Small Farm Mechanization : Appropriate Technologies and Innovations B.Sanjeeva Reddy ICAR– CRIDA, Hyderabad Hyderabad – 500 059
India - 102.8 million farm holders; 59%(< 1 ha), 21%(1-2ha) The proportion of small holders are more in rainfed system. Timeliness & drudgery reduction are crucial Energy expense α productivity ?, Relates with soil moisture. Power availability increased 0.3 to 1.85 Kw/ha(1970 – 2012) -Tractor and other machines contribution gone up – 10 to 85%. However, major portion of power is used by large farmers (> 4ha). Small farmers 13,000 & 14,000MJ/ha against 16,500 & 15,800 MJ/ha of Large farmers in cotton and maize respectively.
Agril. lobour energy cost with traditional tools : Rs.16 –21/MJ Animate energy : Rs. 6 – 8 /MJ Tractor and matching machines : Rs. 3 – 4 /MJ Dryland cropping system is very complex – Numerous crops, different spacing's and inseparable animal component. Incidence, depth and severity of resources poorness is higher But, opportunity exists to excel – If able to take a chance: Ex- gram and redgram The CHCs / Packaged machines / High cost machines - On subsidy benefitted mostly large farmers. --- with fewer machines Ex.Grain Combine, Large MC Thresher
Sales trends of Power Tillers + Mini Tractors and Small self-propelled machines @ 70,000 per annum each point out small holders urge for mechanization. However, availability of matching and durable machinery is a major constraint – Appropriate technology and New innovation play a catalytic role to meet larger population.
Seeder : use as bed former, ridger seeder - with paired rows, inter cropping etc., Conservation furrow: Traditional Machine planted : Paired rows redgram with furrow + cow pea inter croped Conserved rain water in furrows
Intercropping : Crop insurance for dryland production system Complementary for resources utilization Bajra + Red gram: 2:1 Sorghum + Red gram : 2:1 Maize + cluster bean: 1:1 SEEDER setting prescription S P S S P S - TSE S P S - MTSE S S R CP CP R S S -TSE S S R CP - MTSE Strip cropping : Capture late rains & biomass Sorghum + Red gram + Cow pea : 4:2:2
Crop residue / biomass : Bane or Boon Biochar kiln
Maize and Sorghum Biomass Shredder : Effective crop residue utilization, Value enhancement Subabool
Dhaincha Rotary shredder: In-situ biomass utilization–mulching, soil conservation
Small farmers : Present system requirement Option 1. Draft pair with matching equipment – Maintenance ? Additional source : 1.5 hp – PP equipment 5hp+ Thresher 3hp winnower fan 5hp pump – protected irrigation Small farmers engage family labour for most of the operations Option 2. Mini tractor - about 18hp to meet majority of requirement – Able to serve 4 to 5 small and medium farmers to mechanize various operations. Initial investment : Option 1&2 works out more or less same Flexibility & Comport is more in later option.
ICAR – CRIDA & Other Institutes activities Inclined, Cup and Roller cell mechanism seeders. Excess seed rate in badly prepared , shallow depth and stony soils. Independent double disc furrow opener, horizontal rotor plate planter - up to 6 row Comparable performance with Pneumatic planter, ease in operation Suitable for high cost seed crops : cotton okra,sweet &baby corn; dryland system Undulated fields – Precise depth control
Weed competes with crops for resources Proper maintenance with appropriate equipment Herbicide use is avoidable Introduction of side shift hitching system found more useful in horticulture crops. Planter cum Herbicide sprayer Mini Tractor matching Sprayer and Grass & shrubs slasher
Mini Tractor matching Pump set and Winnower fan Many of small capacity machines can be matched to mini tractor
Reaper binder : Successful for wheat and rice crops. New Innovations Reaper binder : Successful for wheat and rice crops. Modifications – Sorghum and maize stalk harvesting as fodder Major constrains Quality improvement in machines manufacturing R& D institutes and Industry linkages for small machines up-scaling Strong extension net work to propagate farm mechanization in general and at Small landholders in particular
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