Time Management
What is time management and why is it important for college students?
Time management is the process of planning the best way to organize the things that you need and want to do so that you can accomplish them all. Effective time management is a skill that is learned and, like any skill, can be improved on. Time management is important for college students because in order to be successful they must balance their time wisely among many commitments such as classes, study time, extracurricular activities, and free time.
Check list for college survival Do you… Analyze course demands and plan your study time accordingly? Take accurate and clear notes on a lecture in your own words? Read actively so that you remember what you read? Study on you own for at least 15-20 hours per week? Express yourself clearly on paper? Take a multiple-choice test successfully? Think critically about a topic and express your opinions in writing?
Manage yourself in college Do you… Get yourself out of bed and to class on your own? Balance study time with socializing and time alone? Stay calm and focused during an exam? Cope effectively when you are anxious or depressed? Stay motivated when you are frustrated or have failed? Find ways to relax when you are stressed?
Interpersonal demands of college Do you… Ask questions when you do not know or understand something? Introduce yourself to someone and initiate conversation? Disagree with someone and negotiate a compromise? Say no when you do not want to do something? Get close to someone without becoming too dependent or losing yourself?
Tackle the problems of college Do you… Recognize when you have a problem? Ask for help? Make mistakes without losing confidence in yourself? Identify resources where you can get assistance? TIME MANAGEMENT WILL HELP WITH ALL OF THESE PROBLEMS AND CONCERNS!
Making a weekly time management schedule Time management procedures help you become more organized in your academic and social life. By keeping track of your time, you will have a more responsible approach towards your activities. The purpose of time management is not only to be a good student, but also to have a life. It acts as a stress management tool as well. Remember that time management is flexible to your schedule. Your schedule is yours and you have freedom do to what you wish.
Steps for creating a time management schedule Constant Blocks of time All classes One hour for lunch, dinner, and some of you breakfast Athletic practice Campus job Regular meetings (clubs, house, team) Exercise workout times Any activity that is constant (Football on Sunday, Nap)
Fill in other times Study times (are you better in the morning or evening; do you like big blocks of time or interval study times) Leisure times (nights you go out, days you need to relax, special events during the week)
What type of learner are you? Take the Myers-Briggs test www.humanetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp
How do you study for a test?
Helpful hints when studying for an exam Manage your time Don’t procrastinate Organize your time Look up any unfamiliar words Review lecture and text notes on a regular basis Make up your own version of the test Study at times when you are alert Study for test specific information Avoid distractions
When devising your plan of attack for studying, think of it like a scouting report for a basketball game. Write down what you know is going to be on the test. Then write down what you think might be on the test. Go over what your strengths are and then your weaknesses. Finally make sure you are PREPARED when you walk in the classroom to take the exam.
How do you take notes?
Why take notes in class? Organized notes will help you identify the core of important ideas in the lecture A permanent record will help you learn and remember later The lecture may contain information not available anywhere else Class assignments are usually given during the lecture The purpose of the lecture will become clearer through note taking
The 5 R’s of note taking RECORDING. Get down the main ideas and facts. REDUCING. This really means to summarize and pick out key facts. RECITING. Review your lecture notes as soon after the lecture as possible. REFLECTING. Think critically about the information from the lecture. REVIEWING. Reviewing is essential. Knowing when, how and what to review is the key.
Note taking tips Abbreviate as much as possible Read the material before the lecture Ask questions Sit where the instructor can see you Outline the lecture GO TO CLASS
How do you take a test?
Taking a test is like playing in a game Taking a test is like playing in a game. You more you practice and prepare the better you will do.
Tips for test taking Read all of the directions carefully Answer the easiest questions first Answer all of the questions (Unless you are penalized for wrong answers) Ask the instructor to explain any unclear items Answer the questions from the instructor’s point of view HighLight key words in difficult questions Eliminate wrong answers Use ALL of the allotted time to complete the test
Helpful techniques for time management Plan to study two hours for every hour you spend in class Study difficult subjects first Avoid marathon studying Know your best study time Have a regular study area Minimize distractions Do no get too comfortable Agree with roommates about study times
All of these topics are just an avenue to introduce you to the importance of time management for the transition from high school to college. Hopefully you can take some of the suggestions and make your own plan for managing your time.