MGMT 202: Lecture 4 Dr. Barley
Check-in Check in on how the 32-day commitment going? Check in on three objectives from the term start. Check in on three experiences Listening practice from activity 6.2 (last page in handouts in unit #1).
Cover Letters and Resumes Professional Development Day and Scans Review Final revisions/Review Resume Blunders Video Resume Have another person read over your final copies. Staple evaluation sheet to hard copies and turn assignment in.
Chapter 7: Routine Business Replies P. 172 Bovee and Thill-Routine Messages Start with the Main Idea Provide Necessary Details and Explanation End with a Courteous Close Examples: Change in promo date FB notes p. 177, 179 (Social Media News Release-Twitter p. 179). P. 176 Bovee and Thill- Letters of Recommendation References Name, position, nature or relationship, facts, potential of candidate with peers, overall eval. P. 176.
Chapter 8: Negative Messages Do you use the direct or indirect approach, p. 193. What is a Buffer? Table 8.2 Examples of negative messages you would write. P. 199.
Keys to Exceptional Productivity Know what you want- Inspiration and Passion Establish priorities- (DAPPS Rule, WMIT (What’s Most Important Test). Create and Execute Action Plan- Short and long term planning/Contingency planning Stay focused and fired up- Distraction free zones, get rest, what do you need/want? Manage your time and projects- Time wasters, schedule time for planning Tap into support and resources- Identify resources for support. Maintain your edge for the long haul- lifelong learning/future goals create current training trajectory. (National Training Seminars – “7 Keys to Exceptional Personal Productivity)
Review for Test #1: Mon. 5/19 Test 1: 25 multiple choice questions (2 pts. each) over chapters 1, 7,8, 13, 14, lecture notes, handouts in MGMT 202 course page in units 1-4, PowerPoints from unit 1 and 4, and take home quiz #1 questions 1-11. Take home quiz #1 Feedback: Question 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 (Dapps Rule review), 11. Please study the entire quiz for Test #1. Review sheet for test #1 – Assignment sheets tab Review handouts units 1-4 in MGMT 202 course page Review lecture notes from lecture 1-4 and PowerPoints from unit 1 and 4. Study at least 2 hours for Test #1. You need to bring a pencil or pen. I will provide the answer sheet. The test will be taken during the first 20 min. of class and we will meet afterward to discuss upcoming group assignment Print out Team Presentation on Case Study Assignment for discussion next class 5/19.