“I promise that I will make the care of my patients my first concern


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Presentation transcript:

“I promise that I will make the care of my patients my first concern “I promise that I will make the care of my patients my first concern. I will be considerate to all my patients and will strive to communicate effectively with them. I will respect my patients’ dignity and autonomy and their right to be fully involved in decisions about their care. At all times I will be honest and trustworthy, respecting and protecting confidential information. My personal beliefs will not prejudice my care of patients. Recognising the limits of my competence, I will keep my professional knowledge and skills up to date. If I believe that I or a colleague may not be fit to practise, I will act quickly to protect patients from risk. I will not abuse my professional position and will work with colleagues in the ways that best serve patients. I will never discriminate unfairly against patients or colleagues and I will always be prepared to justify my actions to them. I make this promise solemnly, freely and upon my honour.” Cardiff University

CPD is more than the HCPC Audit: How to Strategically Manage your CPD. Deb Hearle and Sarah Lawson 19 June 2017 #COT2017 @SLawsonOT/@HearleD @TRAMmCPD

About us Introduce Steph Tempest, informal, she’ll introduce herself www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

Today define the concept of CPD engagement and its relationship to the HCPC Standards share and discuss strategies for managing your CPD understand and apply the TRAMm Model and its tools identify objective methods to evidence and record CPD 1.5 hrs 10mins Intro 15 mins finish www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

“I promise that I will make the care of my patients my first concern “I promise that I will make the care of my patients my first concern. I will be considerate to all my patients and will strive to communicate effectively with them. I will respect my patients’ dignity and autonomy and their right to be fully involved in decisions about their care. At all times I will be honest and trustworthy, respecting and protecting confidential information. My personal beliefs will not prejudice my care of patients. Recognising the limits of my competence, I will keep my professional knowledge and skills up to date. If I believe that I or a colleague may not be fit to practise, I will act quickly to protect patients from risk. I will not abuse my professional position and will work with colleagues in the ways that best serve patients. I will never discriminate unfairly against patients or colleagues and I will always be prepared to justify my actions to them. I make this promise solemnly, freely and upon my honour.” Cardiff University

“I promise that I will make the care of my patients my first concern “I promise that I will make the care of my patients my first concern. I will be considerate to all my patients and will strive to communicate effectively with them. I will respect my patients’ dignity and autonomy and their right to be fully involved in decisions about their care. At all times I will be honest and trustworthy, respecting and protecting confidential information. My personal beliefs will not prejudice my care of patients. Recognising the limits of my competence, I will keep my professional knowledge and skills up to date. If I believe that I or a colleague may not be fit to practise, I will act quickly to protect patients from risk. I will not abuse my professional position and will work with colleagues in the ways that best serve patients. I will never discriminate unfairly against patients or colleagues and I will always be prepared to justify my actions to them. I make this promise solemnly, freely and upon my honour.”

CPD Defined – Maintaining Competence 'the activities pursued by professionals in order to maintain their competence to practice, enhance their knowledge of practice issues and extend their professional expertise’ White (2005 p196) www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

CPD Defined – Safe Practice ‘a range of learning activities through which health professionals maintain and develop throughout their career to ensure that they retain their capacity to practise safely, effectively and legally within their evolving scope of practice’. The Allied Health Professions Project (2003 p9) www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

CPD Defined-Driving Quality In order that CPD addresses its core objective, to achieve and drive high quality care (AHPP 2003, HCPC 2016), Health Professionals should be fully engaged in the CPD process.  Concept Analysis www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

Question 1: www.Menti.com enter code: 30 92 48 What are your reasons for doing CPD? www.Menti.com enter code: 30 92 48 www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

TRAMmCPD Hearle et al, 2016 T – TELL R – RECORD A – ACTIVITIES The TRAMm Model TRAMm CPD The TRAMm Tracker Template to structure and record CPD whilst highlighting any learning needs The TRAMm Trail A method to record in a little more depth details of most significant pieces of CPD and can be used alongside your favoured method of reflection T – TELL R – RECORD A – ACTIVITIES M – MONITOR m - mEASURE CPD is a personal, subjective journey as well as a professional and mandatory requirement. In order to be effective you need to Tell others, Record and apply your CPD Activities, Monitor your progress and measure the impact. The TRAMm Model is a dynamic, interactive model to facilitate a strategic approach to CPD for HCPC registered professionals. It provides a framework to facilitate your CPD journey. It reflects how individuals learn, absorb and apply new experiences. The TRAMm Model, TRAMm Tracker and TRAMm Trail are collectively known as TRAMmCPD. The TRAMm Model and its tools the TRAMm Tracker and TRAMm Trail are free to use and download from www.TRAMmCPD.com under a Creative Commons License (free to use and share as long as you attribute the work to us and you may not make any money from the sale of TRAMmCPD. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) www.Menti.com enter code: 30 92 48 www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

