Setting Priorities and Managing Time A Learning Enhancement Center Workshop
Time Management Effective time management is a critical skill for student success. Organizing your time will give you more time to do the things you love to do. In this workshop: Procrastination, Prioritizing, How to Say “No”, and Useful Time Management Tips.
Self Evaluation Do you use your time productively? Do you plan your outside class time? Do you waste time because you are bored? Do you procrastinate? Do you give yourself time for fun? Could you save time by using the TV and phone less?
Why Things Don’t Get Done No clear goals. Lack of priorities. No daily plan. Attempting to do too much. Perfectionism. Ineffective delegation. Interruptions. Procrastination.
Time Tip It takes 30 days of conscious, spaced repetition of an action to develop a new habit or eliminate an old one.
Seven Steps to Stop Procrastination 1. Ask yourself: “What’s the best use of my time right now? Is this related to my goals?” 2. Get out your project (papers, books) and put it in front of you. 3. Break big tasks into smaller pieces. 4. Write out a plan, including the steps required.
Seven Steps to Stop Procrastination cont’d… 5. Tell others about your plan to stop procrastinating. Ask them to check up on you. 6. Use positive self-talk to motivate and encourage yourself. Remind yourself of your goals and rewards.
Seven Steps to Stop Procrastination cont’d… 7. The last ditch effort: Put your watch on the desk. Tell yourself, “I’m going to work on this for only five minutes, and then I’m going to stop.” You are more likely to continue working than not; getting started is the hardest part.
Learning to say “NO” Listen. Take a minute think about your response. Stop and think. Control your impulse to speak immediately. Ponder what your response will be.
Learning to say “NO” cont’d… Decide immediately. If you’re going to say “no”, say it now. It’s easier to say “no” now than to spend time doing something you don’t want to do. Have reasons. You don’t have to state your reasons, but it’s important for you to know them. This reinforces your priorities.
Learning to say “NO” cont’d… Offer alternatives. This shows you still care about the person asking the favor, or the project they are undertaking. For example, “I can’t coach the team this season, but I can be available as a substitute.”
Time Tip Only schedule 50% of your time. Commit your unscheduled time to what you believe is truly important.
How to Prioritize Order the tasks in your life by numbering them with a 1, 2, or 3. Number 1 tasks have to be done today. Number 2 tasks have to be done this week. Number 3 tasks can wait. Make this list in the morning each day, and try to get the number 1’s done every day.
Twenty Time Tips 1. Plan 2 hours of study time for every hour spent in class. 2. Study difficult or your least favorite subjects first. 3. Don’t cram. 4. When studying, take a ten minute break every hour. 5. Communicate with your instructors.
Twenty Time Tips cont’d… 6. Use your best time of day to do difficult tasks. 7. Use down time productively (read notes while waiting for the bus). 8. Use a regular study area. 9. Don’t get too comfortable. 10. Choose an area with few distractions.
Twenty Time Tips cont’d… 11. Set boundaries with your housemates about study time. 12. Don’t study with the TV or stereo on. 13. Don’t answer the phone when studying. 14. Hang a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door. 15. Break large study sessions into smaller tasks.
Twenty Time Tips cont’d… 16. Set a semester long calendar with due dates and test dates. 17. Prioritize your commitments. Write “to do” lists every day. 18. Schedule your time weekly. 19. Be sure to include the things you love to do! 20. Don’t skip class to try to save time.
References Clark, J. and S. Prioritize: Organize: The art of getting it done. Shawnee Mission: National Press Publications, 1992. Learning Skills Center at University of Texas at Austin. Available: http// 20 May 1998.
Resources in the LEC Free learning assistance Study skills videos Books on college study skills More workshops on computer and in person
The End! The Learning Enhancement Center is designed to serve the students of CCC. We are eager to be a facilitator of successful learning. Please let us know what your needs are, and we will design ways to meet them. Thank you for attending this workshop.