IFLA and Its Role Promotion of Global Librarianship Dr. Ajay P. Singh Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, India
Introduction Global association of library associations and institutions Prominent international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users most effectively Raises the voice of library and information professionals on global platform
Core Values for Librarianship The endorsement of the principles of freedom of access to information The belief that people, communities and organizations need universal and equitable access to information, ideas and works of imagination for their social, educational, cultural, democratic and economic well-being The conviction that delivery of high quality library and information services helps guarantee that access The commitment to enable all Members to engage in, and benefit from, its activities regardless citizenship, disability, ethnic origin, gender, geographical location, language, political philosophy, race or religion
IFLA: The Organizational Structure The Governing Board The Executive Committee The Professional Committee Divisions- 05 Sections- 44 Special Interest Groups- 16 Joint Activities- 5
IFLA Publications IFLA Standards IFLA Library Print publications
IFLA Standards IFLA has produced a wide range of standards in all fields of library and information services Standards' activities are now an integral part of IFLA’s Strategic direction IFLA’s current goals is to focus on ‘developing, maintaining and adhering to the highest standards that support high quality practices
IFLA Library Launched in 2013, includes IFLA World Library and Information Congress papers Continuously growing with new resources and adding to the knowledge base
Print publications Over the years, IFLA has also partnered with a number of publishers to produce print publications on a variety of library issues. IFLA Professional Reports IFLA Journal IFLA Publication Series on Bibliographic control
New Series: Global Studies in Libraries and Information Global Studies in Libraries and Information is an English language monograph series that serves as a vehicle for professional and scholarly communication in the rapidly evolving field of global studies in libraries and information Volumes are peer-reviewed and authored by leading professionals and scholars across the world
Regional Activities Three Regional Sections make up the Division of Regional Activities (Division 5) Africa, Asia and Oceania, and Latin America and the Caribbean) They are concerned with all aspects of library and information services in their regions Promote IFLA activities and work closely with the IFLA Regional Offices, located in Pretoria, South Africa; Singapore and Mexico City, Mexico
Campaign for the World's Libraries @ Your Library A public education campaign of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, the American Library Association and libraries around the world to speak loudly and clearly about the value of libraries and librarians in the 21st century It is designed to showcase the unique and vital roles played by public, school, academic and special libraries worldwide
Campaign Aims To raise awareness about the variety of programs and services offered To increase use of libraries at schools, at colleges and universities, in government, at work, and in daily community life To increase funding for libraries To involve librarians as stakeholders on public policy issues such as intellectual freedom, equity of access and the "digital divide” To encourage librarianship as a profession.
Nocturne Library or Libraries Night National Association of Librarians and Public Libraries in Romania (ANBPR) and The Librarians’ Association in Romania (ABR) joined together in 2012 to participate in the Campaign The purpose to bring together, Users of all ages and professions, as in a common house For an entire night, participating libraries took the opportunity to surprise their own visitors with unique offers, from libraries’ visits, movies’ projections, concerts, book launches, workshops, meetings with authors, contests, exhibitions or demonstrations of artistic virtuosity
Strategic Programs
Action for Development through Libraries Programme (ALP) Works in collaboration with libraries, library associations, partner organizations and library professionals in developing and emerging countries to deliver relevant, sustainable activities for equitable access to information and better library communities. It delivers community-led change through its training programmes, online learning activities and other opportunities, and access to IFLA’s international network. It works at three levels to provide: Opportunity: to participate in the broader sector, to be represented Empowerment: through capacity building for the development and sustainability of library communities, including associations, institutions and individuals Expertise: Through IFLA’s professional programme (guidelines, standards), networking, events, advocacy for libraries in society and the knowledge society
ALP aims For strengthening the ability of the library and information sector to advocate for equitable access to information and resilient, sustainable library communities, IFLA ALP is working hard for: Building the capacity of national and regional library associations (Building Strong Library Associations Programme) Developing leaders who can effectively represent the wider library sector in the international arena, and within IFLA (IFLA International Leaders Programme) Advocacy for the role of access to information and libraries in the Post-2015 Development Framework
Strategic Programme on Preservation and Conservation (PAC) The focus of IFLA Strategic Programme on Preservation and Conservation (PAC) is to ensure that library and archive materials, published and unpublished, in all formats, will be preserved in accessible form for as long as possible according to the following principles: preservation is essential to the survival and development of culture and scholarship international cooperation is a key principle each country must accept responsibility for the preservation of its own publications.
UNIMARC Strategic Programme UNIMARC Strategic Programme was established in 2003 with the responsibility of maintening and developing of the Universal MARC format (UNIMARC) UNIMARC Strategic Programme coordinates activities aimed at the development, maintenance and promotion of the UNIMARC format, now a set of four formats - Bibliographic, Authorities, Classification and Holdings - and related documentation, through the Permanent UNIMARC Committee (PUC).
Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) Advisory Committee IFLA/FAIFE focus for raising awareness of the essential correlation between the library concept and the values of intellectual freedom FAIFE works to protect intellectual freedom and freedom of expression It publish reports, participate in national and international conferences and organize workshops Monitor the state of intellectual freedom within the library community world-wide and publish newsletters and online news Respond to violations of free access to information and freedom of expression and make press releases Support IFLA policy development and co-operation with other international human rights organizations.
Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) Advisory Committee It was created to advise IFLA and represents the voice of the international library community in copyright and other legal concerns. It addresses- Economic and legal barriers to the acquisition and use of library resources and effective library services Subscription and license agreements Legal issues relevant to broader access to knowledge, in particular online A wide range of other legal matters of international significance to libraries and librarianship It keeps a watching brief on the activities of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and represents IFLA at key meetings through its subcommittee on WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR).
Committee on Standards The Committee on Standards provides advice to the Governing Board and IFLA professional units on the strategic and ongoing management of the Federation’s professional standards It Provide a central focus for standards in order to raise the visibility of IFLA’s standards among IFLA members and beyond It also focus for developing relationship with relevant external bodies like ISO, AFNOR, DIN, etc.
Strategic Directions and Key Initiatives IFLA's Strategic Directions for 2016 - 2021 are: Libraries in Society Information and Knowledge Cultural Heritage Capacity Building
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