From Ethylene to Automotive Coolants Como Lube & Supplies, Inc. ANTI-FREEZE From Ethylene to Automotive Coolants Como Lube & Supplies, Inc. August 8, 2013
TYPES OF ANTI-FREEZE Methanol Methanol (also known as methyl alcohol, carbinol, wood alcohol, wood naphtha or wood spirits) is a chemical compound with chemical formula CH3OH. It is the simplest alcohol, and is a light, volatile, colorless, flammable, poisonous liquid with a distinctive odor that is somewhat milder and sweeter than ethanol (ethyl alcohol). At room temperature, it is a polar solvent and is used as an antifreeze, solvent, fuel, and as a denaturant for ethyl alcohol. It is not popular for machinery, but may be found in automotive windshield washer fluid, de-icers, and gasoline additives. Glycerol Once used for automotive antifreeze, glycerol has the advantage of being non-toxic, withstands relatively high temperatures, and is noncorrosive. Glycerol was historically used as an antifreeze for automotive applications before being replaced by ethylene glycol, which has a lower freezing point. While the minimum freezing point of a glycerol-water mixture is higher than an ethylene glycol-water mixture, glycerol is not toxic and is being reexamined for use in automotive applications. Glycerol is mandated for use as an antifreeze in many sprinkler systems.
TYPES OF ANTI-FREEZE Ethylene glycol Ethylene glycol solutions became available in 1926 and were marketed as "permanent antifreeze" since the higher boiling points provided advantages for summertime use as well as during cold weather. Methanol water mixtures were commonly used for winter only antifreeze until the 1960’s. Ethylene glycol is poisonous to humans and other animals, and should be handled carefully and disposed of properly. Its sweet taste can lead to accidental ingestion. Propylene glycol Propylene glycol, on the other hand, is considerably less toxic than ethylene glycol and may be labeled as "non-toxic antifreeze". It is used as antifreeze where ethylene glycol would be inappropriate, such as in food-processing systems or in water pipes in homes where incidental ingestion may be possible. As confirmation of its relative non-toxicity, the FDA allows propylene glycol to be added to a large number of processed foods, including ice cream, frozen custard, and baked goods.
HOW IS ANTI-FREEZE MADE? Ethylene oxide + Water = Ethylene Glycol Ethylene Glycol + Additives = Automotive Anti-Freeze
ANTI-FREEZE (Ethylene to Coolant) August 8, 2013 ANTI-FREEZE (Ethylene to Coolant)
ETHYLENE Ethylene is produced by steam cracking natural gas or naptha from oil refining. In this process, gaseous or light liquid hydrocarbons are heated to 1400–1750°F, inducing numerous free radical reactions followed by immediate quench in cooling towers to stop these reactions. This process converts large hydrocarbons into smaller ones and introduces unsaturation. Ethylene is separated from the resulting complex mixture by repeated compression and distillation.
ANTI-FREEZE (Ethylene to Coolant) August 8, 2013 ETHYLENE Ethylene production is inherently dangerous. Production temperatures operate up to 1800°F. Ethylene before converting to ethylene oxide has a flash point of -200°F. US ethylene trading at standstill after Williams' Louisiana plant fire Houston (Platts)—13 Jun 2013 8 pm EDT/1838 GMT The US spot ethylene market was at a standstill Thursday on news of an explosion and fire at Williams' olefins complex in Louisiana that killed one person earlier in the day, market sources said. Sellers pulled all material Thursday morning upon learning of the explosion and were assessing the impact on the market before extending new offers, sources said.