TRAMmCPD Website Free Downloads: http://www.trammcpd.com/trammcpd-and-free-downloads.html TRAMmCPD Information Pack TRAMm Tracker TRAMm Trail For members of RCOT our book is available to view, once logged in via: https://www.rcot.co.uk/practice-resources/library-resources/e-books www.Menti.com enter code: 30 92 48 www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

Table 1 Planning Your CPD Table 1 considering how you can be more strategic with your professional development and learning. Steph has will make notes on your comments to feedback to the group, she will also introduce you to the new Career Development Framework that she has been developing www.Menti.com enter code: 30 92 48 www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

Table 2 Engaging in CPD Passive Participation or Active engagement? Table 2 – this table is for you to consider what it means to be engaged in CPD, which has been a part of the work that Deb has done for her Professional Doctorate. We do not have a facilitator for this table to give you the opportunity to discuss the questions freely. We will ask one of you to feedback your comments to the group www.Menti.com enter code: 30 92 48 www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

Table 3 Methods of Recording your CPD I will be facilitating Table 3 where we will be looking at the different types of things you can record and how www.Menti.com enter code: 30 92 48 www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

Table 4 Monitoring and Evidencing your CPD Deb will be hosting Table 4 exploring how you monitor, measure and evidence your learning Possibly play RCOT/HCPC video: Impact of CPD www.Menti.com enter code: 30 92 48 www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

Question 2 How are you going to apply your learning from this workshop for your CPD? www.Menti.com enter code: 30 92 48 www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

Top Tips Let’s Talk About CPD: Top Tips Mention the HCPC app http://www.hcpc.org.uk/mediaandevents/app/ and the new updated Standards doc and the Research Perceptions and Experiences of HCPC approach to CPD? www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD www.Menti.com enter code: 30 92 48

More Information… Contact us… Information www.TRAMmCPD.com enquiries:@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD @SETG75 Hearle, D., Lawson, S. & Morris, R. (2016) A Strategic Guide to Continuing Professional Development for Health and Care Professionals: The TRAMm Model. Keswick: M&K Publishing Available to view as an ebook via RCOt website: https://www.rcot.co.uk/practice- resources/library-resources/e-books Hearle, D & Lawson, S (2016). Are you and your team Really Engaging in Continuing Professional Development? College of Occupational Therapists 40th Annual Conference and Exhibition. Harrogate. http://www.trammcpd.com/cpd- engagement.html Please take note of our Creative Commons Licence: TRAMmCPD is free to use and share as long as you attribute the work to us and you may not make any money from the sale of TRAMmCPD. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ If you would like a copy of the presentation, feedback and Mentimeter results please complete the email sheet and we will email details to you. www.Menti.com enter code: 30 92 48 www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

Consider And Document… You are now going to spend the next 2 days enjoying conference, attending workshops, presentations, viewing posters and networking… How are you going to apply your learning to ensure that your attendance at conference becomes CPD? If you would like HCPC information please visit their stand in exhibition hall. Within your Delegate Pack we have tried to provide you with lots of resources to assist you do this including a Participation Certificate which has some prompts for your reflection. www.Menti.com enter code: 30 92 48 www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

Thank you www.Menti.com enter code: 30 92 48 Many thanks to Steph for helping today, if you would like more information about the Career Development Framework please visit her session 24 this afternoon at 14.15 If you would like more information about the requirements for the HCPC audit they are running session EW3 at 14.15 today; 08.30 tomorrow session 49 www.Menti.com enter code: 30 92 48 www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD

References Allied Health Professions project. (2003). Demonstrating competence through CPD. available online at: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20130107105354/http://www.dh.gov.uk/prod_c onsum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/@dh/@en/documents/digitalasset/dh_4071462.pdf [accessed 10th May 2017) Health and Care Professions Council (2016) Your Guide to our Standards for Continuing Professional Development. London: Health and Care Professionals Council Hearle, D, Lawson, S & Morris, R (2016) A Strategic Guide to CPD for Health and Social Care Professionals: The TRAMm Model. Keswick: M&K Publishing White, E (2005) Continuing Professional Development: the Impact of the College of Occupational Therapists’ Standard on Dedicated Time. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 68(5) pp196-201 First round 20 mins other 3 rounds 15 mins www.TRAMmCPD.com/Enquiries@TRAMmCPD.com @SLawsonOT @HearleD @TRAMmCPD