Organization and Time management Study Skills Test Taking Tips 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500
When should you start organizing your materials for exams?
Now. Unless you have been organizing as the year has been going on Now! Unless you have been organizing as the year has been going on. Remember you are going to have all of your regular work up until the review period.
How should you organize your classes?
You should organize each class by unit or chapter You should organize each class by unit or chapter. Put all materials related to each unit in a folder or if you have a binder, organize chronologically.
How should you prioritize what to study?
When looking through each unit or chapter figure out what subject matter you had the most trouble with or what you do not remember. Most likely you will want to start with the earliest information. Also look at the exam schedule and prioritize the earliest exams.
How should you manage your study time?
Make a plan each week from now on using your planner or ical or any other time management system. Look at what your regular work is that you will need to get done, and then figure out when you can fit in studying the units that you need to study and enter it into your time management system
What is the thing that most negatively affects time management and effective studying?
Lack of sleep
Is it better to study for the same amount of time over a shorter period or a longer period?
It is better to study for a longer period of time It is better to study for a longer period of time. You retain more information and you don’t take as much time out of your day.
What is the best way to know whether I know the material?
Check your comprehension by doing study groups, have someone quiz you, check in with your teacher, or do practice tests.
What are the best study materials to use for studying? Flash cards or quizlet Create a study guide Two Column notes All of the above
d) All of the above. It is important that you create some sort of study material. What type you do may be dictated by what type of information you have to learn. Flash cards or quizlet are better for vocabulary or terms and study guides and two column notes are better for larger concepts. Whatever you do helps you synthesize the information. Always remember to put things in your own words. It is harder to remember someone else’s words.
How should I prepare for the Exam review period?
As you are studying write down your questions and/or concepts that you would like to go over. You should have questions prepared for each class so that you get the most out of the review days.
What are the 5 steps to studying effectively?
Organization of materials, prioritizing what to study, planning your study time, creating study materials, and then studying.
Should you make a plan for taking a test?
Yes– Budget how long each section should take and if you go over that time move on. Leave enough time in your budget to look over the test at the end.
After you have eliminated two answers on a Multiple Choice question, how do you decide between the two?
Try to plug the answer into the question to make a statement. For example: Who was the 1st president of the united states? Thomas Jefferson (Thomas Jefferson was the 1st President of the US.) WRONG George Washington (George Washington was the 1st President of the US) CORRECT
Before starting to write the answer to an essay question what should you do?
Read question carefully Read question carefully!! Underline each step (if multistep question) and underline keywords (Compare, explain, justify, define) and formulate a brief outline to organize your thoughts.
Before reading the answers to a multiple choice question what should you do?
Cover them over and formulate your own answer and then see what answer best matches your answer.
What is a good way to reduce test anxiety before a test or while studying?
Meditation http://drchristopherwillard.com/resources/