Ethylene is converted to Ethylene Oxide by catalyzing with either acids or bases + Water = Ethylene Glycol Ethylene glycol is produced from ethylene (ethene), via the intermediate ethylene oxide. Ethylene oxide reacts with water to produce ethylene glycol according to the chemical equation: C2H4O + H2O → HO–CH2CH2–OH
ANTI-FREEZE (Ethylene to Coolant) August 8, 2013 Ethylene Glycol Ethylene glycol is a mature, organic chemical commodity. In addition to being used as antifreeze for internal combustion engines, it has application in the production of polyester fibers and film, in alkyd and polyester resins for coatings, and in a wide variety of miscellaneous uses. While consumption of ethylene glycol has for years been dominated by antifreeze, the fastest growing end use over the last ten years has been for polyester fibers. By 1980 the polyester end use equaled if not exceed that for antifreeze. The miscellaneous uses include polyester resins for the laminating of glass fibers. Polyester-glass fiber laminates are used in making furniture, boat hulls, aircraft parts, and automobile bodies. Certain alkyd resins for coatings, adhesives and rubber modifiers are made by reacting ethylene glycol and polyhydric alcohols with dibasic acids. Ethylene glycol is also used in compounds for de-icing aircraft wings and windshields, in brake and shock absorber fluids to help dissolve inhibitors and inhibit rubber swelling. It is also used as a coupler in fire retardant lubricants. In latex paints, and various other water based products, it is used to guard against freezing. It prevents gel formation in water dispersions. Ethylene glycol is also a solvent for certain dyes and colorants.
Ethylene Glycol Anti-freeze Today 99% of the antifreeze/coolant is composed of: 95% Ethylene Glycol 5% Water and Additives for corrosion inhibition & foam suppression Dye for identification These inhibitors prevent the formation of the insulating blanket of rust inside the engine block and at the same time prevent any damaging corrosion, as can occur to the point of perforation of some metals when it is not controlled.
Toxicology Ethylene Glycol is toxic to people and animals. If several fluid ounces are swallowed, it can kill. Automotive antifreeze/coolant is nearly 100% Ethylene Glycol and should be given the same respect as the pure material. A drink of 8 ounces can cause the death of an adult. Lesser amounts ingested by children or small animals can kill them. Less than lethal dosages can cause permanent damage to kidney and liver. Small dosages through a long period of time are also damaging. Do not drink. Keep it away from children.
Corrosion Inhibitors Traditional inhibitors Traditionally, there were two major corrosion inhibitors used in vehicles: silicates and phosphates. Conventional American coolant (green or gold) contains silicates (a long-used aluminum corrosion inhibitor) and other inhibitors. Silicates work quickly to protect aluminum, but also are depleted relatively quickly in service. American made vehicles traditionally used both silicates and phosphates. European vehicles contain silicates and other inhibitors, but no phosphates. Japanese vehicles traditionally use phosphates and other inhibitors, but no silicates.
Corrosion Inhibitors Organic acid technology (OAT) Most current US cars are built with organic acid technology (OAT) antifreeze (e.g., Dex-Cool). OAT coolant (orange, pink or yellow) contains no silicates and no phosphates. It's a blend of two or more organic acids, a specific class of inhibitors with slow-acting, long-life properties. have an extended service life of five years or 240,000 km (150,000 mi). Mixing a 'green' [non-OAT] coolant with DEX-COOL reduces the batch's change interval to 2 years or 30,000 miles, but will otherwise cause no damage to the engine. Conventional European coolant (blue or yellow) contains a low dose of silicates and no phosphates, but does include other inhibitors, including one organic acid. Conventional Japanese coolant (green or red) contains no silicates, but has a heavy dose of phosphates and other inhibitors, including a modest amount of one or two organic acids.
Corrosion Inhibitors Hybrid organic acid technology (HOAT) (e.g., Zerex G-05) HOAT coolants typically mix an OAT with a traditional inhibitor, such as silicates or phosphates. G05 is a low-silicate, phosphate free formula that includes a benzoate inhibitor. Hybrid European coolant (blue or green) is similar to conventional European, but with a much greater dose of organic acids. It's a balanced formula designed to have the silicates provide the primary protection for the aluminum, then allow the organic acids to provide long-term protection. Hybrid American coolant (green or orange) contains a moderate dose of silicates, plus a blend of organic acids.
