How to Create and Run a Moderated Panel Program Walter Betts, Terry Roper, & Ted Wanner March 7, 2017
What is a moderated panel? Terry The moderator sets the tone, the pace and control of the content, staying ever-vigilant in keeping it relevant for the audience. It is the moderator’s responsibility to make sure the panel is lively, engaging and worthwhile.
Why “moderated” panels? Avoid presentation silos Present multiple points of view Giving equal time to all Create dialog Maintain focus on the advertised topic Save on AV costs Walter
What is the moderator’s job? Communicate Research Connect Moderate Walter
Communicate Early & Often First Contact: thank you, introduction information, outline of your contact with them Second Contact: questions for feedback, outline the session Third Contact: final questions, confirm room information Terry Moderator contacting panelists
Become an expert Know the pros & and cons of your topic Know the current literature Know your panelists Why are they experts? Know who the other experts are And their thoughts on your topic Know the latest developments Terry
Write the questions Have a conference call with your panelists to brainstorm topics Why are they interested What are their experiences Use a Google doc to manage your work Prioritize the topics -role-panel-discussions/ Walter
Write the questions Transform the topics into groups of questions Create an equal number of questions for each panelist Create a timeline for the presentation List each topic Show time for questions Walter
Panelists Work with your panelists to get good introductions Name, position, background and why they were chosen for the panel Brief is better! Negotiate AV needs Microphones at the table and in the audience Project only if panelists need to share images Appoint someone to consolidate images into a single document/slide show Appoint someone to bring the laptop Get cell numbers Ted Topic is focus Crucial to be clear on AV needs
Practice makes perfect! Walter
At conference … but before the presentation Verify that all your panelists are there Verify that they know the time of the presentation Verify that they know the location (room number) Verify that they know when to meet! Terry
Moderate the panel Stick to the plan Balance the load Engage the meek Interrupt those who monopolize Mix things up Engage the audience Have a plan for closing the conversation Without asking for closing remarks Keep it fun and lively Terry
What about Q & A Plan for potential questions Leave time in the schedule Questions at the end? Questions as you go? Remember, this has a potential AV expense Do not let a question turn into a debate between a panelist and audience member, disrupting the flow of the program! Walter
Encourage panelists & the audience to continue the conversation in the Collaboration Space! Walter
For more information… Handout: Tips for Conducting a Successful Moderated Panel Article: Toastmasters International. “How to Moderate a Panel Discussion.” w-to-Moderate-a-Panel-Discussion Blog post: discussions/ Ted