GEAPS Manage Your Time, Your Work and Yourself
What Controls Our Time? Tasks or activities which we have Total control. Tasks or activities which we have Some control.
Three Tests of Time Test of Necessity Test of Appropriateness Test of Efficiency
Self-Generated Time Wasters Environmental Time Wasters
Self-Generated Time Wasters
Self-Generated Time Wasters Disorganization Procrastination Inability to say No Lack of Interest Burnout Gossip Unnecessary Perfectionism
Environmental Time Wasters
Environmental Time Wasters Visitors Telephone calls Mail / email Waiting for someone Unproductive meetings Crises – other peoples’ problems Coffee conversations Unused / Unnecessary reports
Phone Interruptions Causes & Solutions
Drop-In Visitors Causes & Solutions
Paper Work Causes & Solutions
Getting More Done in Less Time 1. Adopt the IGDS Philosophy. 2. Take a few Hours to plan the next twelve Months. 3. Develop One System. 4. Keep Your Daily Planner Close. 5. Create and Maintain a To Do List.
Write Four “Thank You” Notes From a Family Member: From a Friend: From a Coworker: From Your Contact at a Volunteer Organization:
Getting More Done in Less Time 1. Adopt the IGDS Philosophy. 2. Take a few Hours to plan the next twelve Months. 3. Develop One System. 4. Keep Your Daily Planner Close. 5. Create and Maintain a To Do List.
Getting More Done in Less Time 6. Do First Things First. 7. Determine what is Urgent / Important. 8. Delegate Responsibilities. 9. Prioritize only Two tasks at a time. 10. Know your Biological time clock.
Getting More Done in Less Time 11. Schedule Thinking time. 12. Learn to say “No” Three times. 13. Deal with mail / email only Once. 14. Old Mail – A B C Piles Action – Better Read – Can Throw 15. Determine when Good is Good enough.
Getting More Done in Less Time 16. Be prepared to compromise / negotiate: Quickness / Quantity / Quality 17. Analyze your Errands. 18. Do Two things at the same time - some times. 19. Minimize Telephone and Television. 20. Ask yourself, “What’s the best use of my time right now?”
How to Set Priorities Apply the Four Analysis Ratings to each activity. 1. Intrinsic Importance 2. Urgency – deadline driven 3. Potential for Delegation 4. Communication Frequency
Worksheet / Spreadsheet How to Set Priorities Worksheet / Spreadsheet
Urgent and Important
Urgent and Important Blank Boxes
Six Skills of an Effective Delegator Clarify the assignment. Specify range of Authority Allow subordinate to Participate Inform Others that the delegation has occurred Establish feedback Controls When problems surface, insist on Recommendations Biological Time Clock
Getting Things Done Stuff Actionable? NO - Trash / Someday / Reference YES - What’s the next action? Project? Do it Delegate it Defer it
Daily Log Was this day: Typical? More busy? Less Busy? Comments - Analysis
Strategies that Get Results Write Objectives Keep a Master List Prioritize Manage Distractions Take Action
Turning “Stuff” into Objectives An objective should specify an outcome that is: measurable/attainable/observable./specific An objective should include an action verb After writing the objective, identify the next step to achieve the outcome
Writing Objectives: Focus on the Verb Directions: Cross out verbs (action words) that aren’t helpful in writing goals: Add two more useful verbs:
What are your Objectives? Write Individual Work-Related Objectives Day – week – month – year Write Personal Non-Work-Related Objectives
Goals What do I want? Deadline for Accomplishment? Obstacles to Overcome? People, Groups, Orgs. I Need to Work With? The Knowledge and Skill to be Acquired My Plan of Action Family/Educational/Social/Physical/Career/Financial