Measuring the freeze point Three methods are commonly employed to determine the freeze point of the solution: Specific gravity — (using a hydrometer or some sort of floating indicator), Refractometer — which measures the refractive index of the antifreeze solution and translates it into freeze point, and Test strips — specialized, disposable indicators made for this purpose. Although ethylene glycol hydrometers (bulb ball testers) are widely available and mass-marketed for antifreeze testing, they give false readings at high temperatures because specific gravity changes with temperature. Propylene glycol (Sierra Brand) solutions cannot be tested using specific gravity because of ambiguous results (40% and 100% solutions have the same specific gravity).
ANTI-FREEZE TYPES Passenger Car Antifreeze Standard Low-Silicate Coolant (Green) Dex-Cool GM Coolant (Orange) Chrysler/Ford Coolant (Red) Conventional Japanese Coolant (Green or Red) Conventional European Coolant (Blue or Yellow) Hybrid European Coolant (Blue or Green) US Multi-Vehicle / Global Coolant (Yellow) Diesel Engine Antifreeze Standard SCA Pre-charged Coolant (Pink) Extended Life 300,0000 Mile Diesel Coolant (Red) Hybrid Extend Life 600,000 Mile Diesel Coolant (Yellow)
PCMO STANDARD GREEN A multi-purpose, low silicate antifreeze formulated for engine cooling systems, including heavy duty diesel and gasoline truck engines and engines made of aluminum. Phosphate Free and contains less than 0.1% silicate, and its balance of corrosion inhibitors makes it compatible with the use of supplemental cooling additives (SCA). Meets Specifications: ASTM D-2610 ASTM D-3306 TMC RP-329 Type A TMC RP-302A ASTM D-4985 GSA CID A-A-52624
PCMO GM DEXCOOL Extended Life ORANGE Single-phase, ethylene glycol based, extended life, universal automotive engine coolant with Phosphate Free, carboxylate inhibitor system. Suitable for a five year or 150,000 mile service life in automotive applications. In heavy-duty applications not requiring nitrite is suitable for a service life of 400,000 miles or 8,000 hours. Meets Specifications: ASTM D-6210 ASTM D-4985 ASTM D-3306 ASTM D-5345 HD ASTM D-4985 ASTM D-4656 Auto TMC RP-329 Type A
PCMO US MULTI-VEHICLE / GLOBAL YELLOW Low silicate hybrid formula, nitrate free, phosphate free, with organic acid technology (OAT) and molybdate additive system. Recommended for and compatible with all automotive and light duty truck (foreign or domestic) in the market today not requiring the use of SCA’s, regardless of color. When used in a flush and refill service of the cooling system, the product will provide 5 years, or 150,000 miles of service (which ever occurs first). Meets Specifications: ASTM D-3306 ASTM D-4340 Recommended for use when calling for: Chrysler MS7170 Chrysler MS9769 GM 1825M GM 6277M (Dex-Cool) Ford ESE-M97B44-A Ford WSS-M97B44-D Ford WSS-97B51-A1 JASO M325 (Japan) JIS K 2234 (Japan) SAE J1034 Mercedes Benz DBL 7700 FVV HEFT R443 (Germany) Toyota TSK 2601 BS 6580 (British Standard) VW TL774
DIESEL SCA READY PINK A conventional, single-phase, ethylene glycol based heavy-duty diesel engine coolant with silicate, nitrite and molybdate. Already contains the initial dose of supplemental coolant additives (SCAs) and is ready for use in initial fill, flush and fill, and top-up applications. Commercially available test strips or a test tool can be used with this product to determine when additional SCAs must be added, usually every 30,000 miles. Meets Specifications: This product meets or exceeds: • ASTM D 3306, D6210, D 4985 for automotive service • ASTM D 6210 for heavy duty diesel service • TMC RP 302B, RP 329, RP 338, RP 351 • Mack • Caterpillar • Ford ESE-M97B44-A • Cummins • GM 1825M & 1899M • John Deere H24B1 and H24C1 • Waukesha 4-1947D • JI Case JIC501 Replaces: Cat DEAC, Fleetguard Compleat®, Old World FLEET CHARGE®, Prestone® Heavy Duty, Detroit Diesel POWER-COOL ®, Cummins FLEETCOOL
WHAT IS A SCA AND WHY DO YOU NEED THEM? SCA is the acronym for Supplemental Coolant Additive. These are additive packages, either dry or liquid, which are added to extend the useful life of the inhibitor package to protect the cooling system against cavitation erosion corrosion (Cylinder Liner Pitting Protection), formation of scale, cooling system deposit, rust and other unwanted cooling system degradation products generated as a result of the engine operation. A “Type 2” supplemental coolant additive is based on Borate/Nitrite chemistry, while “Type 4” additives are based on Phosphate/Nitrite/Molybdate chemistry. They are two different technologies, and, for optimal performance, should not be mixed but they are compatible.
