WELCOME TO Mrs. Matthews’ Class


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Presentation transcript:

WELCOME TO Mrs. Matthews’ Class I have high expectations for all my students. This is a high school credit class! When you enter these doors, you are in high school! This is a challenging course and will expand and challenge your knowledge of geometric concepts and theorems while stimulating and exciting your intellect! Success in Geometry is highly correlated with your knowledge and grasp of Algebra I!

WELCOME TO Mrs. Matthews’ Class SUPPLY LIST: All supplies are due by Monday August 14th! Five Star 5-Subject notebook 1 Pack of pencils 2 Blue inked Pens 1 Shatterproof ruler Protractor and compass 1 Pack of graph paper TI-83 or 84 Calculator (Optional, strongly recommended) 4-AAA batteries

WELCOME TO Mrs. Matthews’ Class 1st Nine Weeks Project SUPPLY LIST: Project is due on Monday August 14th! 9 X11in. document or 8X10in. picture frame 1 transparency Construction paper (any color(s)) Foil Colored permanent markers

5-Subject Notebook Section 1 = Notes Pocket…write Notes on this pocket …place your graph paper in the back of this pocket Section 2 = Notes Pocket…write HW on the front of this pocket …write Exit Tickets on the back of this pocket Section 3 = Home-work Pocket…write CW on the front of this pocket Section 4 = Class-work Pocket…write Quizzes on the front of this pocket …write Exams on the back of this pocket Section 5 = Quizzes and Exams You are required to write on the front and back of every page! Bell-work is the first part of your notes and should not be separated from the notes for that day. Start the new day’s notes directly below the previous day’s notes and always write the date!

CLASSROOM RULES You must be PROMPT! You must be PREPARED! You must be POLITE! CHEWING GUM IS FORBIDDEN!! You must be a PARTICIPANT! These are the 4 P’s of Mrs. Matthews’ class. Take this time to write the rules down! NOTE: Anything written in italics MUST be written! If you violate any of the 4 P’s your conduct grade will be affected.

CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Enter room quickly & quietly. Any activity that requires you to stand must be done before the bell rings, ex. pencil sharpening, getting materials, getting an exit ticket etc. Begin the Bell Work! Raise your hand to ask questions! Raise your fist if you have a personal concern, ex. need materials. Use restroom/drink water between classes! You may drink water during class. Reasons for leaving class: called by the office, running an errand for me, or at my discretion I DISMISS CLASS! The bell is a signal to teachers! I will let you know when you are allowed to get up and leave the room.

GRADING SYSTEM Assessments = 65% Exams = 45% Home-Work = 10% Quizzes = 20% Home-Work = 10% Class-Work = 15% Class Participation = 10% Notebook Check = 5% Materials Checks = 5%

Grading Quizzes: There will typically be 3-4 quizzes per nine weeks. Some quizzes will require a signature. Exams: There will typically be 2 exams per nine weeks. An exam is more comprehensive than a quiz. ALL exams must be parent signed.

Grading Projects: Depending on the nature of the project, it will either be counted as a CW or Exam grade.

Grading Home-Work Approximately 5-10 problems will be assigned 3-4 nights per week. HW is due the next class period. HW is peer graded using a blue inked pen. HW is a completion grade! Once HW is completed (or attempted), full credit (5 points) is awarded. If you completed all the problems correctly, you will receive a star stamp and full credit is awarded. If you made an error(s), you will receive a happy face stamp and full credit is awarded. If you do not have your HW, you do not receive a stamp and zero credit is awarded.

Grading Home-Work On a specified day, (usually the day after an assessment) ALL previous HW problems, correctly solved, will be collected and checked by Mrs. Matthews. 5 additional points will be awarded if you have every problem correctly solved with your work shown. You will receive an additional happy face stamp to indicate that you have completed all your corrections! If you have a star stamp, no corrections are necessary! 2 happy faces = 1 star! Half credit (2½ points) will be awarded if you do not have every problem correctly with your work shown. You will not receive an additional happy face stamp! Zero points will be awarded if you have no corrections or if you turn in no work.

Grading Home-Work If you miss a day’s HW, you may do it and turn it in on the specified day with the rest of the HW’s for the period. By doing so, you will be awarded half credit (2½ points) which will replace the zero you were previously awarded. So there are 3 HW grades: Full credit (5 points) Half credit (2½ points) No credit (0 points) Having a zero for HW means you were given an opportunity to make up your HW, but you refused to take advantage of that opportunity. Note: If you have been absent, there is no penalty. **Except Study Island** You must make up your home-work and use the diary to check your HW before the due date, so that you can make corrections and submit your home-work with the class. A zero grade will remain until you have submitted the absent work.

Grading Home-Work There will be weekly Study Island HW assignments. Assignments are ALWAYS due on a Tuesday and credit will be assigned as follows: Full credit (10 points) – you complete a minimum of 20 problems and receive a ribbon by the due date. Half credit (5 points) – you complete less than 20 problems and/or do not receive a ribbon by the due date. No credit (0 points) – you complete 0 problems or the assignment is completed after the due date. *Absence is not an excuse! Study Island is due EVERY Tuesday! *You are advised to complete Study Island in advance as computer problems or computer unavailability are not valid excuses. *Make sure to read the lesson tutorial before trying to complete the assignment. *There is no limit to the amount of attempts. *You may send me an email request to reset any assignment, before the due date.

Grading Class-Work Class-work assignments are typically given at the end of a lesson and are graded for accuracy. You are allowed to use your notes on CW assignments!

Grading Notebook check: Notebooks will be checked once per nine weeks. Notebooks will be comprehensively checked for all notes, assignments, assessments and other class related materials used during the nine weeks. Each of the above will have a specified place in your notebook and you are required to keep all returned and graded materials in the specified place. All materials for this class must be kept in your notebook at all times! The projector will be heavily used and anything written in italics must be written. Anything else that is said or demonstrated that you deem important should also be written.

Grading Materials check: Spot checks for notebook, graph paper, ruler, workbook, and other required materials. *These must be brought to class EVERY day! *This is an ‘all or nothing’ grade! If you have all materials you earn 100% If you are missing any materials you earn 0%