3 Time and Stress Management and Organization Skills
After studying these topics, you will benefit by: Recognizing how stress affects performance Examining the types, causes, and methods of dealing with stress Identifying and using time management tools Dealing with procrastination to improve personal productivity Stating how organization affects time and stress management Naming and applying organizational techniques to academic and workplace success
THE IMPACT OF STRESS ON PERFORMANCE Stress: the body’s reaction to a tense situation Will affect work performance Influenced by self-care Diet, exercise, organization May cause permanent mental and/or physical harm Affects work performance and personal life Stress-related losses cost organizations billions of dollars annually
THINK ABOUT IT How can stress from school affect other areas of your life?
TYPES OF STRESS Positive stress: a productive type of stress that provides strength to accomplish a task If continuous, it become negative Negative stress: a type of stress that results in you becoming emotional or illogical Results in anger, depression, distrust, fatigue, changes in appetite, and/or physical weakness
TALK IT OUT What are common negative stressors students face, and what are positive responses?
TOPIC SITUATION Dylan TOPIC RESPONSE: What other symptoms of stress might Dylan experience?
DEALING WITH STRESS Steps to Deal with Stress Find out what is causing the stress Recognize why and how you are reacting to the stressor Visualize and set goals for responding positively Practice positive stress relief
TOPIC SITUATION Grace and Zoey TOPIC RESPONSE: What advice would you give a friend who has noticeable stress?
THINK ABOUT IT Although commonly used to relieve stress, what effects do alcohol and drugs have on your body?
DEALING WITH STRESS Strategies Eat a balanced diet and get plenty of sleep Exercise Diminish or eliminate using alcohol and/or drugs Do not become emotional Get enough sleep
DEALING WITH STRESS Specific Stress Relievers Find an outlet to release tension Enjoy leisure time Listen to music Meditate Deep breathing exercises Positive visualization
DEALING WITH STRESS Keep emotions in check Surround yourself with positive people or create a positive space Do not bring your troubles home Get organized Create and maintain a support network Develop realistic goals
DEALING WITH STRESS Job burnout: a form of extreme stress where you lack motivation and no longer have the desire to work Signs of job burnout: Tardiness and absence Complaining and gossiping Poor physical and emotional health Lack of quality Clock-watching and lack of satisfaction Demonstrating a desire to cause harm
TIME MANAGEMENT Time management: how you manage your time Time is money Use your time efficiently to get work completed Make a plan when needing to complete a project Set priorities and get organized Do not wait until last minute and rush through a job; complete it correctly the first time Break larger tasks into simpler, smaller ones
TIME MANAGEMENT Tips Make a list of tasks each day and prioritize Keep a calendar handy at all times Organize your work area Practice a one-touch policy Avoid time wasters Address all communication at one time Do not be afraid to ask for help
TIME MANAGEMENT Procrastination: putting off tasks until a later time A poor habit which impedes time management and leads to stress Reasons for procrastination Fear of failure Perfectionism Disorganization Not wanting to perform a task
TIME MANAGEMENT Procrastination can lead to the loss of opportunities Overcoming procrastination Visualize the completed task Make a plan for completing the task List each activity and piece of information needed Get to work, but take some breaks
THINK ABOUT IT List a recent time when you procrastinated on a project. What was the reason for procrastination? What was the result?
TOPIC SITUATION Jonelle TOPIC RESPONSE: What steps could Jonelle have taken to avoid procrastination in this situation?
TIME MANAGEMENT Sometimes you need to say “NO” If you have time, help If you do not have time, decline the project Do not overcommit Be polite
TALK IT OUT What other school-related activities do students procrastinate about getting completed?
ORGANIZING and PERFORMANCE Organized individuals operate around goals; create goals to support your life plan Being organized will Optimize performance Allow good use of your time Reduce stress
ORGANIZING and PERFORMANCE Tools Shredder, file, desk organizer Calendar (electronic or hard copy) Address book or contact list Phone numbers E-mail addresses Other messages To-do lists and notes
ORGANIZING and PERFORMANCE Tools Check/answer messages at regular intervals Keep work space clutter-free Take inventory of your workspace and keep work tools accessible Stapler, tape, notepad, writing tools, paper clips, scissors, etc. Use a bulletin board or whiteboard for posting reminders Shred confidential material once a day
ORGANIZING and PERFORMANCE Tools Manage files (paper and electronic) Keep files updated Avoid miscellaneous piles Backup and secure your electronic files Handle mail in an organized manner Sort mail Discard and shred junk mail Respond as needed