8.1 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 8.1-1 Infinitives Je ne veux rien voir passer!


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Presentation transcript:

8.1 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc Infinitives Je ne veux rien voir passer!

8.1 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc An infinitive can follow many conjugated verbs directly. To negate the conjugated verb, place ne… pas (jamais, etc.) around it. Infinitives aimer to like to compter to expect to croire to believe to be (doing something) désirer to want to détester to hate to écouter to listen to entendre to hear devoir to have to/must espérer to hope to laisser to allow to oser to dare to paraître to seem to penser to intend to pouvoir to be able to/can préférer to prefer to prétendre to claim to regarder to watch savoir to know how to sembler to appear to souhaiter to wish to venir to come to voir to see vouloir to want to Nous comptons obtenir des billets. Were expecting to get tickets. Il ne prétend pas être un fan de léquipe. He doesnt claim to be a fan of the team.

8.1 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc Infinitives ATTENTION! Remember that aller + [infinitive] describes actions occurring in the near future and venir de + [infinitive] describes actions that have or had just occurred. Ils vont marquer un but! Theyre going to score a goal! Il venait de fêter son 100e anniversaire quand il est mort. He had just celebrated his 100th birthday when he died.

8.1 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc Many verbs are used with a preposition, usually à or de, before the infinitive. Les meilleurs athlètes arrivent à finir la course. The best athletes manage to run the whole race. Ils noublient jamais de siffler pendant le match. They never forget to whistle during the game. Infinitives

8.1 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc Remember to place any pronouns before either the conjugated verb or the infinitive, depending on which one they are the objects of. Do not contract the prepositions à and de with the direct object pronouns le and les. Je lai entendue chanter une fois. I heard her sing once. Tu noublieras pas de le faire. You wont forget to do it. Infinitives

8.1 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc To negate an infinitive after a conjugated verb, place both ne and pas directly before the infinitive. Place ne and pas directly before any pronouns that accompany the infinitive. Le prof a décidé de ne pas venir. The teacher decided not to come. Vous préférez ne pas leur en parler? You prefer not to speak to them about it? Infinitives

8.1 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc Impersonal expressions of the type Il est… + [adjective] are followed by de + [infinitive] to describe a general opinion. Il faut… and Il vaut mieux… can be followed directly by an infinitive to express obligation. Il est important de faire de la gym. It is important to work out. Il faut se détendre après le travail. One has to relax after work. Infinitives

8.1 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc Some verbs usually take an indirect object before de + [infinitive]. Such verbs include commander, conseiller, demander, dire, permettre, promettre, and suggérer. Maman lui a demandé dacheter des épinards. Mom asked him to buy spinach. Nous leur permettons de rentrer à onze heures. We let them come home at 11 oclock. Infinitives

8.1 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc The present participle can act as the subject of a verb in English, but in this case French uses the infinitive. Être un enfant nest pas toujours facile. Being a child is not always easy. Voir, cest croire. Seeing is believing. Infinitives

8.1 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc The infinitive is often used to give instructions or commands, as in recipes or on public signs. Mettre au four pendant 15 minutes. Put in the oven for 15 minutes. Ne pas toucher! Do not touch! Infinitives

8.1 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc The past infinitive is formed with the infinitive of avoir or être plus the past participle of the verb. The past infinitive is often used with après. Après avoir crié pendant deux heures au match, javais mal à la gorge. After shouting for two hours at the game, my throat hurt. Hier soir, ils ont décidé de voir une pièce après être sortis. Last night, they decided to see a play after going out. Infinitives

8.1 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc A past participle used with the past infinitive agrees just as it would if the helping verb were conjugated. Place object pronouns before the helping verb. On naimait plus la comédie après lavoir vue cinq fois. We didnt like the comedy any more after seeing it five times. Après sêtre promenée sous la pluie, elle a attrapé un rhume. After walking in the rain, she caught a cold. Infinitives

8.1 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc Use an infinitive instead of the subjunctive when there is no change of subject between clauses or with impersonal expressions that have a general meaning and no true subject. Infinitives Subjunctive: subject change between clauses Infinitive: no subject change between clauses Papa désire que nous allions à la plage. Dad wants us to go to the beach. Stéphanie et Lionel préfèrent que leurs enfants ne regardent pas trop la télévision. Stéphanie and Lionel prefer that their children do not watch too much television. Il vaut mieux quelle mette un anorak pour faire du ski. She should wear a parka to go skiing. Papa désire aller à la plage. Dad wants to go to the beach. Stéphanie et Lionel préfèrent ne pas trop regarder la télévision. Stéphanie and Lionel prefer to not watch too much television. Il vaut mieux mettre un anorak pour faire du ski. Its best to wear a parka to go skiing.