Cavitation Corrosion/Erosion Modern high speed diesel engines contain cast iron replaceable cylinder liners that are subject to accelerated corrosion due to a process commonly known as liner pitting. When plain water is used as a coolant, liners can be penetrated in a matter of 500 hours of operation when conditions are severe. Cylinder liners are installed in a press fit with the engine block. Gaskets, called crevice seals, are used to seal the lube oil system from the cooling system across the liner. The pistons strike the liners as they travel up and down due to the side thrust imparted by the connecting rods as the power is translated from the linear up and down motion of the piston to the rotary motion of the crankshaft. The clearance between the piston and the liner and the liner and the block allows this piston slap to be translated into a high frequency vibration, much like the vibration of a bell when it is struck. The side of the liner in contact with the coolant moves first toward the coolant and then away from it. This rapid movement can cause small vapour bubbles to form as the liner moves away, and to collapse or implode as the liner moves back. Very large forces are generated in very small areas as this happens. This is known as cavitation corrosion/erosion. The violent shock waves caused by bubble collapse hammer the liner surface. The resulting bare liner surface has been highly stressed and is very active. The resulting corrosion/erosion is localized and effectively drills small holes in the liner wall. If allowed to progress, these holes will penetrate the wall and oil will flow into the coolant when the engine is running and coolant into the oil when the engine is shut down. Liner pitting can occur anywhere on the cylinder liner. Most frequently it is found on the side of the liner where the piston strikes just after the cylinder fires, and to a lesser degree on the opposite side where the cylinder strikes on the up stroke. However, it can occur anywhere on the liner where the highest level of vibration occurs. Because of variations from cylinder to cylinder and engine to engine, no two liners will appear the same.
DIESEL EXTENDED LIFE (ELC) RED Extended life carboxylate inhibitor system and nitrite / molybdate Designed to go 600,000 miles on-road or 12,000 hours off-road with only one Shell ROTELLA® ELC Extender addition at 300,000 miles or 6,000 hours. Meets Specifications: • CAT EC-1 • TMC RP 329, RP 338 • ASTM D-6210 • ASTM D-4985 • ASTM D-5345 HD • ASTM D-3306 • ASTM D-4656 • Detroit Diesel 7SE298 • Navistar CEMS-B-1 • GM6277M (Dex-Cool) • Freightliner 48-2280 Replaces: Cat ELC , Shell Rotella ELC
DIESEL READY EXTENDED LIFE (ELC) YELLOW Ultra ELC Coolant contains Hybrid OAT corrosion inhibitor technology Free of nitrites, amines, phosphates (NAP), borates and silicates Designed to go 600,000 miles on-road or 12,000 hours off-road without additives International's 2010 compliant MaxxForce® engines Meets Specifications: • ASTM D-3306 • ASTM D-6210 • Case MS1710 • CAT DEAC • Chrysler MS 9769 • Cummins 14603 • EMD M.I. 1748E • Detroit Diesel 7SE298 • Ford WSS-M97B51-A1 • GM 1899M • Freightliner 48-2280 • John Deere JDM H24A2 • Mercedes Benz • Navistar CEMS-B-1 • TMC RP 329 • BS8580 • MTU A001061 • New Holland 9-86 • Waukesha 4-1974D • Perkins Powerpart • Paccar Replaces: John Deere Cool-Gard, Vavoline Zerex G-05 (Mercedes, Ford and Chrysler factory fill)