Exam preparation… tips and tricks 2017 alexander.kouker@dbs.ie
Objectives To provide you with exam techniques necessary to successfully prepare for any type of the exam/exam questions To provide you with a number of strategies necessary to manage stress associated with exam preparation and/or exam
Types of exams… CLOSED book: does not allow you access to any resource material. It forces you to rely on your memory; OPEN book: allows you to consult your notes and/or any other appropriate reference material (e.g. textbooks); TAKE HOME: allows you a number of days to respond to the question in your home setting.
STEP 1: Find out as much as possible Exam Prep – Key steps STEP 1: Find out as much as possible about the exam What format the exam will take? (e.g. essay, short answer and/or multiple choice format)? Is the exam open book or closed book? Knowing how the exam is marked and what proportion of your total mark it’s worth might also be helpful.
Exam Prep – Key steps STEP 2: Revision Start it early! At least 3 weeks before the exam, draw up an exam timetable and revision time and stick to it. Decide about what areas to revise! Key topics, concepts, arguments, technical terms, definitions summaries of key points, formulae, rules, diagrams and / or charts. Revise & Learn (not just re-read) - sometimes reading through notes doesn't result in learning or understanding. Remember – try to synthesize, not just memorize the information (e.g. try and explain the context to your own friend using your own words and understanding of the material).
Exam Prep – Key steps STEP 2: Revision RE-ORGANISE & summarize your notes so that you end with an outline of each topic laid out on one side of A4 paper. Do NOT try to read new material from books at this stage. Draw up a KEY Facts summary of important facts, terms definitions etc. Try to memorize all facts that are not provided on formula sheets . However, bear in mind that the exam is to test your understanding far more than your memory .
Example – Study Timetable Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 9-11 Acctg 11- 12 Break 8-11 Acctg 9 -12 Acctg Exam 9-11 Econ 9 -12 Econ Exam 9-11 Mktg 11-1 Break 12-3 Acctg 11-1 Break 12-6 11-12 12-3 Break 1-3 Acctg 3-6 Break 1-4 Acctg 6-8 Econ 12-3 Mktg 3-5 Mktg 1-4 Mktg Exam 3-5 Break 4-6 8-9 Break 5-8 Break Rest! Party! 5-7 Econ 6-9 Econ 9-10 8-10 Mktg
STEP 3: A day before the exam… Exam Prep – Key steps STEP 3: A day before the exam… Watch your favourite TV show or go to the movies to take a break from studying. Relax – try meditation, massage, deep breathing or yoga, walk, exercise .... Sleep and eat well Limit caffeine Avoid alcohol Check the day/time/place for your exam Check transport, parking arrangement …
In the exam room… Come to the exam 15 minutes earlier (at least) Consider what you can bring – Check with your lecturer if you’re not sure. Pens (bring a spare!!!), pencils, erasers, liquid paper, ruler, calculator and any materials for open book exams, hard copy - dictionaries (not electronic)! Note: An English language dictionary will be available.
In the exam room – exam STEPS Quickly SKIM through the whole exam before you start, noting types of questions, what may take the most time and how you may allocate your time to different sections. CHECK you have every page, including both sides! READ every question properly (if possible twice) before answering it. TICK and order the questions you plan to answer RE-READ the questions and underline key words and phrases. WRITE notes/briefly outline answers in your exam booklet REMEMEBR to look at the amount of marks for each question and design your answer accordingly.
Identifying questions Knowledge: definitions, facts, or observations- e.g. What? ; Where? ; When? ; Why? (if cause is given) ; Define... Comprehension: give a full and accurate description in correct sequence; state the main idea, explaining its significance, or clarify points of similarity and difference-for example : describe (what happened in our experiment); How are (these two systems) alike? How are they different? Application: apply techniques and rules to solve problems that have a single correct answer – e.g. If X = 83, what does Y equal? ; What is (the latitude of Brisbane)?
Identifying questions Analysis: identify motive or cause, showing essential elements; making inferences on the basis of information, or finding evidence to support generalisations - e.g. why (does this trend occur)?;Now that we've studied this, what can we conclude about (x)? Synthesis: solve problems and make predictions based on rules, procedures, or frameworks you know about-e.g. Can you think up (a method for solving x)? ;How can we solve (this dilemma)? Evaluation: give your opinions about an issue, judging the validity of an idea, the merit of a solution, or the quality of a product- e.g. Do you agree (with X)? Do you believe (that this is the best way to proceed)?
Answering questions Number answers clearly and accurately. Work thoroughly but rapidly. Answer the hardest questions first particularly if they are worth the most marks. Use other questions for clues. Notice where words/figures are emphasised. Find the themes, relate these to the course objectives. Identify formulae and equations presented in words.
Answering questions: essay and short answer questions Be aware OF THE TIME Provide definitions where necessary Identify key concepts Give examples Write clearly and simply Do not forget to look at the number of marks allocated to the question. Short answer questions: it is helpful to identify the number of parts to the question and the steps required to answer those parts. Write your answers in point form or short sentences. Essay answer questions: Analyse the question. Write a brief essay plan – include relevant content to answer the question – write a better intro and conclusion
Answering multiple-choice questions Multiple-choice and true/false questions require you to identify the correct answer from a range of possible responses. For multiple-choice questions, use a process of elimination. For true/false questions, ask yourself "Is it true that... ?" Read the directions carefully. Know how much time is allowed for the test.
Answering multiple-choice questions Examine the sequence of questions. Does that give you any clues? Read all the alternatives before choosing the answer. Make certain you are choosing the 'best' answer to the question. Be aware of the wording: "always", "never", “ “does-not” Remember that wrong options are often based on common misconceptions. Make an educated guess for unknown answers unless you are penalised for wrong answers.
Before the exam finishes Re-attempt questions you found too difficult at first Check your answers Never leave the exam early Make sure – your name and student number are written on all papers If you are running out of time - provide an outline/plan of your answer to the question
Summary – HOW to perform well in the exam Find about the exam as much as possible as early as possible Early revision Manage exam stress Finally, ask for help & clarification: lecturers, tutors other students
Library services Extended opening hours (see library.dbs.ie) Sunday, 11th December 2017: 11am – 5pm Sunday, 18th December 2017: 11am – 5pm Assignment Planner
Thank you & good luck!