosphere Basics Absorbs the energy from the Sun Recycles water & other chemicals Protects us from high-energy radiation & frigid vacuum of space Protects & supports life
THE EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE: Atmospheric Layers
Troposphere the lowest layer of the atmosphere lies next to the Earth’s surface (extends to about 14 kilometers - 9 miles above the Earth)
What happens in the Troposphere? where most of the air that makes up the atmosphere is found where virtually all weather takes place
Temperature in the Troposphere As you move up into the troposphere the temperature decreases. At the top of this layer the air temperature is about - 60°C (-76° F).
Stratosphere begins at the top of the troposphere (14 km/9 miles) extends to about 50 kilometers (31 miles) above the surface of the Earth
Temperature in the Stratosphere As you move up into the stratosphere the air temperature increases. occurs because of ozone
What’s in the Stratosphere? Ozone is a gas that absorbs solar radiation and releases it as heat. The stratospheric or "good" ozone protects life on Earth from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.
Where’s the ozone layer? located at the bottom of the stratosphere
Mesosphere begins at about 50 kilometers (31 miles) above the Earth’s surface extends to 80 kilometers (50 miles)
Temperature in the Mesosphere As you move up into the mesosphere, the air temperature decreases. Temperatures at the top of this layer can drop to -90°C (- 130°F ).
Mesosphere – Protects Earth Meteoroids entering Earth’s atmosphere usually burn up in the mesosphere.
Thermosphere outermost layer begins at 80 km (50 miles) above the Earth extends outward into space Sometimes the thermosphere and exosphere are listed as separate layers.
Temperature in the Thermosphere The higher you move in this layer, the higher the temperature. Temperatures in the thermosphere can reach 1,800°C (3,300°F)!
Northern Lights - Thermosphere beautiful colors of the aurora borealis or northern lights occur in this atmospheric layer
Thermosphere & NASA where the space shuttle orbits the Earth!
Temperature Trends - Atmosphere Troposphere: temperature decreases as altitude increases in this layer (warmed mostly by the Earth’s surface) Stratosphere: temperature increases as altitude increases (particularly in upper portion – ozone) Mesosphere: temperature decrease with altitude Thermosphere/Exosphere: very hot, first to receive Sun’s ray
AKQ1b Why is it important to understand the atmosphere's characteristics? incoming & outgoing radiation within stratosphere & troposphere earth’s energy budget importance of troposphere weather human activity
AKQ2a What is the pattern of air movement in the troposphere? global isolation regions of high & low pressure global & local wind systems effect of land relief & ocean currents major climatic regions
AKQ2b How does it influence regional climates and local weather? anticyclones (high pressure systems) temperate frontal depressions tropical cyclones
AKQ2c What methods are employed to forecast weather patterns? Weather forecasting Weather charts Satellite data Recording weather data (visual & infra- red photography)
Earth’s Layers: The Core the central part of the Earth that lies below the mantle makes up 33% of Earth’s mass radius 3,430 km made mostly of iron and smaller amounts of nickel (heavy minerals) most dense layer
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